Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 19, 31 January 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The HawHiian c< Morey letter'' —L. A. Tliurston's speecii last night! —Our '•andi(hit's are re'juirt(! (o promo(e and d<jen<l all meamres for the rulvanlcuje of the workin<j classct<. —Nalional Keform Plntform. The governiiient organ styles T. B. Lucas, k< tbe lion." It does Lucas if he would get the lion's sbare of votes in tlie fourtli distrieti Ii there appears to be a dearth of oftice-holders at their usual v posts in the afternoons, it is because they are thronging the Tiraes office to secure tUoir opmion for the next dav ! J. F. Moiu;an's ideas of "honorable tactics" are rather raisty. In his eagerness to make a poini against his oppoLent l.ist night he grossly violated business coniidence reposed in him. Then ho h:id the etfrontery to ask for votes! Mh. Thukston finds arguments for the C-irter bargain in the disastrous sequence of a religīous pei*secution coniineneed in 1839. Gould lie not go a little further aud discover cogent reasoas for it in tlie Salem Witclicraft episoues? SrcH of ilie 4< truly loyal" as fa.il to get filled wiih Mr. Thurston's belief at public meetings, ean catch some drippings from the eminent statesraan's aicumulation of wisdom at luneli aivv day at Nolte s. He holds infomi<il receptions every day aud the interest witli whieh his auditors hang 011 his utterances and the gluttony with whieh they swallow eveiy proposition advanced by him, is truly edifving SEvi:iiAL correspondents of the Adveriiser wish to know why Mr. Wide-j mann sat- in the legislajure with aj couvicted reprobate like Mr. Kekoa. j This is intended as a sarcastic refer- ( euee to the alleged "spasm of virtue" j whieh the government scribblers de- j elare caused his resignation fromaj legislature that condoned offences in ■ Mr. Nawahine, while it expelled other men. Well, Mr. Widemann certainly did remaiu with Kekoa, ThurstonJ Doie Avd others! !