Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 19, 31 January 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOHOLULU _ ~ ■ ~tr ■ FIEE DEPAETMENT! r IHNIML PARADE! - AND - TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION! i " -onlionday Evening, Feb'y 3, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the Annaal Parade of the Dejmrtment will take plaee from tlie Bell Tower on the above date, oomnienciiig at 7 o'eloek. Officera aiid members of the several eompauiee are requested to asßemble in uniionu with their apj>aratus at the Bell Tower at 6 o'eloek in the eTening. Per order, HENRYSMITH, i j3i-4t. Secretary H. F. D. ENTERPRISE CARRIAGE CO. CARttIAOE STAMD, N«, 8, CORNER NUUANU & KING STREETS. WALLAOE JAGKSON & CO. Proprietors. Bell Telephone 113. Hutual Telephone 630. All Ordere rromptly Attended to. jan3l-dlw. i Ina oe e makemake ana i kaa ame ka hookele akahele, e telepone no WALLACE JftCKSON, Ma ke kahna o ka HUI KAA 0 KA ENTERPRISE. I KE KAA HĒLU 84. Telepone Mutuala 630 Telcpone Bele 113. i3l-lwk. NA MMKWIk HOLO _ONA — KAAAHI. E Haalele ana na Kaa Ahi o ka Hui Hooholo Kaa Ahi Penei: HAALELE IA HONO- HIKI HOU MA HONOLULU. LULU. 7:30... A. M. 9:30. . A. M. 10:00. ...... A. M. 12:00.. ... .M. 3K)O P. M. 4:30 r. M. no?l£J-lf