Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 19, 31 January 1890 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fourth District, Firtt Precii»ct HOHOLULU. OAHU. / REGISTRALION OF VOTERS. The In&pectorB o! Election for the First Precinct, Distrlct Four, wUI meet at the offiee of M. D. Monb?rrat, Cartwright buildihg, Merchant street, oppo•ltc Poatofflce, on FRIDAY, Jan 31st, for regietering votertj and correcting the Reglster. Notice of any fntthcr meetings will be given at the above meeting2 All who are reglsteriag are rwpcctfully requested to bring their Tax Receipts. The First Preclnct of the Fourth Diatrict eompriseg aii that portion of said District lying we«t of Nuuanu street. M. D. MONrAKRAT, Chairman of Inspectors of Election, First Precinct, Fourth PiBtrict. j3Btf. Fourth District, Second Precinct I HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. - ... .■■■■■ ■ i " i 1 The InspectorB of Election for the above Precinct wiil meet at the Bell Tower for the purpoee of registering voters and correctiag the Register, Qn KRIDAY; ; Jan. 81, from 4 to 8 p. m. The botindarieB of this Precinct are as follows: Richard street, Beretania etreet, Nuuanu street and the Harbor: C« T. ROGERS, H. W. AULD, T. C PORTER, j2Btf Inspectors of Election. Fifth DiBtrict, First Precinct. HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. The Inspector of Election for the First Precinct of DiBtrict Five wiil meet in said Precinct at the Reformatory School for Nobles and Repreaentatives and correcting the Register,onMONDAY, January 27th, from 7 to 9p. m., FRIDAY, January, 3ist. i from 7 to 9 p. m. j Notice of auy further meetiut;s will bc given at the above meetingB. ' Tlie First Precinct of tlie Fifth DiBtrict compri6es I all tliat portion of said District lying East of the i main road up Kalihl Valley and mauka of King ! street. i All voters when registering are reBpcctfully re- ! »iueste(! to brinc their Tax Receipts. F. WUNDENBERG, j2Btf. Chairman. Fifth Precinct v Second District! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATTON OF VOTERS. Tlic Ins»pcctors of Election for thc 2nd Precinct, sth District, Honolulu, will meet in said Precinc-t i at thc Reformatory School for the purposo of regi&tering voters for Nobles and Rej>resentativeB, and correcting the Rcc:iBter, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 29th, j from 4 ti> 7p. m.' and on FRIDAY, Jan. 318t, from 2to 8 p. m. Notice of further meetin<;B will be £Tiven at the above meetings. ' Pleaee briug your Tax Receiptß. I The 2nd Preeint of thc sth Distriet comprises all i that portion of thc District niakai of King street ! aud west of the road up Kalilii Valley. i . W. L. WILCOX, ! Chairman of Inspectors of Election, 2nd Precinct, ! sth DiBtriet. j2Stf. i Hoolaha Jioopaa Inoa. | APANA 1, MAHELE 1. r NOHO ana ka Papa Nana Koho, Amna 1, Ma- | L hele 1, ma ka halee ku nei maloko o kapa , kauu pua o ke Aupuni ma Pawaa, no ka hoopaa ! ana i na inoa oka poe koho balota, i ka POAi KOLU, lan. 29, I'OAHA, lan. 30, a me ka POAILIMA, lan. 31, mai ka hora4aku a ka hora 8 ; p.ui. E. G. SCHUMAN, Lnnahoomaln. ! Papa Nana Koho, Apana 1, Mahele 1. | jan, 28-1-week. Hoolaha Hoopaa luoa. APANA 1, MAHELE 2. ENOHO ana ka Papa Nana o ka Apana 1, Mahele 2, ma ka Halekula, ma alanui Beritania i ka Poalua ia 28, mai ka hora 5 a ka hora 7:.*K) p.m., a i k» Poalima aku hoi, hora a ka hora 5:30 p,m. E kau ia ana ka paua inoa o na poe i hoopaa ia mawaho oka hale i olek) ia ae nei i ka Poaha a me ka Poaiima aku. A ke kono ia aku nei na poe i hoopaa i ko lakou mau inoa e hele mai e nan» iua ua paa ko lakou mau inoa ma na papa inoa la. ALBF>RT LUCAS, GARDNER WIIJDER, J. ALFRED MAOOON. lan2B -Iw Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. AI'AKA» MAHELE l ENOHO ana ka PanA Nana Koho o ka Apana 2, Mahele 1, ma ka halekuai, kihi o Alanni Nuuann a me Pauoa, no ka hoopaa ana i na inoa o Ka poe koho i ka la apopo, Poakolu lauuari29, uiai ka hora 7a ka hora 9 p.m M a i ka Poalima aku hoi, lanuah 31, hora 2 a hora 6 p.m. ALFRED W. CAHTEII, Lnnahoomalu Papa Nana Koho, Mahele 1, Apaaa2, la&2b—lw