Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 19, 31 Ianuali 1890 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BY AUTHORITY. peHH'. REGISTRATION NOTICES. FirBt DiBtnct, First Precinct! HOMOLULU, OAHO. REGISTRATION 0F YOTEBS. A)ut oi voters for Nobles Repre«oat»tive« been posted at the Polling plaee of this Precinrt, tbo Governnient Nnrsery on King Btreet. Votere ean B»tlafj themselves by insp«cting said iiat that their namee are properly entered. For the Surpose of makin&r any eorrections and for any aditional name» to be added, meetings will be held at the Government Nursery, King street, on WEDNESDAY, Jan.39th, frorai to 8 P. m. THUHSDAY, Jan. »Hh, from 4 toBp. m. FRIDAY, Jan. 31, from 4to Sp. m. E. G. SCHUMAN, Chalrman of InBpeetor» JUt Precinct, let District. First DistHct Second Precinct! HONOLŪLU, OAHU. RE(tIJSTRATION OF VOTERS. Notice is hereby gh*en that a meeting will be held in the 2nd Prec iuct, lst Difttrict, Honolulu, at the Pu'hlie School Houee on Beretania street, between i Penaaeola and Piikoi streets, ob TL'EBDAY, 28th inst., from 5 to 7:30 p. m., and on Friday, 81st inst M from 2:30 to S:S) P. M. A list of registered and entitled to vote wlil be ed at the above plaee on Thursday, 30th iust., and l'rlday, 3lst iust. All voter« in "this Preeinct are requested to see that their namee are on the list. ALBERT LUCAS, i GARDNER K WILDER, J ALFRED MAGOON, i j2Btf. InBpectors of Election, 2nd Precinct. | Second District, First Precinct! | HONOLOLU. OAHU. KEGISTRATION OF VOTERS. j The InspectorB of Election for the 2nd District, ltt Pm inct, Honolulu, will mcet at the Btore, corner of Nuuanu and Pauoa streets, for the purpose 0 f registcring voters andoorrecting the Register, 011 WEDNESDAY, Jan. 29th, from7 to 9 4 p, m. and Y, Jan. Slst, from 2 to 6 v. m. ALFRED W. CARTER, Chairman of Inspectors of Election, lst Precinct, 2d District. j2Btf. i Second District, Second Precinct! j HONOLULU, OAHU. j REGISTRATION OF VOTETS. | Tho Board of Insi>ectors of Election for ihe 2nd i Precinct, 2nd Di«trict, Honolulu, will meet for reg- ' i6tering voters and correcting the register, at the | Polling Plaee fbr sāid Prcc inct, llon. W. H. Kic<-'s j barn, School street, on FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, from 7 to 9 P. M., and at No. 4 Engine hou«e, on MON- I DAY and TUESDAY, Jan. 27th and 28th,from 7 to i 9 p. m. JONATHAN SHAW, I j2Btf. Chairman. | Third District, First Precinct! | HONOLULU, OAHU. j REGISTRATIOK OF VOTERS !' I Notice ig hen by jjiven thata meetingwill be held i tn the First Preci*nct, Thinl Dietrict, Honolulu, at ■ the Honolulu Ritles Armory, Beretan"ia etreet, on i WEDNESDAY, January 29th and FRIDAY, Jan -; «arv Slst, betweeu the hour* of 7 to 9 p. m., for the { purpose of Registeriug Votcre and correctincr thc ( Rtfiēter. These mcetingB will bc continued from week to week at the satue on the Bame day6 and hour»> as abi»ve. F. TURHILL, ' jostf. Chairman. Third District, Second Precinct! ! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. ! For the purnosei>f re«:istering voti r>and eorreetins? thc list of voten* the utvioigned wiH hohi a ' nu\lic meetingat Aliiolani llai« , on THL KiDAY, Jan. 30th, from 7 to 9 p. M. Beside* thc above meeting, r.pplieatu>ns wil! bo r« ived dailv for Re«rUtration of Votets at the *ame plaee duriuj£ oflice hours until thc end of this month. The htvuncUrie< of this Prccinet arc as foIlows: Ail ttiAt portlon Houolnlu inakai of Reretania street to tne water tYoiit. b«>uuded by Richard street ' ou the F.wa aiiK\ and by Alapai anii South *treets on the Waikiki side. No pcr**>n ean vute ho** 4 name ia uot registered in the ne »- Retfister of thi> Prccinct. ' HF.NHY SMITH, BARNEY ORDEX6TEIN. j G. V. PETERS, In*i«ectort of Electiou, 2nd Precinct, 3rd Di?trict. 1 ]28tf, I