Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 18, 30 January 1890 — DON’T TELL MARQUES. [ARTICLE]

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When Mr. Wilder entered ou his famous diasectiou of the opposition persounel he wastille<l with special vir* tuous indiguatiou agaiust Mr. Marques fOr oonstrueting his houso on a Chinrso contract. This iutense fury on the part of the worthy candidate for NoUle, probably iuduced him to recently order a large desk of a Chinamaa at considerably below caucasian %ures. *—Our ~andidatts arc tmphalicaUy ]>hut<jcd to maintain the ahmlule mdei)efuUnct and autonomy oj thc Ki)iydom.—Ntitional Keform Platform. ,4 lt has been, as you are welLaware, tho avowed object of this governLaent to assist iu the establishment and maintenauce o£ a iiativo uutonouiy of government in the Pacific island groups,under whieh civilization should advance and the arts of peaeo be encouraged. T. F. Bayard U. 8. Seere« taryof Btate to Mr. H. A. P. Carter. Our ca7idi<lat<'* will unconditionaUy endorse and furlher by all meann, the carn<Kt wieh ex]tre*s<:d by our PoīUieal Awoeiaiion*, for immeāiaie and sirin<jent meaeures agatnsf tke Asiatic Hordex who thr< atoi this count/y—sujtplantiny aud t>tarc t ny out the uatic> s and driclny atcay the /on iyn worhm nNational lieforw Platform.