Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 18, 30 Ianuali 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Nobod\!'s darlipg—tbe Adverti«er' Bomebody's darling—the Times ! , Beiiind the Times —L. A. Tiiurston! Ahead of the Times — the National Reform party.' Doks any good brother know whether Long John Co. found MeGinty at anv of the eorners visited the othei day? This joke is Fuller of political meaning than some inay think! TO-Moi(Uow night, at 7:30 o eloek, in the liiJties Armory,Beretania street, a general meetiug of the electors of the National lteform party, belonging to the Tiiiid District will be hekl. Eleetors o£ the adjoining districts are cordiaDy iuvited. The Times wants to know of the opposition partv who constitutes the obnoxious foreign element referred to by Mr. llosa in a speech of his. As Mr. H. exphuned the point ovcr his own signature, wouhl it not be well for the Times to refer to his letter for the inforiu.ttion songht? . Rēciprocity from the Auaeiiean standpoiut—the position taken bv the National Reform party! lleeipiocity as misunderstood by the <4 ener getic idiots" of the government party —the free trade madnes.s whieh thev propose t > force upon the United States "tirst, last and every time ! Tue mootiiig <>f Inspectors of Eleetion for the purpose of registering ▼oters in Precinet 2, District 5, was not held yesterday asadvertisedowing to the absence of two inspcctors. One of the absentees, Mr. T. A. Lloyd. is a governiuent officer and no reason is assigne<l for bis al)sence, Mr. A. Fciiiiiadc/ was siillering from sore eyes. Mr. W . L. \\ ilcox was on band but was powerless to act alone. A great many j>eople eame to register and the same number went away dis* appointe<l. Btill the fact remains that we liave eleoiion inspectors and if their meetings fail to coincide with announcements in the papers, probably reasons exist kuown to their su— periors but jQdiciously kept from the knowledge of the people.