Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 18, 30 January 1890 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fourth District, Flr«t Prednct HONOLULO, OAHU. REGISTRALION OF VOTERS. The InspectorB oi EleeUon for tbe First Precinct, Distrlct Four, wili meet at the o£āce of M. D. Monsarrat« Gartwright baildiog; Mercha»t street, oppoBite Postoffice, oq FRIDAii, Jan 81st, for regiateringvotersand correcting £he Eegister. Notice of any further meetiogs wul bc given at the above raeetingß. All voters who are reglstQring arc reapcctfull? requested to bring their Tax Receipts. The Firet Precinct of the Fourth District eompri&es all that portiou of eaid District lyiog west of Nuuanu street. M. D. MONBARRAT, Chairui&n of Inspectors of Election, First Precinct, Fourth District. j2Btf. Fourth District, Second Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. The Inspectors <jf Elei lion for the above Preciuct wili meet at the Bcli Tower for the purpose of registering voters and correoting the Rcgister, ou FRIDAY. Jan. 31, from 4 to 8 p. m. The boundarieB of this Precinct fi*-e as follows: Richard street, Beretania street, Nuuanu street and the Harbor: C« T. ROGERS, 11. W. AULD, T. C. PORTER, j2Btf Inspectors of Election. Fifth District, First Precinct. HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. The Inspector of Eieelion for thc First Precinct of Dis.trict Five will meet in said Precinct at thc Reformatory School for Nobles and Representātives and correeting the Register, on MONI)AY, Jahuary 27th, from 7 to 9 p. m., FRIDAY, January, 81st. from7to9p.M. Notice of any further meetini?s will bc given at ttie above meetings. The First Preeinct of theFifth District compri«ee ail that portion of said District iying East of the main road up Kalihi Valley and mauka of Kiujr street. All voters wlien registering are respectfuliy requested to bring ilieir Tax Reeeipts. F WUNDENBERG, ehainiian. Fifth Prechibt, Second District! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATJ()X OF VOTERS The Inspectors of Ēiection for the 2nd Preeinct, sth I)istrict, Honolulu, will meet in said Precinct at the Refbrmatorv School for the purpos«» of reg~ Uterine: voters for Nobles and Rejiresentatives, and j e jrrectin]Lr thc Ree:ister, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 29th, i *'rom 4 to 7 p. m.' and on FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, from to 8. P. m. Notice of further mectiugs will bc iriven at the above meetings. Please briug voar Tax Receipts. The Ond Preemt of the sth Distfict ( , omprlses all that portion of the l)istrict makai of Kiug etreet and west of the road up Kalihi Valiey. W. L. WILC()X, Chairmon of īnspectors of Election, lind Precmc t. sth l)istri< t. i'JHtf. Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. ■" AI'ANA 1, MAHELE 1. E NOHO ana ka Paoa Nana Koho, Apaua 1, Mahele 1, ma ka iinie e ku nei maloko o ka pa kanu pua o ke Aupum uia Pawaa, uo ka hoopaa ana ina inoa o ka j>»>o l olio balota, i ka POAKOLU, lau. 29, POAHA, lau. 30, a me ka POALIM A, lan. 31, mai ka hora 4 aku a ka hora 8 p.in, ĒG.SCHUMAN, Lunahoomaiu. Papa Naua Koho, Apana 1, Mahele 1. jan. 28-1-week. Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. APANA 1, MAHELE 2. ENOHO ana ka Papa Nana o ka Apana 1, Mahele 2, ma ka Halekula, ma alanui Beritania i ka Poalua la 28, mai ka hon» 5 a ka hora 7:30 p.m., a i ka l'oalima aku ho., »iora 2:30 a ka hora o:30 p.m. E kau ia ana ka papa ir ona poe i hoopaa ia mawaho o ka hale i olelo »a ae u« i i ka Poaha a me ka Poalima aku. A ke koi o ia aku nei ua poe i hooj>aa i ko lakoii mau inoa e helo maie uaua iua ua j>aa ko iakou mau iuoa ma ua paj>a iuoa la. ALBERT LUCAS, (iARDNER WILDER, J. ALFRED MAOOON. lan3B—lw Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. AI>ANA2, MAHKLE 1 ENOHO ana ka Papa N;uia Koho o ka Apaua 2, Mahele 1, ma ka hiUkuai, kihi o Alauui Nuuanu a me Pauoa, uo ka hoopaa aua i ua iuoa o aa jx>e koho i ka la j*poj>o, Poakolu lanuan 29, uiai ka hora 7a ka hora 9 p.tu., a i ka Poalima aku hoi, lauuari 31, hom 2 a hora 6 p.m. ALFRED W. CARTER, Lnn&hoomalu Papa Nana Koho, Mahele i, Apaua 2. lan2s—lw