Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 18, 30 January 1890 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BY AUTHORITY. REGISTRATION NOTICES. Fir#t District, First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. ■ % A llst of votcrs for Noblee and Represeatatives lias bwn poBtt'd at the Polling plaee of tliis Preetnot, the Government Nnrsery on Kiag etreet. Voters ean satisfy themselves by inspeoting said list that their names are properly entered. For the purj>ose of raaking any corrections and for any adailional names to oe &dded, meetings will be held at tlie Governnient Nnrsery, King street. on WEDNEiSDAY, Jan. 29th, from 4toBp. m. THUHSDAY, Jau. 30th, from 4 toB p. m. FRTDAY, Jan. 31, from 4toS r. x. E. G. BCHUMAN, Chairmp u of In6ncctors, lst Precinct, lst District. j2Btf. Firsl District Second Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGJBTRATION OF VOTERB. Notice is hereby given that a mecting will be held in tlK' 2nd Preoinct, lst Di6trict, Honolulu, at the Pui>lic i?chool House on Beretauia street, heiween P'*:;oav:c»la and Piikoi strcets, on TUEBDAY, inst., from 5 to 7:30 p. m., and on Friday, 81st inBt., from 2:30 lo 5:30 p. M. A list of i>ersons registered and entitled to vote will l>e posted at the abovt* ]>luce on Thursday, 30th inst., and Friday, 3l#t inst. AU votere» in *this Precinct ure rcquested to see that thcir n;unes are on the list. ALBERT LUOAS, GARDXER K. WILDER, J. ALFRED MAGOON, j'2Mf. Inspcctors of Eleelion, 2nd Precinct, Second District, First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Tlie ln.-»pcctors of Eleeīion for the 2nd District, lst Pn rinct, Honolulu, will meet at tlie storc, corncr of Nuuauu and Pauoa i*trects, for the purpose of votere an<l the Rcgister, on WED\ES'DAY, Jan. 29th, from 7 to 9 4 p. M. aud FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, from 2tQ'C p. m. ALFRED W. CARTER, Chairman of Inspcctors of Elcction, lst Prec iuct, 2d District. j2Stf. Second District, Second Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGiSTRATION OF VOTETS. llie' Board of Insj>e< tors of Electiou for tlic 2nd Precinct, 2nd District, Honolula. will mcet for registering voters and correeting the register, at the Polling; Plaee for s«aid Precinet, Hon. W. 11. Ricc's baru, Sehool street, on FRII)AY, Jan. 31st, froni 7 to 9 P, M., and at No. 4 Entrine ou MONDAY aud TUESDAY, Jan. 27th and 28th,from 7to 9T M JONATHAN SHAW. j2Btf. ('hainnan. Third District, First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATI()N OF VOTERS ! Notlcē i» hercby lehen that a iueeting will l>e heUl in First Precinct, Third District, Honolulu, at the Honolulu Rifles Armorv, Beretania street, on WEDNESDAY, January 29th and FRIDAY, Jan uary3lst. between the houn? of 7 to 9 p. m., for the pv»rjH>se of Regi!-leriny: Votcrs aud correetinc: the Rea:i»ter, The«>e meetings will bc coutinued from Week to week at ihe -aine plaee on the days aud hour!> as above. F. TI'RRILL, j2Stf. Chairman. Third District. Second Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. For tlie puri»ose of voters aiul corre<*tiui: ihe li»t of voters ihe undvrsijrii.Mi w ill hold a 'puhlie TOeeting at Aliiolani Hale, on THUHSI)AY, J;ut :S>tn, from 7to r. <sdc< īhe above mcctin<r. appiicatious will h, rc< eived da*ily for of Voter> at the «inie plaee duriujr ottiee h«»urs uutil the eiul of thi< nionih. The tH>uudarics of thi> Precinct are as foilows: All that portion of Honolulu inakai of Bcrētania *itreet to ihe waler tVx)nt. bouudcd by Richard strer t on ihe Kwa ti»de, aud tv Alapāi and South streeti un t ue Waikiki s:de %",v p.cr! f 'Vn ean vote « ho*t» itatnē i* not iv.iri»tc-.rēd in :.!ic ;k w Ki £ i>Ur ol l'it> JYvi-inct. HENRY S\UTH, fi.VRNEV ( 0 V. PETtCRS. of EleeUon, Pre»mct, 3rd Di>trict. j£>ts.