Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 17, 29 Ianuali 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
c< EtisTtKG kdm&istafttio&" — whom the god» uaa&e fools of and for» got to destroy! —Ō*>- c(mdidates are requirtd te pnomoU and dtfmd pV meaāww for the advantāffe qf the workwg Naiional Kelom Platfcwm. The iatest ministerial proa»isQ-~tp try to again destroy Hawaiiaa inele» pendpnfle) , r — 1 tt ? . i - i Politigal adage—whom the people lose confidenoe in thpy sit upon at the first general election! Eveby one of the "iml? good" will take a little "*hisky" $nc( t< sug*r" ia his'n, on prmoiple, darfcig eleetion day! .- . ' ■ ■ Eveby man who helieves in the independenoe cf Hawaii and in the control of the government by the peopīe will vote for the Naiional Reform party !a 4jandidates • —Our ccmdidates %ciU mpport a tiberal modifieaiion o/ the present law <m the property and ineome quattycaii&is now reqmred of dectora for Nohlā.—Naiional Keform Pl»fform. Thx government *xmouDoes <4 they stand or fair* with W.O.Aohi in the fifth district and that the gpvernm«at will recognize no other candidate. Good fot the government I The people hiive determined to stand withoat eitber or rest.of.tho» ille* gitimates!
The wirepullipg qiapagen*esnt of tbe gOTerncaeai party bas decided against furthēr exhibitions. of the;r pst oratdrs. The raanftgem6āt accepts th » fact that preconceiYed notions ar.<i coa£npetf convictions of the foreigQ elemeni geneyally rendexs it pr&otieellj TUis accarate interpretation of the drift of pnblic sentiment is abont flbe on!y instance of political shrewdness w]bioh ean be piaced to the credit of the government party.
Tkb coōtemplafce<i tpeaty betwe€Bi tfae Unj|ted Btates and E&waii, a drrfft oI wkieh '«18 pnbiiBhed moatbs ago, was 80 nnpajtalphle to the pwblic eral]y th*t the ministiy hastened-to all aeqiiiesoence in its provi* aiona. Now the aame treaty is ad?o* cated by the Times and dbe difiastens are propheBied based on its rejection by the people. A» ths Thae» xepze* sents aomethtng vagaiy and »tke oigan of miii»terial policy, th* intdligent reader will s*»e that what the eabhiet oDoerejradiated to a!lay pepnlar exoB4eMent 19 nem a promuient leatnrp of Uie gorernment programme. |
: g>a,foidi«tiaM, *»Ag*ia showiag vp ln {Vfa(, tiiia th« new §ffmmTf&hia t*sM *>* the polttio%l fll«gitim*ti» hasafinßed *nd deoied4ihe v '«xMfa«-sdßuxdMnttiao ,J o! a aoie AaDtßrio»aproteototmte with nltim»tē uinnalioa. mh whei* daai«l i»a*de the gqrrornm«at ill|»gitiitMtes doaMind th«fw«"graßtiißpo|tantoomoMrioa* > " has not asked>ana ander her wellkwowu pplipy iq, ipe P«oifio wiU jiot ask. Lei eyety ofthis kingdom t&at the three «aigaai«iits p£*#i i& fte>Tiffies, as thdse «poa whieh ©sr recfproc!ty ,freaty ; jwas ; seotM?ed f ase ,wholly argaments gotten ap herfe, whiēh <&d&ot iai&anee :fhe tJ»yied i£ta in grant» i&g Q8 ihe protectioii of her ta>riff and will aot stay ihe Withdrawal of the reciprocity treaty one moment shoald the intet*ests of lJmted Btales so decide! 1 But the egotistn ofUieoeministerial iltegitimates is eaor*noas. Othese fel-. lowe the def&atof thē present rebel governmsnt 4 e will be ao signifioant to American offi<?ialā who are | watching tbe oatcome of aflairs.'' Do ; the Hawuiiaii foinisters and their or* ; gan rastpuctions nnder whieh | American offioiala ape placed here? If | they do not, we do; and therefore ad- | vise these ministeml illegitimat*s to igo very alow in snch groaiidles& as« ; Bertions. Hhm» yoa forgotten the i atand iakea by fche American Mi&ister in 1887, wh?n a fo ; w pf the <chot-hsad-edboya° baoked by the revolatHißafry illegitii?lates of 18$?, propōsed to with the !pawaiia& Goverainent ander ihe p%t>taciiop o{ ihe American flag! If the <c existing administrati9n'' is b<#en ip tion c< the recordof 4hiß ministry will be read" in the TMted States aboat as follows: a cabinef ā record of oppression against the native race and attēm|>ted perfidy to ihe mdependene? of Hawāii, was at iadt c 'sat ilpon" by ihe wealth-prod«oiag classes of the kingdom, for said attempted rfclj and crael political oppreasion md becaase this cabin>et aeiihei* rep . sented the poliiieal policy of the United States nor the policy or wis.ies of a majority of peppk: fiving in Mse Ha» waiian Islands!
Within 3psc6) Of foqr vlays the ministerieii'i<mns«listic illeg;Mmetea back of the Tuneg prov d them* selves foolißh IviUiont palli i ion and roguish without abiiity! A. ?r we ; have.e»joyed the tosefit» oi 4meHcan protection ainee 1877« by the courtesy and kindness oi the 4*nericaii Qovera ment, a goyßrwii©ni &ad,a peopk who &reopposed to the\ery aemhlanee olj free taeadeandarelikely,tovote a a peofse or treaty adTOcatitig the doc-1 triae» —in spite of these faets t whieh Mr. CloTeland remembers to his cost, fcbe tf exwitog Comes outfiady, In fcvorof &e tree t?*de doctrme! If anything will tend to kill the benefita we now derive from
*£<&• i.i.i.lliii ;JtT f i l -ly > -' l *' t ■Afifk£^iSH^ > •nno ny üßr}Qv^wßiiUHßi«ii^VHii of !or*ign plaaten, tti« m*j<mty ,of| #hott u»«M£tt JUttAModKir »atf KHk^ five HfcwaJiuflt t . ~. «• | B«t & brtiilMto> ed»ieted^sj withoot palliatioß ud- rogniah "vi&' <Jat āWllty, m «H6DMr seomed ns £tie beoefite of the Ameriean protective Uriff &d tlwy &ro nt*i tho m«n who gaco©Bd m « cxteaaßim of th*se b99tefiial Na|lhdv mĀ'tbe? likely tofre ihe men who will geeare ns futih©r extension of tsaid beneftt*, if thek iloolkh of thq fr©e trade doetriue and their open ātt«ok apon the soathern plaaters of the UMtQd Btstoft bec?me nokfed abroad among the Amenean.■people, Tiys whole aoheme has be*ii apning at tkia late day bj oar blnnderiōg miniite£ial td be nsed ior &e pnrp&p of making a gplitio& oesr& to «©enre ?otea fōr the xfes» perate govemment caiise. īheee me;» have been and are willing to aaerifiee oar obanees of m extension of Ameriean tariff proteetion to Hawaii by advocating. the fodliah polioy of fo«e tradd 4fiid I tērrii6rial ddlibMK£oii« hopea of holdhig ont*to ihe United States government a bait whieh they are fooW eiiOngh to believe will catise the Ameriean people to go back on the polilieal p6licy of a life time!
Free .fcrade indeed! The Ameriean i people firmly rebttked Mr. for hintingat tlie doclriaeo! "paih m4nent free txade/' Pxoteotion in* deed! When Damel Webater was seeretary of state, he laid down Ihe United Btates doctrine on th!s eon<seraing the isfefcds of*tfeVPa£iile. And his docfefine ef Ihe establi&me&t and maintenance of the antonomy of native goyernment in the Paelfib ieland groups has been re-affirroed by every &aeceeding secretary of state since,T~incicding t Ifttely both Mr. Bayard and Mr. Bīaine! Both Mr. H. A, P. Carter and the *'exi3tiiig administration" have laiely had 4hia 1 doetrine re-affirmed to ihem inioffic|al docnments. Yet in frpite of these facts —knowmg as they well do that the i continoance of the protection of ionr indūstries nnder 4he American tariff i does not iest apoh the sarrendei* of onr aiitonomy ©f: gbverninent or npon concessions offered by us,~stiil these poliiieal' Hawaiian jilegiiiin*tes > ars foolish enongh and roguish enough to !nse sttch argofoents *to try to raise u poiitical scare on the iecipsooity irmty in favor of the g9vernment jpiirty!
; Be it reni6ujb<?r©d ihese poJiti<sal did noi seoure the lmeiia pl Ameiheeui proteotioß for us and the people of HVw«4i sincerely hope tbe insensate eourse of the 4, existing ad* EninistratiQQ ,> will.sot ejttd t a* itis reiy likely to ehd, ia the lestrootion of thpse tye#<rfits. Let 'Wīy y<?ter whowialiee tp prolongtlie nomj of oar gOTer&ment, as the desim 9 vote lor th&ife* i ioi»lEefo^eaxididates > lFhoar6 ple%- < >u toa pairiotie a&cliu&lypolicy in this i egatd «greeableto the iong egtāblish> <dpolicy of the United States of Ameriea!
3ibU%^wiiho£^propoftios^V^W desideratiim. of th* United Statee » &m&i &tid & i*m%y for BHgar» not |Mllil||i|k;ls;itß hobby! The Timeß weH !&&#& tluit by the propc«©d trftaty of ths M ex*stingad~ psptMaeM& i$ fs?ngh|; fk>« j(br &g country t '}^pr^Jadio^ Tm |ā ye^rday'fc<Kmtinaaticmof ita of potlby la a3l &ins3, Jus^ iaaaiMM»mai^ ;q«3£«tion. 1%6 o®gafi, fiifr itfcosoftl ei^e.*g^ti^^^ daej jb£ it elahim, to -Ihe* fir&ii6Sß of the government,whfoh italleges b»g refosed the qoota of kbot dem&fided by Xt ia d<mbtfi>l yðer any stich refasal h»s T ever ocenrred. Bat if so it provea nothing. The paople ha?e ; pever, poogbt to crippte ihe laboir sixpply of plantationg f bat they have inaptted on some sort of. proteotion eoolie invasion of general Jeldß oI ifidxxstiy (The iasiU has not been against nēcessary igimi gr«tion, bat ag*jta& rt4ttfm» And this hAs ey©r been a and not, aa tiie Miwiliaei bb|b. h Bida i«sm . I?he ielona 4andidatea oi W&i pledged, to , oany ooi the wiahea of the people ht thig regard. viswedit «w* **&e issue m violation jd#dges, only proves that they disregarded their ob* ligations to peeple, and. |&atifies the āssumption they wiU do so again in spite of any pledges Jhowever explieii,
—Our ?(mdidafeB «re pkdgnd l* meuniain the ahwlui/e, iwkpenāe&ee aad mOm&mg of the Kinsckmi.~'sdtfk>n*\ Beform