Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 17, 29 January 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MA KE KAUOHA Flrat Dtetrtct, Flrat PraeiM!tl HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTEBS. A Iist of voters for Nobles and RepresenUtiTes has beeo posted at the Poiling plaee of tbis Preeinct, tbe Qoversm«nt Nursery on £ing street. Voters flHft'E <M ' >1lcr »* h y gaid4i«t tbat their namea are properly entered. For the par|>ose of makine any corrections and for any additional namea to beadded, meetines will be held at the Govemment Narsery, King street, on WEDNE8DAY, Jan. mh, froml to 8 p. m THUR3DAY, Jan. 80th, from 4 to 8 p. M. FRIDAY, Jan. Sl, from #to8P. M. R G. SCHUMAN, Clialrman of In»pectors, lst Preeinct, lst District. j28tf. First Distriet, Seeond Preci«ict! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGIOTRATION OF VOTERS. Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be heid in Jhe 2nd Precinct, lst District, Honolulu, at the PnbMc School House on Beretania street, bctween Penaaeola and Piikoi streets, on TUESDAY» 28th inst, fro.*n 5 to 7:30 p. m., and on Friday, Sl8t in#t., from 2:30 to 5:80 p. m. A I|at of nerBons reeist«red enMtleA *o v;>tc «ili be pogted at the above plaee on Thnrsday, 30th inst., and Friday, 3lst inst % All voters in this Precinct aro rcquested to aee fhat their names are on the Hst. ALBERT LUCA8, GARDNER K. »WILT)ER, J. ALFRED MAOOON, j28tf. In8pectors of Election, 2nd Precinct. Second 0istriet, First Precinetl HONOLULO, OAHŪ. REGISTRATION GF VOTERā. + , The lnspectors of EleeUon for the 2nd Distric t, lst Precinct, Hooolulu, will meet at the store, corner of Nnnann and Pauoa streets, for the purpose of registcring veters and correcting the Register, on WEDNE8DAY, Jan. 29th, frbm 7 to %p. m. aud FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, from 2to6 p. m. ALFRED W. CARTER, €3iairman of Inspectors of Election, lst Precinct, 2d District. j28tf. Secofld District, Secmid Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTETS. llie Board of Insp$ctors of EIection for the 2nd Precinct 2nd District, Honoinln, will meet for reglstering voters and correcting the register, at the PoUmg Plaee forsaid Precinct, Hon. W. H. Ricc*s kam, oehool streeL on FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, from T to 9 P. m., and at No. 4 Enginc house, on MONDAY and TL'E8DAY, Jan. 97th and 28th,from 7 to • p. m. JONATHA> T SHAW, J28tf. Chairmau. Third District, First Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGrSTRATION OF VOTERS! Notice is hereby given that a meetiug wil! be held in the F1r»t Precinct, Third District, Honolulu, at the Honolulu Rifles Armorv, Beretania street, on WEDNESDAY» January 2&th »nd FR1DAY, January 3lst. between the houn> of 7 to9 r. m., for the pur|x>se of Regibterinjr Voters an-' correcting the i Register. Tbe*e meetiiifrs will be continued from , week to week at the same piaee on the samc dajs 1 and honn» as abovtf. F. Tl T RRILL. I ehainaan. '