Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 16, 28 January 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Political chestuuts—the editorial notes of the ministerial illegitimates in the new government organ!
—<l M r •an<Hdati# art tniphcUiccdly }dtdyfd to i*aintrun tke ab9olnte indrpcndent* and autonomy qf tkr Kingdom.—Naiionlī B«£orm PUtform.
Every citizen o( Hawaii who is opposed to maeUiue politics and !amily compact rule will vote the Natioual Be!orm ticket : 3t_ ~ Let evei*y citizen of Hawaii, who is in lavor of a gnarantee of Hawaiian independence by the \ great powers joiiitly , vote against the present gov* ernment party * The Daily Times is the new ministerial organ of the prwsent govern» ment. The Times is pledged to maehine politics as represented by the "existiiig administration'' and is in favor of the annexation of Hawaii by.'-the United States. A« ihe *trtntjih and wealih of a naiion are built on tke j>artition of the soil into numerom wiall farm* rather tfum into a few lanje <tttcUes, our candideU*B tcitt endorse all practicable su<j(jexlionx for avgmmtin<j the ejjici€ncy of the Hotnestead Ael. —National R6fōrni Platform. Aknexatioxist8 —every Hawaiiahborn foreigner of the family compact and of the "existing adrainistration"! Anti-annexationists-all bona Jide Ao&er. icans,.Englishraen t Germans t Frenchmen and Native Hawaiian» in tlm kingdom • The Ādvelrtiser again veils itself itS allegorical mistiness. The poor sheet has Baid two or three things lately whieh it was oot commandod to utter and pending a pitiable bewilderment will speak in parables till its thoughts are collected and its ne%v instrnctions are fully digested. are reqnested to state that the speech reported in the Daily Titnes, as delivered by R. *VV . Wilcox at Kapalama church on Fridav last, is repudiated by that gentlemanas a tissuc of falsehoods and that a formal denial aiul disclaimer thereof will appeai' h Hehald over Mr. Wilcox's siguature. Thebe was a grand rally of National Ref rm voters at the Kalihi-waene church last tiight. The meeting was addressed by 11. W. Wilcox, T. II Lucas and Juo. Bowler —W. C. Aeli was presei)t and in response to 8 coorteous invitation to make a fev remarks declined. The assemblag€ <lispersed &bout 10 o'eloek. —Onr candidate* tcilt nupport a Hfxml modtf eaiian of tk* i>rnvnt laie on the /#ro;*r/y and incoMt yvalificaiiō*s now r«/*ir*d of electorā fo% Xobi**.—:NationM Reform Flatfonc. The Advertiser closed its Adullamite varu tbis morning. To the averag€ man this beautiful allegor> T will evei remain an unsolved mysiery. But a key, fnrnished on application to the Advertiser, will reveal. it is said, the Bignificance of the story and discovei eeveral jokes carefully enlbalmed for eternity. Meantime with a alight dis* tnrbance of words the allegorv will answer eqnaUy well for an obituary noliee or an accoont of a dog fight.