Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 16, 28 Ianuali 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Ftfth District, Firtt Pr«cinct. HONOLŪLO, 6AHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Th« Inspector of Klection fbr the Flr»t Pr» % of Dietrict Five will«i»eet in aaki Precinct > Rsformatory Scbool for Noble»and Repre*e .ii.es and correctlng tbe ftegl6ter, oq MONDAY, J«muary 27th, from 7 to 9P. m., FRIDAT, Jann«ry, 31st. from 7 to 9 p. m. Notlce of anv farthw meetiogs will be given at the abore meeUngs. The First Precinct of the F!fth Dtetrict eompiieee all that portion of aaid Dietrlct lying Sast of the mai» roall np Kalihi Valley and maokaol Klng street. ! • All 70ters when re§riatering are respectfnliv reqnested to bring theirTaz Receipts. F. WUNDENBERO, j3Btf. Chaiman. Fiftb District, Second Precinct! . HONOLULO, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERB. The InBpectors of Election for the 2nd Precinct, sth District, Honoiulo, wiii meet in eaid Prc at the Reformatory School for the pnrpos9 of registenng voters for Nobies and RepregentatiTes, and •correcting the Register, WEDNI»DAY, Jan. 29th, from 4 to 7 p. m.' and on FRIDAY, Jan. 31 st, from 2to 8 p. m. Notice of fUrther meetings wiil be given at the above meetinga. Pieaae bring yonr Taz Reoeipt«. Tbe2nd Precint of the sth I>iBtrict compri«e« all that poiiion of the District makai of King street and we«t of th« road up Kalihi Valley. I W. L. WILCOX, of Inap«ctQXS ©I Election. 2nd Prerinct. &tU Ddstrict j*i»tf. Keena Kalaiaina. Honolnln, H. I. £ ioaa no na kope o na kanawai i hoohui ia ~ma ka oleio Hawaii, ma ke Keena Kaiaiaiiia. Ke kumukuai $5.00. L. A. THŪRSTŌN, Kuhina Kalaiaina. Keena Kālaiaina, lanuari 23, 1890. lan24-3ts Kakau Inoa o ka Poe Koho. Mahele 2 Apana 5, Uonolula. E noho ana na Lnna Nana Koho Baiota o ka Mahele 2 Apana 5, Honolnln, Oahu, n» ka halekula o Keoneola no ke kakau a&a ina inoa o ka poe koho i na 'Lii a me na Lunamakaainana, a me ka hoopololei ana ika papa inoa ma ka Poaono, lan. 25, mai ka hora 4 a 7 ahiahi; Poakolu lan. 29, mai ka hora 4a 7 ahiaHi, a ma ka Poalima lan. 31, mai ka hora 2a 8 ahiahi. £ hoolaha ia ana no na haiawai e ae ma na halawai maluna ae. ITOka Mahele 2 o ka Apana 5, oia no kela wahi o ua apana la makai o ke aianni Moi, a ma ke komohana o ke aianui e moe ana i uka o Kaiihi. £ lawe pu mai me na palapala hookaa auhau. W. L. WILCOX. jaa. 28-tf Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. APANA 2, MAHELE ]. ENOHO ana ka Papa Nana Koho o ka Apana 2, Mahele I, ma ka nalekuai, kihi o Alanui Nunanu ame Pauoa, no ka hoopaa ana i na inoa o ka poe koho i ka la apopo, Poakolu lanuari 29, mai ka hora 7a ka hora 9 p.m., a i ka Poaiima ' aku hoi, lanuari 31, hora 2 a hora 6 p.m. ALFRED W. CARTER, Lunahoomaiu Papa Nana Koho, Mahele 1, Apana 2. lan2B— lw Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa. APAMA I, MAHELE 2. i r NOHO ana ka Papa Nana o ka Apana 1, Mai L hele 2, ma ka Haleknla, ma alanui Beritania i ! ka Poalua la 28, mai ka hora 5 a ka hora 7 ;30 ! p.m., a i ka Poalima aku hoi, hora 2:30 a ka hora ijs:3op.m. | £ kau ia ana ka papa inoa onap oe i hoopaa ifl mawalio o ka hale i oklo ia ae &ei i ka Poaha e