Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 15, 27 January 1890 — ELECTION LYRICS. [ARTICLE]

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There vm a lavjer r>amed Brown, Who he coald carry the town, Bat an uttey jdefeat* ~ Carried him rightoff his feet, In spite of hia former r©nown! A native whose name i» Ka-ne, Imagined he could carry the d(tj ; With other shortcomings J He forgot abont Cummi&gp, Who swept aīi hia bright dreams away! A meroantile, young PortngueBe, Got very confu&ed in ideae; He felt very aupe Of official tenure, But he &till p#ddles sour wiae and oheese! Therc was a gay auctioneer, Who entered the lists without fear; But hia defiant notes Were snowed under by votea, He retm>d overcome to the rear! There was a young man named Aohi, \Vhose soxil was delighted with glee; But the general election, Failed to ahow his selectioii t And he uttered a ponderous D ! Our candidates will uncondiUonally endoree and further by all meam % the eameU wish expressed our Polttical Associatiow, for immeāUUe ond *tringeni measures against the A&alie Hordes %oho thi eatm lhis country—supplanting and starving 1 out the ncttivea and dri»in<j away ihe foreign w>rkmen.—National Beform platform.