Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 15, 27 Ianuali 1890 — Page 2
Ma ke Kauoha .
Keena Kalaiaina .
Honolulu, H.I.
E loaa no na kope o na kanawai hoohui ia ma ka olelo Hawaii, ma ke Keena Kalaiaina . Ke kumukuai $5.00.
Kuhina Kalaiaina .
Keena Kalaiaina , Ianuari 23, 1890. Ian24-3ts
Kakau Inoa o ka Poe Koho .
Mahele 2 Apana 5, Honolulu.
E noho ana na Luna Nana Koho Balota o ka Mahele 2 Apana 5, Honolulu, Oahu, ma ka hale kula o Keoneula no ke kakau ana i na inoa o ka poe koho i na ‘Lii a me na Lunamakaainana , a me ka hoopololei ana i ka papa inoa ma ka Poaono , Ian. 25, mai ka hora 4 a 7 ahiahi ; Poakolu Ian. 29, mai ka hora 4 a 7 ahiahi ; a ma ka Poalima Ian. 31, mai ka hora 2 a 8 ahiahi . E hoolaha ia ana no na halawai e ae ma na halawai maluna ae.
O ka Mahele 2 o ka Apana 5, oia no kela wahi o ua apana la makai o ke alanui Moi , a ma ke komohana o ke alanui e moe ana i uka o Kalihi . E lawe pu mai me na palapala hookaa auhau . W.L. WILCOX.
The National Herald.
Honolulu, Jan. 27, 1890.
A Queen-street political draft—Honomu stock!
THE independent “boys”—the sixty and six who bought cheap plantation stock!
Wailuku having resigned its afflicted ear for one evening to the plaintive wails of W.O. Smith and S.M. Kaaukai will vote the National Reform ticket as per previous determination.
We believe that certain public offices might be a satisfactorily filled by election of the people and recommend the question to the thoughtful consideration of the legislature.— National Reform Platform.
The concentrated cabinet authority, bottled up for the exclusive use of the compact clique, is in imminent danger of falling into other hands. Hence the alarm of the government party.
TO-MORROW evening a meeting of government electors of the fifth district, who are dissatisfied with the nomination of Achi, will be held. It is not decided who will be substituted but the mantle will probably fall on the shoulders of Mr. P. O’Sullivan.
IT appears the government party has arrived at the conclusion that the minds of the foreigners, except the Portugese, are absolutely made up as to voting. It would be folly to seek conversions among foreigners generally at this late day, hence no further appeals will be made to them. But the native and Portugese minds are regarded as more “plastic and vacillating” and it is considered a stroke of good policy to harangue the natives and Portugese voters in their respective languages and great proselyting results are expected therefrom. The difficulty of getting an audience of either nationality for such a purpose has probably not occurred to the astute government wire-pullers.
There seemed to be somewhat of a political mystery connected with the hasty birth, at a late day in the campaign, of a little eight by ten government party sheet called the Honolulu Daily Times. Inquiry was soon followed by the fact that there had been a political row in the government party camp. It seems the “existing administration” has fallen out with the heretofore “existing” government newspaper, the Advertiser.
The main facts are about as follows: The “existing administration” favors the straight government ticket on the island of Hawaii, nominated at Hilo by the government machine politicians. The Advertiser came out a few days ago and endorsed the independent ticket for the island of Hawaii. “Take it back!” cried the “existing administration.” “I shan’t!” yelled the Advertiser. “You’ll be politically damned if you don’t!” screamed the “existing administration.” “I’ll be damned if I do!” howled the young man of the family-compact organ.
Thus the matter rested as far as the Advertiser was concerned, but the “existing administration” was thoroughly mad and proposes that the government party’s machine politics shall be upheld even if the family-compact organ has to be politically snowed under. The “existing administration” proposes the big Advertiser shall be snowed under by the little Times, a thorough “existing administration” newspaper, and distributing them gratis throughout the island! When political rogues fall out patriotic people generally secure justice! The Times is also in favor of the annexation of Hawaii by America.
The native opposition press is daily holding out to its readers the pledge of its party to break down the property qualification of electors for Nobles.
The Reform Party is openly opposed to any reduction whatsoever.— Honolulu Daily Times.
The National Reform Party is not committed to breaking down property qualifications, but simply to a judicious modification of them. The government party is opposed to any modification whatever. Voters take your choice!
AFTER the government party has attempted to convince people ever since last September that the “existing administration” was opposed to an American protectorate, the admission is made that the entire government party is in favor of an American protectorate solely! This admission is now openly made and a defense of the position is attempted by the government through a new campaign sheet called the Daily Times, issued last Saturday. We call the attention of native Hawaiians to the dangerous fact that this new government newspaper actually demands that the United States shall be given sufficient power to be enabled to decide for or against Hawaiian independence at any future time. The National Reform party demands in the name of the people the absolute and unqualified independence of the kingdom. Let every native Hawaiian remember these facts when he votes!
The Advertiser of this morning again bursts into rhapsody over the record of the government party. It prints for the third or fourth time, four things which it claims the government party has done!
The Homestead topic will be treated of hereafter. The subject of leprosy never was in politics; therefore the government party could not have taken it out. What a piece of presumption to claim a monopoly of humanity in this field. The government has continued the experiments of former administrations to eradicate this dread scourge. And its silly boast of stamping out the disease may well be construed into stamping out the lives of those who have it.
The decentralization of power before vested in one person, into far more arbitrary sway exercised by four persons, may safely be appropriated by the government party. No adverse claim arises. The glory of the fresh acquisition and concentration of power in the cabinet belongs to the present government. An administration to which every branch is subsidiary and responsible, but which is itself responsible to nobody has been evolved. The usurpation of functions has been carried to such an extent that it would be an insult to the intelligence of voters to augment by any arguments of ours the disgust already entertained by them for this high handed grabbing of power by the government party. And note, the government party is afraid to trust this centralized aggregation of power to the opposition!
But the Advertiser bases its greatest claim for suffrage on the magnanimity of the government in throwing elections completely into the hands of the people and surrendering weapons of political control, which might secure its re-election. Every concession, according to the prevailing political sentiment of the present government party, has been made by them to the people. When will the compact regime learn that to the people alone and not to any faction is due any and every elimination of government interference with political freedom?
As the strength and wealth of a nation are built on the partition of the soil into numerous small farms rather than into a few large estates, our candidates will endorse all practical suggestions for augmenting the efficiency of the Homestead Act.— National Reform Platform.
IT appears that the Portugese government candidate, Mr. Gonsalves, is chaffed about his stature by his countrymen, who call him either the “giant” or the “dwarf.” Alluding to this Mr. Gonsalves, in his political speech at the Lusitano Society last Thursday night, is reported to have said, “It is true that I am small, but when I stand on a chair I am taller than other men!” If this is a political point, and if the government candidates cannot invent better arguments to help their cause, they had better “stay at home,” as Mr. Wilder says.
--Our candidates are required to promote and defend all measures for the advantage of the working classes.— National Reform Platform.
The following are the last days allowed to the electors of Honolulu for registering their names, failure of which will deprive them of their right to vote:
First District, First Precinct on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 4 to 8 p.m.
Second District, Second Precinct, on Tuesday and Friday from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
Second District, First Precinct, on Monday (3 to 6), Wednesday, (7 to 9) and Friday (2 to6).
Second District, Second Precinct, on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 7 to 9 p.m.
Third District, First Precinct, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 9 p.m.
Fourth District, First Precinct, on Tuesday (7 to9) and Friday (6 to9).
Fourth District, Second Precinct, on Friday only, from 4 to 8 p.m.
Fifth District, First Precinct, on Monday and Friday from 7 to 9 p.m.
Fifth District, Second Precinct, Wednesday (4 to 7) and Friday 2 to 8 p.m.
--Our candidates are required to promote and defend all measures for the advantage of the working classes.— National Reform Platform.
There was a lawyer named Brown,
Who thought he could carry the town,
But an utter defeat,
Carried him right off his feet,
In spite of his former renown!
A native whos name is Ka-ne,
Imagined he could carry the day;
With other shortcomings,
Who swept all his bright dreams away!
A mercantile, young Portugese,
Got very confused in ideas;
He felt very sure
Of official tenure,
But he still peddles sour wine and cheese!
There was a gay auctioneer,
Who entered the lists without fear;
But his defiant notes
Were snowed under by votes,
He retired overcome to the rear!
There was a young man named Achi,
Whose soul was delighted with glee;
But the general election,
Failed to show selection,
And he uttered a ponderous D---!
Our candidates will unconditionally endorse and further by all means, the earnest wish expressed by our Political Associations, for immediate and stringent measures against the Asiatic Hordes who threaten this country—supplanting and starving out the natives and driving away the foreign workmen.--- National Reform platform.
O KAHI moho alii akaku o na limahana ma ka aoao o ke Aupuni, oia no o R. Likimana !
E hoohiki paa ana ka makou mau moho e paa , a e hoomau i ke kuokoa o ko Hawaii Paeaina --- Kumuhana Aoao Lahui.
O KE alii makaukau i ke kunou wale iho no iloko o ka Hale Ahaolelo , oia no o Kimo Laukeke Makua!
O ka makou mau moho ua makemake ia e hoohana a e kokua ikaika i na hana a pau e pomaikai na Limahana .- -- Kumuhana Aoao Lahui.
I KA Poakolu mua o Feberuari ke nei, oia ka la 5, ka la koho balota ia o ka lehulehu !
O DILINAHAMA, he hoahanau oia no Kauikeano , aka, kue no nae hoi oia i ka maluhia o ka lapule — Kaaahi vs. Lapule !
E kokua ana no ka makou mau moho i ka hoopau ana i ke kanawai e pili ana i na dala eono haneri , e keakea nei hoi ia oe e ke kanaka Hawaii ma ke koho ana i na ‘Lii o ka Ahaolelo — Kumuhana Aoao Lahui.