Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 14, 25 January 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The sha<low of labor reprcsentation —R. Lishman! The silent, nodding Noble- James I. Dowsett, Sr.! Election will fall upon Wednesday, February 5, 1890. The temperance cause—E. S. Cun» ha and J.;!3S[":-- ; Horner! Foht-stheet church ai:d Sund?iy violation—brother Dillingham! —Our arc rtyuireil io promote aud dtfend all meamrts for the advant(i<je of the icorkin<j cla*BeB,Sational Rcforiu Ptatform. fc?.*Sv*vr Poijtical promisers—tlie government candidates! l*plitical promisebreakei*s —tho "existing administration!" The government party held a meeting in the first district last night. There was only One native Ha /aiian present ! —Our ~andidat*s art emphaticaily plulyed to mainUūn th* ind>i*rul?ncf and autonomy of the Kimjdum.—Nation&l Keforui riatforui. Yoteks ! do not allow youselves to be cross examined by tlie government's eieeUon insi>ectors, a§ to your ineome and property qnalifications-your oaths &re sufficient. Insist that these be iaken wiihoui any questipns being asked! The National Iteform party held a meeting in Fowler s yard last night at wliioh over seveniy e!ectors were addressed by Mr. Luca& A large number of Portuguese being present loud ca!ls were made for Mr. A. Marques, who made a short speech and wa» given three hearty cheers when he closed. —Ovr catididntes will snpport a fiheral mo*i>Jof the present iaw on the pro/tert# a*td i»,mme quaiijicaiUmg no*> rtquirtd of < kctor* j\r Natioonl Beform Pl&tlorm.

Ths main ppliUeal mbt ol the gov~ emmeni is being miae aganittthe m* tire raee. Now is th|e time for #rery honest ioreigner to €mdeavor to award native Hawaiiane tike politieai jhs' tice denied them as a raee by thoir professed "kaole &iēdds ,r o! the lam-ily-coiapact! ! A slight npple in the form o! a ramor that many govennent Totes wiH be trans!erred !rom |Achi to a more available candidate roffles the serenity o! the political surface. The only available candidate lor representative from the fifth distriot is the nominee I of the National Hefōrm party for that j office. 1 The minister of the interior mshes iuto print occasionally with campaign documents. These sorties of his excellency might be considered by those tainted with national reform tenden- | cies as*somewhat political. And this vieW wou!d obtain some jugtifiuation from th<: fact that these ministerial vindicatß n$ always contain denuncia* tions of ';ational reform candidates. Poor *Diogenes! With his httle candle in hand he has.been moving among men until he finds no honesty, no integrity, no fairness, except in hifi own little self.—Advtrtiser. It is quite evidont from the above, as we have long expected, that "poor Diogenes ,, has been issociating almost exclusively with the mem.bers of the govp.rnmfint party for the last two years. We heartily congratulate "poor Diogones" on lately getting on the people's side, where we hope he will stay sufiiciently long to cultivate the political virtues unknown to the pai*ty of promise-breakers!