Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 14, 25 January 1890 — DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES [ARTICLE]

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Por the guid»nce ot thc cmndiiteteB! presehted and 9upported at tL 31 next election in tfee island Oahu»; H. 1., by the cambined political | AssociationB } the |iechanics' Union I and the Hui Kalaiaina. |

Our candidatee arc H?uulrt»d to prom<»te atid dcfe«d all measure« for the advantag:e of the w«>t k- ; ing elaeaea and to opi>o&a whatever migbt (>e, Bubyefßive of their righte aiiid intereatß, not forgettine however that all claspe&iu the nation helne alike entitied to considemtion and pjroleetion, any 1 iegialation must be raade for the miOority of the | people, on the basis o! equa|ity for all the oivHized • raees heresettled, and no )onffer perverted »o the ! designs orpurposes ot any clique, faction or colony; ! 2. Our canJidates aiH) ctnphatically to ( malntain tlie alwolute indeponilen('e and p<>rf«'ct autonomv of the kingdom and agrec not 10 support any kind*of tr« aties or mea«nreA whieli miLrut lead ; to'the practiral annoxatio)» ōr abrjorption «'f dar ' countrv by any other power; but, lor Uw i of obtaining a still more formal recognition of our 1 independcnce, with a definite guarauteeofneutral i rights, they will favor 4 spet'ial appeal, not onlv to Anierica, but also to all the <Jreat Powers who liave ; hitherto proteetod us and tiiade treaties of f;-iond-ship with thl* kinj;dom; they wUI also counton:mce ' the eontinuanee of the present Reciproeity Treaiy with the L T nited States of Ameriea, u«der Muh iv-■ servation however, tliat, in theevent of an abroi~*tion or alteration of their present tariffs, llawuii mu6t be at liberty to adopt meaßur.cs to meet iīie ; continirenev; | 3. Whilst deprecatinir any ill-considered Um-; pering with the present Con -t:tini*n, we thiuk that —from its haviujr bocn framed very liastily— it is neoesearily imperfeet, and that .i healthfurrevi>«i<>n of it miirht be obtained in ealm eoiuieil witīiout uihlup otitside pressure. .■ Sueh a revision—ma<le in a protrresbive aud liberal spirit, keepiujr in view the i political und «oeial advancement of the country , and carefully fruarding the people'a liberties,—, would be tiie niost efiieacious aiul satisfactory metiiod of eradicatinK for ever nll ldens of ~r<īr<~>(p-<b sinn< whieh nt present no intelliirent man, nativc or forci{rner, ean eptertain without fearlor our ftiture ' safetyaiul indej>endenre; 4. " Our eaudidates will supp<»rt a libei*al nioiiiHcatiou of th»* present iaw on thn ? pror><*rty «nd ineonie qualitieations wow required of eleetoisior nobles, in order to inelude in that votin<r pri\ile<re a-worthy elass of natives, Pinall land ownets :*n*l mechanies, who are now unjustly del>arred. lt mijrht alt«o be well to consider whether a moie satisfaetory status of the lejrislature e /uld l>e oī«taiiu d by dividinir it into t\vo separate bod'u>, u stead of"sittinjr a» t flt i>resyuL-ALliiiJx-āfe-an anomaly not t<> be tomul in"~any other eoff>titu(ionallv ijoverned eountrv; 5. We V>elieve thnt eertain ]>üblie oAlee?» mi<rht-be;-satisfaetorily tille<l bv eleetiou of the }>eople ;uul reeoniinettd the questiou to Ihe eonsider3tiou of the At any rate, we eApeei ?hat the appointiueuts to all the puhlie ollieei» will, in tlie future, vrive to the put>lic t>ettcr >atisfaetion than tliey have done hitlu rt<>, aiul we are in lavor ol the adoptiou of a judicious ei\il aervice ;nu.l e«]iiitable i>ension law, to protcet tl>e really etlicient and faithful pnblic «<.TvantP ard p»'< ur<* tli«»n. froin arbitrai v v reiuoval h»IU evcry politi«-.ti < han^e, 0. We deeld'«lly fav>r tli*- rr.. *t riirid e<-<»n;»my in the expenditure of the public funds;- and <»ne <>f tli<! most practical proofs of tliat desire <:m t»e •riven by the suppr< ssion of ull uunccessary o|lices, aow used for tlic purpo.-e of favuritibiii and V>) i.ie reduction of many e\cessive salaries, while at tiie sam<* tiuie, th<- hiimble and iiulisp< n>able puHie servants, who, at prcsent, barely < \ist on a»ia-v--ation should rcccive a just in<*rease. 7. As tlie >trenjrth aiul wcalth <>f a nation are buiU on the partit.ion of tho soil into ntim< i<»us 'ai iiis ratUer than into a few lariro e>tate»., oui* candidate» will eudorhe nli practicable su^ r es ti<ms tor au£mcntiii£ thc c6ieieney of llouie,' slead Act, and con>idcr the \vavs and niean> of obtitininjr aud devotin<r mon- laiuū to the pui-poM > of th:it act. :ren<Tally. it must be tlu 'Auln* <»f tl.e j-oternmcnt t<> devt>tc special attentiou to t hc«jueMiou of \ hu kiii<rdom with suitable people and of faei]iiaiin: 9 r their settieuicnt. H. <)ur candidatPK will unconditionally < , »-dor c e aud further by all m< a;is, thf earn< st \vish •\pr« ed by our i\>litical As»<>eiations, for imme<liatc :uxi ftt.r»njr<'flt mea>ures a<rainftt tlie Asia~tic lionles who ihiealeu thi> < <>untrv, —supplaiitiuu aiui >t:u vinjr <>ut the Natives and drivin>r awa\ the t«»r< i<rn Worknien. ( liine«c laborei> seeui evuleiitlv uulispensable to <>ur plaiitin<r. iuterest.s and plaiilei> iuu-'t have the proper faci!itie> l'<»r <<t (īu ii' \n\il obtainiu<r as many as thcy may necd, but these inust be strictlykept on the phuitatious and must be returned to th< ir hoiiies as sooii as no loiifrer used for plantation lal»or. For that puq>ose, j>roper rcstrictive coustitutioual L« _ri slatioii iuust be enacted without delay. Moreo\er, , in coiinexiou with thisasiatic qucsti«»n, we int.ist on the&e i>oints: , A) —that tieiiher the i?ovcrnment noi any pui 1 i<* oOiecrr» oi jrovermueut contractors *hould l>e al- . lowed to use Asiatic labor on public \vorks; IJ>—tliat 110 new < <>iners ofasiartc mcesshould l>e all<>wt;d to < n<raire in lrad<: or mechani< al oeeupatit.n-, thv presont liccnses irradually caiiceled on the natural disaj>pcarance of tbe actu:<l ownei**; 1 In Ilie sj>ceial interests <>f tho lal>orinir cla>se>, liawaiian and loreign, we t'avor Uie follo\s m<r >u«;•rc>tions. A) —lhat no linished materials tliat- ean be niade oi j>ro< uie<l lu re on reasonable terms be imported for tft)vernment use, so as t o protcct loeal indu>tries; . H) —that, in eonsideration of tbe heavy subsidies j>aid to the Quecn's Ilos]>ital from puhlie fun ls, the ir"verinuent should iusist ou its trustees mo»liyiiur th<'ir rc&rulati<»ns, so as to Tiiak<- of it a tr ily churitablc in>titution, more accessibl<' to thc de>tī ■■ tudc of all natioiuilities; C ) — tbat the present Sunday law bc lilH'ra!ly . moditied, >t> that th<- j>cople be allowc<l lieali 1;ful recrcjoion on that tla>; I)> that a niore equitable asse<<:mciit of j»ro|>erty and a just iv\i>ion of tho ta\ lawh be obtained; 10. HeL-*ir<liuir the *Miberal p<>liey dosir< d l»v « ur f Asst>eiat i<»iis abt>ut j>ublic iniprt>\eineiit> havin;r for ol>jeet the dcvelo{>uient of naiional rest>urcc>. :<ud •;ivin:r _rr< ater facilities t«» the aiul d«>ni>i ie c«»nimerce ", we s}K'eiaily rx'coinincud the tollow:iiu • uieaāurca j A) —thc immcdiatc improvements of Honolulu ! Uarbor. to aeco«iodate veSseU of the ton- I naee ai>d the iucrcasiug eommei ee oi the port; |

i BHTbe ext«wion I whieh wfll not only glve occupatlon to laboreff t j {but ftlso fkcilltatf the 6ōitllng of the island ana j , prouiotc the culttration of its rich lands; ; C>—tbe adoptlon of a better asd more systeniatk , miwi »yßtem, ar»d the of now roads in tbc I ! reioote districts wherc the loeal road-taxes are ln-1 i sitfficient aud vīh&re coneequently the lauds are j now inaccesslble to scttlement; ; I D) —the improvcment of harbor and landing j facilities on ali the islands, and the construction ot all neceesary wharves and bridges: * ! ! If, to carry out the above eontemplated improve-, ' mcnts, oi' tor tite rufundiiig of the prescnt naiional j tleht, a loan !><• we recommend a proper ; utUisatiou of the PoBt-Otttce Bavlng Bank; ! 11. Due attention must be giveu to the general j education,-—with liberal supportof public eehool», , —to the tu alth of tl»e country at large and to the ; | sanltary conditlons of the city of Honololn. In i ; view or preventiue the recent excesses of go,veru- j ! ment centralization, a cautious study must <be ; madc of the fcapil)ility of loeal nelf-f/oveneiuent; and : i finally, we deinand a strong and rij|fid administra- ; , tiou of tlie lawa uud u morc impartial pro»c-cution , of delln<iucnts, opium smug{slere, iliicit lhiuor- 1 1 &eliers and ■ . ' i Hopintr that Iheue t»rief vu wp,— formulatc<.Un no i partit»au Bpirit, but wiUi tUe ] serving thē hiterests of thc couutry at largc as well . as of helping thc cause of the jw>ple and of thc ( working elaeaeu,—wili meet wiih the approbation of the peopie in the samc way as thcy already have , ! bcen endorBed by oiy candidates, we earnestly eall. ; ou the voterb to manifest their adhesion at the polls. Honolulu, January I^9o.