Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 13, 24 Ianuali 1890 — WHO? [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


4< Wl» kffied ifr. Ycrang?" ! " I <mt him off >bort; XaeAtbdpooy ¥o«iig," M Wlio oanghl hie btood ! " J. <k««ud, I oaught his biood," " Who gaw him flie! " "I," said Kaaukiū, " I heard his last sigli As I saw him die." "WholoUeaiheheU?" , "VttidW.o.B. 44 In bitter diatrew . " I tolled tfae aad kpelh" The» ail the reform blaoUegs Fell to sighing and 6oh&ing, Bay*t*g» At this is the ēnd i Of onr ateaiiag aad jt>bbingf" I