Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 13, 24 January 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
"""""" . ! a.H >■ 1- " Ev£BY man wlio is.in £avor of the mdnstrial clasaes of the wiū \rote the Reform ticket. : A 1 famiiy-compact repata~- i tion is not what it was; it israpidly ceasing to be a political eodorseiii©nt for the wearer. Thb l» aow fretting over the delnsions oi the oppositk>n. Of conrse snch āeluHon never ococirs to <mr thiek headed eontemporary •» —Our •xuuHdcUe* are empkttfictdly pkdged id maintain ihe ab*olnte indtpendenee and a%tlōnomy tfte Kin^om,—N»tional Refonn PUtlonn. We ask eyary "elector , hi tlie kingdom», before he vjotes,''to darefully compare the, second datise of the governoaent parfy a platf6rm with the eighth of the National Heform 'pārty's platform. The ' ha& a »ew pateni cail«d the Wiloox and Bnsh sewiiig n&ehine, whīch«ews up a politioal cmsy qniit and then rlps it ilp, ogaip* TJo poor» unpopolar eauee, what a sod&fcB iritist be this liiilo pōlitical t°y! ■ ■ . " Gi'NBEr:GDKLNKENBTE£N" i O y6B, that's so; the fellow who staggered around six of £he Hawaiian'islands in ths discharget of his dnties! Brotber Logtra, we advicd you to ke&p ont, of "&»i *deleot&ble duchy '6f Oy nberg^hkenstbin;* ,§ ri 1 »" 5 .1 We ask eveiy good oiiiaen of Ha-< waii to ,ohief politiGal. acts done by the feadersof tihe presient] parfy dnring iheBeizmre of tl»€f Hāwaiiaii Gtoxsn#netit Lb lBBTs',} togethi»r with theu(kaiy thingB'sai<i and wr*tten by thē backera o# the party since Ijhat tim, bo j«sstify their past oooiaa «nd inake consistent their pre«ettt £6]iti64l pclicy of nēw promises!
■■ i tol iMifimWli W il ■lßy >liiiii yon do se« tbēl"oo«itey M is dooidecUy yoa «ad i ytim psfiti«d feUo|m o! tbe lu&ily ■■ 4" ' Spsaking of liioikM remii|drii@ that Uii' gbv©rnment poiWman as tbe AdT©rtiser printe at the Kead of its editorial oolumn.. Tb be oonsistent the, line ; ' , Thj thy G63's, and Truth # 8 > ,# shoixld read Thy family's, th'y P4rty's, ajtid Oinla! :M HAJORirT of the ipeople of Hiiwaii, withont raee« distinctk)n, have already ,deoided £katthe; so~€alled iprin«iple underlying the sei»4re of the govern- | mant by the ,pre#ent party in power, was wrong ia itself; and tbat dividifig the "apoile" among the ( rplatioßS and fpands ot,.jthfl fomi)yH*unpact «after war?i, was ri b n t at best a $uicidal policy to iollaw ! r • • IJhe "existing administration" haa aitempted. ihjree diflfefgfifr~ points, during the last iwo years, to use pffielal power in as arbitrary as the King formerly did. In one cas« ttey succeeded. The Nationa], Refprm parto proposes to eliminate ©yen possibility of the government party, or any other party bereafter, following sūch a 4< re-actionary policy ! , The worries over the misfortune oi its political opponente "eursed by the. paKaronage of stnpid dealers in ineompuehenaihle innuendo." We cheerfully bear that the words of ihe above extract are English and if lhey do not seem to make mueh sense as grouped to* getbar» it m psobably becat»e were arranged in th« dark. 1 * * * Tbis seenis to assume that all the natives beloog eitber to 4 tbe Bush or to the Elele faction, whieh is to do them a gross injustice, as the coming elections will sh a ow. —Advertiser. Quite right; "the coming elections will show" a large majority of native Hawaiians belong tb the Reform party! The government party now <-r c tLut it went a little too tpat ip. cnnyii*g out its plans against the intero ;i s of the working people aud native H .waiiana. Thls ōf broken prbmis *s, whieh has afeted so badty for two vears, is now willing to agree to anytbing the people ask, provided they will on!y vote tor tbo govern,mept, ,ea,ndidates and givo thq ''e&igtingpdtt}it istatio&" fqrther t}rac to its l,i> tle poliiif cal game! . i . 'i " The oi' the Advertiser over Mf. Marqqeo and tbe company he keep» is of such m maternal charactet ap to ( £romjbbe realms o£ humor to thos6 of pathos. To intensē' and lieartbuming affection bave been due th» " Dcea f t yon go, Tommy," and "Where is my Wandering Boy to nig]it?'" €hfser up. veaiei> f^inaie 4 Marqu«B i8<«ll right. His friends do not iMiM '%b āo any ,c ihing worse by him than give him a seat in the legislatar?!
str*fige comeldeno6 the niiJs>ber of iime» ke h&a h&m defaated exggtty agreeß with tbe nomber oT times be haa preeented X! he boald by any aieaiw secx&Khe no»bar ot Tote€Pihe "eHwikUa#*' gete he would bi ill BBjy> irnd6temdliy im for office. He will .mnm uaoal, and he will be left nsual. —Otir condidaU9 are requifed to provioU defend ali metuureāfor the advontoge ofihe. yorjbing £eform Plafcfomi. ; —— ——? —•■■ 1 « That the party lie iīot over eonident of M&ni, is showki by the departnre of W. O. Bmith, S. M. Kaaokai and o4bers on a mi&ion to that i»land to difinse &nch and make nee oi sUch atgi3Jnent&as will turn the imwary footstop from thē Betprm &nut^Kaantai">aiid Got, mayspare their efforts with advantage to theni' selves. The pepple qi Maui ,baTe al' re«4v had an. .opportumfy of ea«rvas ( ing the and have ali*eady formed their contict!6i!iB« They will hardlydelegase tQ~the» poditical pilgrime the ! of fchirikfttg for them at this Mie &ay. Both thp edjitor ; goyemment newspaper and Bam Wilder's brother were hit hard thife by a correspondent in said nēwspaper, who advises these gen&emen£o drop gersonalities in politics. This sen--Bible corr©spondent deplores ihat, "The Chinese qnestion like Banano'B wilīnot down" and intimates that the gcrvernment had better dea) with 'Hheae and other imporsany[ zpatters * * * honestly and eamestlyr{ bnt without passion.'' This is right; we hope the advice will be oh Ihe government side. Let the govemment newspaper espkin the poliey and record of the government party bti the Chinese qnestion, that thls politioal ghost at least may be pnt !C down ! n candidotee wllmppoH a Überol modsfr eeUipn of ihe- p*ese#t fa» on ike property amd 1 in. eome qualtfcalions now required. 9f eketorS fo 9 A 7 o&e«.-—Na4j«M*l Befom J?k6ēoaem, The Advertiser, meditating oyei ths awfal probabi!ify of haadiag tM , ,government over to the Katfonal Reh form party, scratches its .head ( for a paralleL ;It si} T s, "at the of the great civil war in the United States, i barmony might - been restored by pntting the $ecessiQnists and th6ir sympathisers in possession iof th!e government, etc." That the AdveHiser means to dononnce the National Beform party as no bettor than secessionists and traftors is eīea» ly eTi3.cfKi by its "Of eoui'ae, it is easy to bonciliate sudh people by giviug them what they jwast,,etc." Voters will do we!l 1 rempmber the gratnitons sneer at I Btce&" people and to*bear in mind |ther Ad,yetfiser's, appJioatioii of snoh terms as, secespionjsts imd iraitors ta the citizens who eompoeeihe National Refyrm party, According. to that bigoied dicti\m, be oal accord with its crazy doojtrines ,isio be in open insurrection agāinst eonstitntional government.
ig UlO alioal*', v -
kiltare, m ofity M&ppk to of Hial «xtm« polikieal pcdiency has b&eu. The party wbxcb _ A i6wdayB.ago ad*oo»4od*a puliliml figbt of personalitide again»t ihe Kstioisal Beform cwāiā&tß* f isthfc&torn< jsg. ,to get- hiiēk te ibe ' £ issues'' between partiea„ tte ™ - not goi^ ( (< tp o^®n f w>;tha fisit entirely upon '488006,"' tmlēgs it k alJowed /f i93aes'' oat!df oertain personalities. Eor instangs, QQnamed oandididate on the National Be!orm tipket is obarged wiih "inaHeaaanee \n Qffice/' ' u extmvag^n^, ,, ; 4< wasfce," 1 *abuse of pnblie-tragt," etc. The governt6dit then asks if * *them fac& mw&iWu&oē?* } They d6'not fts tfeey «tand. - -Ae oMh-e editor of the»*amiij~eompact 6fgin is insufficient pxoof of the truth of such ' wholeaale cnm,inal eha?geB. Besides a question If these chargfis are Mp&ble»of proof, what haa the ''esi&ting admiiftlfetra* tion'' "been about tb#t thia tmnamed candidate has notbeenprosecuted long ; ago, as both political honesty the [ law peremptorily demand ? . b the present government refusing to do its duty here, as it has done in. certain notorions q&8&, wh»re its iwn officers were openly charged with shady o£l« oial <5o»d«ot? or i» the whole thing another baref&ced*&nd libelous personality, after the style and manner of brother! Gbe thfe pnblic the nameof thistuuwmed crininal candi4ate on the National ticket; prodnce oA&eiai proof of yonr charges against him so the 4< meat" in your politioal personaJity cas be 45Q$*q at! or doyou fear the law, good family* compact slanderer l But we were speaking of the gov emment party partialiy at |least, to getback to""issues." Forgetting that a few days ago aa attempt was made to shift the blame of the revolution of 1887, upon the eleCtors of the Naiional Beform party, the ,goyernment again assumes rcsponsibility for tJiat illegāl and 3xtra-teoustituti6n< al pr6oeeding. Nay, more; the.government demands th*t their political eiime sfeall be made a issue! Gsrittemeh yoti ai-e Wore had nißstered np safficient conrage to make it an open 'ieaue" the honest and patriotic people of the kingdom had already done so for you. You plpase explain to the people how y©u intend to justify y6h£ aCtion *nd in that >imppliti» procdeding! 1 We are informed on good authority , ringing I speect" at t|he Poit®giies® r rneeting held in the interest of the government party last night, but thai he brdke down asjaid the 4 iatiglbter #. his attdtfmca, Mi ImuiU severai voioes were heard taīemiad' *' :Mr. Gonsalves that he hud 4, better go* and sell his potatoes.' > !