Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 11, 22 Ianuali 1890 — THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tliat dainty moral expcneut, tlie Actvertiser, whieh. is owneel and run by certain "mouey lenders" of the familyeompaet, is in great glee this over a deeision given * in Ihe ease of John Bowler vs. The*Hawaiian Gov> ernmept. It seems that Mr. Bowler undertook and earried out a contract in good faith under the o!d regime, for whieh ihe present government re - fnse to pay him. We do not know or care w r hether the conduct of the old goyernment was right or wrong, but we are willing to assume that the eontract entered into was as good a one as that made between the old govern« ment and CoL V, V. Ashford, for sei - vicbs never rendered, upon whieh the prelsent regime saw fit to pay one*half, or It seems to us that a suprejme eourt whieh declares Mr. Bow~ ler]shall not be paid for work doiie in goc|d £aith would also be con3trained, if called upon, to condemn this pay-

raent by t!io siime government of almost iwieo tho amount of Mr. Bowlers elaim to anotber foreiguer for semeeB wliieh were not renderetL Mr. Bowler loses liis because tlie pl<lgovernment.di4 wrong; and said foreigner got liis money, beeause the present government did wrong. Wecondemn tlie government's uetion in both cases; sympatUize witli Mr. Bowler and eon . gratulato CoL Asliford 021 getting liis polHieal retainer'

Whenever tho gOYernment nowspa per finds its'e]f absolutely eonstrained to answer sorne poi nt raisod against its party it doos so by immedrātely diseūssing the politk's of some other conntry. This moral prattler of tho <( monōy lenders' > gete as far away from Hawaiian polities as thc btothoi of Bam Wildor did in his speech the other night, before a shot is returned. By the way, speaking of speeches re* minds us that another political blundcr has been made on tlie govcmment side in publishing those "mudthrowing', speech°s of government candi* dates—all excpp&> brother Cunha's, whieh was| as lmīmessTlīndTiodest as one of his own cocktails in an official stomagh' īt is evidont that brother Cunha has fallen into viilgar political company, but being such a niee fellow himself we advise him hereafter to keep the party bottle in his own possession until after ihe speeclies are made!