Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 11, 22 January 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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•' Ixtei."uc.en"T knavcs" aro known to tliO fannU' compact as brother knaves whon sa icl "mtelligent knW aro foit«nat.o cnough.to have money to ]eixl on natives' kv! ■')'•<■<!

The Aclvertiser clsims that a dishonest minīster might at any deplete aiul bankrupt the Hawaiian Treasury '■ It is just this kind ot rotten system o£ goverument, whieh makessueh malfeasance possible, that the Nationnl Reform party proposes to remodel"

•• Jsow, friends, as I look upon yon heie'l thinlc that yon represent only a small portion of tlie peōple who are in favor of t3form," said Mr. Kaaukai at 11k* governrae,ut pavty meetmg the other night. Every elector in the Nalional Reform party heartily agrees with Mr. Ivaattkai's honest and trutl;fal Kentimeut!

Hon- w. O. Smith, a!ter consideyabl, paticnt rchoarsal,, perfovmetl his taleiitod aet at the Armory lnst Mouda> ovening of unrolling the two plat> formii. He oxplamec\ long platfonn \vas a bacl ono and the short ono was a platform of deea S :! AVell thon we objcct to tlie deeds of the goveruniciit party: We have absoluto proof that tlie record of the govenv ment pai'ty and its last platfo-m bear no relation to eaeh other!

Well, Mr. Lnc3S told the truth even if hi< la«guage was not as fincly put together as his meehanieal work alwavs is: Siippose we put Mt. Lucas s blunt sentence. whieh goes home to the people as a political truth, into the polished language whieh would probablv be nsed by Sam Wilder's brother: viz., "I tell yon. gentlemen, all the fellows 011 ourticket are honost, oiean well; all the other fellows don't." In the latter case the grammatical construction wor.ld be better bnt the ele«nent of troth would necessarily be gonc! j

Thw morning's Advertiser again deexeiting natives against foreigners. Sotice the cdvert threat containecl in the artiele. Kothing said abont exciting foreigners again?t natives. What more earnest advoe?»te of saeh sectional lines than the Ad*

vertisev! After the October trials it | worked itself into a |perfect fury and now wliile catchmg itis breatli ealk ali men wlio tbink tlie nfitives bave soine spocial gm r ances, c ' demagogues" eie. —Hereis tbe covert threat: tbat our enterprises are but partially developed and if tbc natives becpme nauglity ilie money invested may be witbdra\vn. Now according to tbo Advertiser everytbing will be lovely if we all work togetber like a band of brotbers under tbe reform part) r . But tbis is just wbat patriotie natives and bonest foreigners refuse to do!