Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 11, 22 January 1890 — DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES [ARTICLE]

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Por the guld»nci of tbe candidateB presented and s«pported -«t tl- i next «l<cto in tbeialand of Oahu, j H. 1., by the combined political Awclatioii*i the llechanics' Union \ and the Hui Kalainina.

1. -Our e*tt&UUtoB -are ra<iuired to promotv an<l - 4efesd «U meAāarcB for tfae idvanta£e of tbe wovk- ' \ngdss»es aud to. opi)oso wh&te?er ioiu r ht be . ! sob?erßlve.pf thcir ridbts an|d iatturi&t& r forget- ? i tlog bowevei tbftt all cln«aes iu the n&tion being 1 aiiku entitled to consideratiou and protection, nn\- ' legwlatiou muftt be made tbr tbe majority of the '> people, on tbe basis ol equaljity for ail the oivill/fd raccH bere6ettlcd, and no loager perverted to the designs orpnrpoBesof any faction or ioIouy; 2. Our cnudidAtes &re j 1o iuaintaiu tbe a1»soluto ind«[pondeuce *ud puiieei autonomy of tbe kingdosn a|id uot to 6upport any khHl\>f treMtogjōr mcjigjaaa. AEliklimfoht U iōT.Tm prāctlcai aunexatioīji or al)6oq)tiou <>f onr couutry by auj other po\vci|; l>ut, for thu purpose of obtuiuiug a «tiil mort* for|cnal reCbg»ltion of our iiulependcucc, with a defimtc of ueu! ral rijjbts, they will favor a-speeial apponl. ijot oniy to -America, butalso to ail the Urcat Powcrs who liave hitherto protectcd us and i|iade trt at:cs of fricnJ•ihip \vith tbii» kinj;doui; thev will al«o eouimw.M» the continuance of tbe prceent Keciprocitv. Trcaty ; with the Uuited Statcs ot Americ&, undcr this rcservation lio\vever, tbat, iu (becvent Of an abroj;a- . jLiuiLmL-Aitvration of tbeir jpresent taritr<». ILiwaii must be at libcrty to adopti moa.su rcs to moct thc . eontin<rency; ' : 3. Whilst dcprecati;>r njuy ill-considcrtd tamperiug with wetliiuk thajt —from its beeu framcd rcry haetlly—it i» , nece»sarily irnporfcct', and tsiat a he:Uthi'ui iw'nion of it miirht bc obtained iul ealm < ouui'il whhout uiuluw ouf*idc prcssure., Such a rcvirion—ra:u!v in 3 progress»ivē aud liberal &pij , it; keepiiu; in view tii« politi«*al and advanccmcut of "tbc country ' ■&nd ■ e«n'.fully tht peoplc'tir~libert ī<*s,-~ ■ would bt. tho nioet efflca«jiou> and satisfactorv : mcthod of eradicating. for cvjer al! idoa.s of , sio/t, whieh at j)roseut uo int!elU<,reut man, uativc ur ' forciirner, ean cntertain witl>out lcar for our future ' safcty aud indepeiidcnce; 4. Our cundidatcft will Bupport a lil>cral moilincation of thc prcsent iaw on thc }property and i.ieome qualitications now requircd of elector« for . aohlee, in order U» iuclude thar voting j-»riviltfje . a worthv clag6 (ft nativcf>, i&mail land owiiers and mcohanlcs, who are now unjustly dcbarred. īt miirht -.ilso be well to A-otwider wbcthcr :i inore sati£fact©ry stutjis of tbc -lei:iilature eouhi be oh- ; tained*hy it into two »epurate bodies, in stead of"«itting toj<fether. a« at present, whieh R ae auomaly not to be ;ouud iu auy other cons;it:ivtonaliy ;jov*riied c.t>uut ry; 5. \\V l>elievc tbat ccrtain puh r ic o?tlces. nii-h! bc r-fit:>f:ict<>rily t Sllcd by <•!.«•♦ iui: « l'■' •, ;-er.; ;.- •' rcc.trnnend thc »nu'*tiou to thc coii-i<l-«>ra-ion of ihe l'etrislature. At any ra!c, \ve cxi»tc.; 'hat 'li( f<ppoiiitiiiciir?; to all the pul-ii • olHc»;s .< ]!!, in th<* future, >:ive to th»; public l>ett'.'r s'i?isfactioit tbanthc\ liave done hitb«-rto. aml we an, iu h.\wr ot the ado]»tiou vf » ju'licior,s civ ; i service ;'i l C'juil:>Mc pens!on law, tv i>i'otcct thc re;*lly » ,!i cient and tailliful-public t ''. uikl m-» urc ihi.-ui troin aroitrwry removal witb cvcry al cl..r.r:«; 0. Wt: dc< idcdly -tavor t!u most i lu'iil et oim.n , in tbc expeuditur«* ot'the |tiiMi<- fuud-; :t:ul <un "f • thc most practieal. proofs of tnat dcsire ean 'mtriven by thc suppre-sion of «11 uniiccesM*ry tnlices-, d«:»w used for the purpose of favorirtMti aiul V»y tl:c rcductiou of maiiy c\ces'6ive sai;tri ■*. whi!»same time, tbc liumhle and inoi.-p» usablc puldic 1 servants, who, at prescnt, l»urcl\ c\i>t <ui a >ta v atiou saiary, ■hhouhl reccive a .iust in<-rcusc. T. Ah thesiicnj:tli aud Wtaltii ot a uatit.ti arc l»uilt <»U the pirtttion of tlic mō'il into numnroiis 'arms rath<'r tl.au iolo a fevt lar};e our candidatcs will end<»rse nll practicahle stions tor autrmcntimr \he «*t!i<iency of the Ilonu', (stead Act, aml'cou*ider the u a>>. an»! nu ans of tainini: and dcvotinif more hinds to thc purpOhes o; that :tct. Conccrninir immijirati»»n L r cnerally. ;t mui*t be th<* dūty -*>f ■ tl*e jroverument to devot» ■<ptcial attention to thc .|Uc?tioii < f '"''/-"V*"- 7 "''"// ! be kinjrdotn \vith suitat!c i»copl«' :<v! oi' ta- ilit U'i»y their -ettlcincnl. s. Our uuconditit»n:illy cn<h»ise ami furvher by all ineans, the «mm wi.>li < \ - »-tl !•>■ our l'ol'nu al Associatioiir>, k«.r i;:imedi:He an»l htr'.:iirtnt mca*ures a<rainst thc Asiatic liordvwho ihreatcn this countrr, —supplantiiy; and star\ - t!»e N.itives aud 'drivimr a\vay thc"loreiL r n Woikmeii. (. iiiiicsc lahoieih Svem «:vi(i< ntly it,<i.spcnsahle to our plautins: intercsts and j»bmteis must have the proper facilitios for prot niiiiu <-/ tjr}H'/ts> and t>btaluiiiir a* manv as they mav uecd, t.»ut thoe uiust bc stri(tlykcpt «>n the plaulatioū& aud must be rcturncd t<. lhoir ho?n»j> a* bt>on as n»> used ft>r plautatiou lah<»r. that purpose, j>roper rcst ricti-ve constitutiona] slation uiust bc enaetcd witbout dclay. .M«»reovcr, in connexion witli thisashtiic <|Ucsfion, we insiht on tbeōc points: A) —that neithcr tb*'i?ovcrnment nor anv put»! : c otHccrh or |irovcn»meiit conlractors should he a;lowcd to u>c Asiatie la'>or oti puh'io work-s B)—that no ncw-comers t>fasia!ic rac» s should >» - &llo\vcd to cnjratrc iu tradc or n:c ?iani» a? o< eupatit>ns, tbc prcscnt licenscs heini; cantvlcti on tbc natuittl disappc.iraucc of ihe a< tual «>wner-; 1 9. In tlic spccial interesta t>f tiu- lab»>rinj; ela>>e-. Hawaiian an<l l'orciL r n, we favor thc f «>l!o". 'iul' >'i:gcstions. A) —tliat iu> linishcd.n'MoriaN that ean he or prt>curotl hcre t>u rc.t<on:ti !c term> !»v i impor»ed for iroveinincn» a.>c, so :»<* it» proicct ;»>ci:i ii.duM ric-; \i)~that, in ct»n>itU"ation <>f the !ua\v .-u!»i«r»es pakl to thc H«»spita! !n rr. i-v'»!i. I»-.. s. tbt >ht>uld in>ist-t>n it< moiii yii.ii" tbcir rcirulaii«>ii>. &t» as t«- n.a\c <>t n a i. i,! ,- ch.:rit:.l-U lustitution. morc aeei'>>ihU to t!a dc.-ii •ud :t f iil! natioualiti< ' t --{ha! the ]>"Csem Snntht\ l.iw l ».' liherai!y m»>dili' tl. a »> t li;»t thc pc«»pl.: !»e :'.;h»ud he. l.M:.i H'cr« a!ioii »«u that t!:i\: IV-liial uion- c-iiV«t:.hlc a-.s incr.t of j ro;»e: fy a.ul a ju>t rcvi>io:i .«t tiu* *a.v l:.u - '.•«• < '■: ''m; l: 10. K«*u.»rdiuii 1 h»: - lilMnil 1 < ii< .» d >ir« d »».. -.p Asso: ia;i«.nh ah<»ut puMle i:uprovcment< !»avin •• ■ • ohject liie »lcvclonin* .»t <<\ u;Mi<»»».il iv>«)ur<\"« .-0.0 .n . :rt.:itcr fa iiiiii - 1<» ihe ton md dt>»n»-.-! i.• eomniepee", we sj>cciauv iwomiueuu ih* n»llo»\ iin. r Ui<asa»i=A - the tmm» Jiate improveiiKn«.> oi Honoiuiu liarl*or, to a» <'»Mn»K!i»tc »>f The !arp >t f»>naud thc iucrca?iuL r ot tUc pott;

; V lf v •" ™ ■ 1 ! y-"i B>—Tb« cxUuiH»ti of tho.ral)(Q«4 trhiiob wl!l uot only give orc«{«tiQi) talabOftfij ] but ateo £KcLUtatii tbu «ettKag ot the i«laiid kq4 ! promot« ttoe. coUiv»tioi) oI Ite rieb Uafl»i J C>—the adopt:oD of a i>etter ifid morr6 syatem&t4c ; roiwd aud tl»e openiug <i| now road» In tbc namoio dwtric-ts the lo«U roa>d-taxcf are in•«Blclunt aud wUere con»oqiienUy tbe laod® mv \ now inacce&6ib& to 6cttlemout; D)-—tbe improvegient of bftrbor »nd tap&ng! {aciUtied On all the ielimd», aud tbe coDBtrucuou*of , ,all ncccsdary whan'e» and biidgee: 1 If, to carry out llie al>ove contemplated imph>Te- 1 mciit«, 6r l'oi' the refandtag of thc pretetot, naiioiial be nccessarr, rccamTnenrt a proper ut »li»ation oi the Post -(sfflcc Bavlng Uauk; , 11. I)ae utteniion inust be given to thc gēneral, educat ; ou,—wlth llbor&l 4uppOft bf publio «ehpolē, i —to tl j health of fchc cottntry at largc urtd to tbo i »anhiirv conditlona of the i'ity of Hoholiilu. Iu 1 vhjw of prevcntinj? thc iccent exceaguB of govern- } HK'ut CL*utraliaifion, a caut»ou9 stud3* must i>e; made of the fcaBtbility of loeal *aA \ jiuall3vwc <lciiiai)d a &trong aud ris;id admini£traliou of tlie Lr.vri aw\ n more im.]>artTal 'pfosccufion ot dciui'queuts, opiuiu smu<3£icrb t ilueii li^uoi-j Pol!ers and va?raut«. ■; tīivbi; l>rid \ i'jws,—formulat«'d in no ]>artisan pp»r|t, imt willi the mo*t earneBt dc«re of nerving tlie interoHtiS of tlie couuiry at l«rge a« well as of heiping thc causu of ti»c pt*ople and of the woi kiuK cla«ses,—wiil nicet wlCh thu approbation •>f tlic people In thc samc \vay a* they alrt*ady havt* i Ikh'll i ndo»scd by our caudidktes, we carm**tly eail on tlie vo?e»-tMo manifest their adhc&iouat thc poll«. Honoiulu, Jauuary*3, 18iW.