Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 10, 21 Ianuali 1890 — NATIONAL REFORM. [ARTICLE]
" TLc oiilj Uiiiig 2?afionul I ea-i see aLout it (the g < eat ; >'atioDal. lU'foim is tbe Lad repatation of some of its candidatte."—Speech oJ cMididāte t Ilon. W.Ū, Wilder, Jan, 20. IS9O. 80 tbo ouly justilieation tliat tlie bonorable (0 gentleman eau find for tbe name <>f the Natlonal Rcform party »s liie standmg vCorrect or ctberv, ise) whieh he dares attribute to their eandidates. Mr. Wilder'*s eyes are so choked by the mud he jdmgs tliat be is cnsy abie io "se'e. men t not princi}?ics, > T ow the gentlen>au he telk such gftntleman!y (!) untruths about, Mr. Marqiies, happened to dellne his own party on the satne iiig!vt and, at the same bour m the third ward meei' ing at the Armoiy, as follows: " Now I want to explitiu in a few words,. tlie party tlint lias nonni)nto'l me as ope of tlieir cftiKlidates, is ealled the Natioiial .Reform Partj. Sational il is? becaus:e we do not want to bcH aw:iy t!ie connti y, or away witb its in lependenoe, as tiie backers of tUo pieseat ndiisiuĪßtration w«.»rjhave &lre«dy oone hud tb >y uot been scared by the indignatiou of tlie cdtiyes, and as thej wonl.l fttin do ag irt ut auy tiiiie they would feel able to do it witl.out dar«ger to tlien i iselTes. Our party wants to respect aud īnaiiiīain the autonomy o£ iiie it J lands—iiiut rfacred luiienlaiiee of the ns lo.ug ab iheie are auy iiu(iv'es U» g&th* er uuder'Ltir judepoQdeat flag; we resptct, ad* mire nnd like An.enea and Ainerioi»UB, aud feel prateful for their eorstaut protectioD, but we waut ttie Isiands to bt, protected uotonly. by Aiiieiiuu, Uiki al»o by all tL.e otlfcr greutpv.wers, and the preseut minii»terH know it e u be doue. A±id Wc a*o āot waut U> b«. Auieiiuaiiā, to bc iuled by souif of the vile politiciaus vLo wou*d here, as in a plaee df re f uge and npoiU, wheu Sau Frauciseo beconies too hot for theni; we prtLv to remai:i līawaiians.!. . . "K'/onn it i», because we wi*h true refonn, for aU, not to satisfy the factions and clique£ oulv; bt>caiise we wish good goverunieat of ihe by peopW, uot ot a fcw for il& beuefit ofa fauiiJy coiupact; becuu»e we waut uiore iibert-ies, auu iuliei" righiia for the and especially moie protection for the woiking classcss, ihau tixo olu rp£oroi' par.y efer dreaiued of giyiug Uie uaūon."