Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 10, 21 January 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
A mau AvhoBe eommercial reputation is bhilt '"»n n year*s stewarGbiiip <.-f Saui Wiidor s esfcate had bett<?r Ui»t criticise otliers people's private business aflhirs!
The fHlowmg ciasses. "were repre . sent.ed i m iuu governmont wbo t'>ok scats on the plntform nt the Bifles' Avmory last night: Capit »lists and corpoiMtious, 2; Sngar, 1; lal>or, 1; nathvs } 1; whisky, 2!„
Mn. A. S. Harhvoll has cleliverec] 'an opi.ikn" that t,htf r ' gov"vnment party's plutfortn will hokl 4< all classvis of uaji.ua Boeiety." lt ought tO, Mr. Hiiiiw'^ll; the plat{or.m has no botto,n anu tnero wonlel bo piAty oi rooiii!
w hen tne goveriiment partj was trying tn g< t ii;iti\*A Ha\vaiiaīis to algn isvaril olnb volls. th**y u'ei'e toīa thMt s:gning tlv> roll cV 1 not pledgo tbo votcr; Sam Wildor's brotlier now coolly itiforoas Mr. II *.ba tliut the latter pledged ldmself to svq>port the tieket of \vhisky, sugar aiul jaayers by Bigtung pue of tho d:stnct rolls! ,
The Poriuguese voters of tLe tliird ward are gi'catly olaieu ovei* īlie elioiee made by the governnieut of Mr. Gon āalves for r«preseiittng Ihe.u; they feel the selection is rathcr more an insutt than otherwise, and tliey feel that a u?an who acknowledges himself uiiahle io speak or writc, is a poor specimen of a Portugaese representative. Thore is also a general feeling amongst them expressed by one of their nutuber, that tais candldate is a 4< Gone «ah-e" for the government party.