Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 10, 21 Ianuali 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

\ ALLEN & ROBINSUN. Na Mea HooUko i na ano Papa a i.h Peua, Aila, R«i, a cr»e n« Lako kokuhj ) hn'e oni «no a peu MaLla: ka lanahu j foā Departure B;.y. mei -ly 12 LOKEJ3Y « CO. lALOHAHA UOLI MA.\ Hela 15 Alanui 3iuiiauu $ (luiielula. Ke wsi!bō aku nei no ke kuai iat»' ke kuui.u-'! kuai haaliaa lua ho m*u aaim piha uui u rui uuo • maikai ioa o na j ELA, watna, bia, ! A ME KA ANO LAMA E A£. nn V'ho \ā nJ. Lailiraau& >Jacobt o Kapalakiko i jquu Ageca p'iiA 110 Wūik jj«: k» Pueaiaa Uuwuii, ua uiki ia makr»'i ke ; pzthala aka Iku iakon Waln'i kaiuuua muīkai 1 l iniim ona u īu*} k.i lehulel» 'i .no kc t ]n>xiia)-;aa.i Lāitliuu le'i. ■ ■ ! |2d Dis!r)ct, 26 Prec-nct! I Hoynr,Ul.i T . | Rcglstratlcn of Votsrs. The Board of Inspectors'of Election for tbe 2u Pivcuiot, 2d PiakieL, ±10nolalu,'will meet fur Ilegistering Toters aud correcting tke Register, atj the Polliog Plaoe for said Precinct | (iīon. H. B?irn, Scbooi street), on FRIDAY, J7tii, from 7to9p. m., on BATI)RI>AY, Jan. 18th, from 3, to 6 p, ra.; at Engine 00. No. 4, or MONDAY Pnd TUEB DAY, Jan. 20th and 21st # from 7to 9 eaeh evenmg : . Meetings will bc beld at aboye bn satne days of the weeks and j at aame hours until furtber noīiee. I <HT Votars will please bring thsir Tax ,Hcce;;:.ts wHL tLeiu. JONATHAN SHAW, 14*tf. ~ . Chairman. Reg!stration of Voters. 4th DiSTfiiCT. Ist PR£CINCT. HONOLULU, OAHU. rPHE INSPECTOPS OF ELECTION for the First' Precinct of District Fonr will mof>t nt t)i« nffic» nf M. D ; I «.< . "v t i ii » I iĪ4i chant street, opposite Post<»fiice, on SATURDAY V Jan. 18th, froaf 1 to 9 r, M.; on MOKDAY, Jan. 20th, from 4to9p. m. Notice of anv further : meetings %vill be given at tlie above i meotings. All voters when r3gistering are reI spectfttljy requeBted to bring their Tax j receipts. Tbe First Precinct of tlie Fourth j District comprises all that portion of j said l)isttict iying \vost Oi ! street. | M. D. MONBARBAT, ījChairman of Inspectors of Election, s lst Precinct, 4th District, 13-td