Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 10, 21 Ianuali 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
fJIE JiE^LD, Ispmt«d<md FuhKshetl for ilie pK>prietors overy iif»«nMK>n {S<iuf!Hys bj the Klele Pul>li*«iiiTig: Co. Qjfice A T o. 6j King St., Honolulu ĪL 1. —$ÜBsemFnoNs TO— Tk« NATIOXAL HEK\i,D : : : 25cts, a month. All advertlstaieuts iiiust be lidndeJ in by 12 M. if mserted the same day. By ordor of thc piopretc>r3 of THE NAIIONAI, HERALD.