Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 10, 21 Ianuali 1890 — NATIONAL REFORM. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


THIRI> WARD MEETING. Xiast ii;ght, whi!st the govemment party } — haviug tuuß <?red the. full foree of their miuions, werē Lokliiig their "ge[K rftl" mass raeeliug before the Bli s aest atid cx>lest audlence ever witiitoH3ed }\ere in a "mass" meetmgj, = the iiational roiorui !>urty were holdiug a bii.uple war(],jcaeetiug in the ol*i armory on Queen Street.Only the electorg of the thi *d beeu ,uotified of 'the.iii vitaiiou whieli had been exteuded by the ward eommiiiee to the uaUoual caadidate forreprej>ēntrequestiDg his preseuce at the meeting, to get introduced to his eouōiituents. The eommittee themselves, in view of thr other mass meeting, : expeo muster only a few friends. GrSt was thf? of>.o fl>o r\l/l grrr»Arif ih,C' Ci t ;pCIjL»IC i hoai, uiid er'j\vd hept on increasin« until the hall got erammed fce the utmost of its eapacity, the number of peraons present being counted to considerably oTer .500, a great majority of whom were iiativea, witli qnite a numbp of Portuguese. The metttiug was called to order at 7:30 sharp, and on Mt. Marques was enthusiasticallj cheered; lie, however, waired his right to speak in fav#T of Mossrs. Wileoi and Lucaß, who having a engageßient, could only remain a short time. >Ir. Wilcox made one ol his best

, vr ī nu>de«*rtte oiU to tbe "point, auel l*l>tato wilh tol!iug arguiiieuts. Mr. Luoas, "u ho k gi\>A to Vk> viuitō ah orator, mnOo a V>urning . v, \u li n cOuied to ui ike h deep impiVīwion #u ibv ii'i Y\*i\ >, i"v.- oi tl&;se ge«ūumeu .ur. &iart|n<-s K'ml >«m «uUienoo that he had be+m iuvitt 4 »J to ih».' mCtt >ig fjr the purpOi>« uf g«lting aein iiUeu vrith his e!eet«*rs» wlio v«ry uaturally WAl.\; -I \> b .ff !ā;u; kuow who he Wrnsalid wliut he ha lto suy. He $uid his poiiHeal record Wfo ft\>m iU* ii\ct that he w ■ 110 poUticiau; iievt'i Lut ;;l>v iMūug to get iato polilio», nnd iu :fact. * {J c::t : es for 't!w mean, *clirty ;>^lilieaiiidneed meu—othor\v;so g.i;>d *nd n w«t "t- -io aud suy. He h-\d on{j oueo ruu u* •••> k j 'v'i !vat eftudidate inthe betweei": the Oir.> jn the uiissutnury party iu 1355-SO, b\«t sOv'ii «e<j]iued the hoiior, iiause*!-'-d by tue of «vf liim .f ti»« »»5 pp. WlāU I ?'} :> men* nt *.;■ };o!itical rijxvs, whieh L: īmw tvok the liln rty of rc or„t to the audituce, tirst to gho , r tlri* ';u mvjht y.»t |»r*>n I o"f 't, txud thst he h'.v.t ik'! -onr s:ngio opinie?! ;;i'see His was m substance ideutieid witU tL# pluti »tiii tiMe\v 'vd *pted l>y the ne.'iuual rofoy») prtTtr, «ii l Tru,uert<r might huppen/ he ▼Oiuuu» u» \ tī;ut he wouli l* picpurea tj ng»*« ! ;f o yvi beft>re the |;eop!e, witb thv aauie uti*U;!r>ged pritteiples; a boas.t wliieh m*u:.y of tue iiuuu uieu would not di*r« to i-*e . the'i ī=p<)ke of ihe anti-Chinerie Union an«l r3-Tiewt.t\'-,.vc;u-i # piauks of tUe Nanonul plneionu whieh h.; {Wi not beor stoka froiu i iie gov*jVDK'teu f ,parry. Mr. : H-irqut; i i-pok:: fluently lol* over an haur, and e\try soutenee of his redg.arks elictted ihe wariu ; t ;|>!;r.-s'' aiul uppi'ohaiiou of his an'lienee. In V ~iv didate f or NoMt-, who was r< eeived witu the auuie popu' \r that foTow hiui wlr«ever he gtn Mt.r-.-j ... A. F,..srs, *nd J. E. Bi:.sh followed wiīh soiuf- i ?re--'\r.' ifeij!urks, and the nieethi£ w:ta to u dose by three rousing fv>r Hr. in.tro"Os »ud ti,e candiuatss of ihe naiionai miaiiu tic:keī, who eau be proadof tlie mauJlestatbus tlie nieet. u<j. IvXr. I»XarMio.s 05peeidily ean feel giatiticd to think tluit such alarg;e r.ud iēlīee ptvferved to go «nd Ue*r laui soouer reitpei d :o tlie en.l of the eu the gorerxiu;eDt paHv in the Rifla*' Annon'.