Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 10, 21 January 1890 — Page 2
Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa
E NOHO MAU ANA KA PAPA NANA KOHO o ka Mahele Ekahi, Apana Ekolu, no ka hoopaa ana i na inoa o ka poe koho, ma ka Halepaikau Raipela, ma manamana, ma ke ahiahi Poakahi, Ianuri 13, mai ka hora 7 a 9 P.M., ma ke ahiahi Poakolu Ianuari 15, mai ka hora 7 a 9 P.M. ma ke ahiahi Poalima, Ianuari 17, mai ka hora 7 a 9 P.M., a ma ka auina la Poaono, Ianuari 18, mai ka hora 1 a 6 P.M. O keia mau halawai no ke kakau inoa ana e hoomau ia aku ana ma ia wahi a ma na manawa like no na pule mahope mai a hiki i ka hoopanee loa ana.
Lunahoomalu o ka Mahele Ekahi, Apana Ekolu
The National Herald
A man whose commercial reputation is built on a year’s stewardship of Sam Wilder’s estate had better not criticize others people’s private business affairs!
THE following classes were represented by the government candidates, who took seats on the platform at the Rifles’ Armory last night: Capitalists and corporations, 2; Sugar, 1; labor, 1; natives, 1; whisky, 2!
MR. A.S. Hartwell has delivered “an opinion” that the government party’s platform will hold “all classes of human society.” It ought to, Mr. Hartwell, the platform has no bottom and there would be plenty of room!
WHEN the government party was trying to get the native Hawaiians to sign its ward club rolls, they were told that signing the roll did not pledge the voter; Sam Wilder’s brother now coolly informs Mr. Rosa that the latter pledged himself to support the ticket of whisky, sugar and prayers by signing one of the district rolls!
THE Portuguese voters of the third ward are greatly elated over the choice made by the government of Mr. Gonsalves for representing them; they fell the selection is rather more an insult than otherwise, and they feel that a man who acknowledges himself unable to speak or write, is a poor specimen of a Portuguese representative. There is also a general feeling amongst them expressed by one of their number, that this candidate is a ‚ÄúGone – salve‚Äù for the government party.
The government party held a mass meeting last night in the Rifles Armory. There were about four hundred people present, among whom were less than forty Hawaiians. In numbers the meeting compared very unfavorably with the ratification meeting held in the same place a short time ago by the national reform party, where there were five times as many electors present, over half of whom were native Hawaiians. It is a significant fact that the government ticket will receive no support from natives, save what little following one or two of the candidates on that ticket will be able to draw after them through personal or monied influence.
Next in importance to the absence of native Hawaiians and the industrial classes of Honolulu was the speech delivered by Hon. W.C. Wilder. This speech clearly emphasizes the already well known fact that the government has dropped principles out of sight and is now making its political fight entirely upon and out of the personal abuse of national reform candidates. There is but one point besides personal abuse, which Mr. Wilde attempted to make: viz., that the old regime was rotten and that members of the government party are the only honest men in the country to whom the government can be safely entrusted. Mr. Wilder seems to miss the fact that the people of this kingdom are quite as greatly dissatisfied with the present regime as the government party was dissatisfied with the old. The difference being in this case a change of political and national policy is to be brought about constitutionally and legally where before it was done illegally and unconstitutionally.
Mr. Wilder, however, is quite right in stating that if the government party is not allowed to carry on the campaign as a personal fight that there is no other way in which they can keep up a brave front! This statement is unfortunately too true. But we fear that Mr. Wilder has made a political mistake in confounding the term political personalities with that more common political weapon called “political mudthrowing.” We believe that the people who vote are pretty well determined that principles and men shall go together in this campaign. If political mudthrowing was to be made the political weapon of the national reform party to the exclusion of the principles underlying chosen and pledged candidates, more political mud could be thrown in a day against the government candidates than Mr. W.C. Wilder could buy with his brother’s money and haul in his brother’s lumber wagons in a week. Besides, Mr. Wilder’s personal reputation would be the first to suffer. Proof would forthcoming.
It is a noticeable fact that Mr. Wilder’s “mudthrowing,” is as nearly as impossible confined to the foreign candidates on the national reform ticket. Perhaps the reason for this will not be hard to find. Mr. Wilder ran for noble in 1888 against Mr. Kaulukou. Native Hawaiians were opposed to Mr. Kaulukou as were some of their newspapers. On the other hand Mr. Wilder’s party friends mostly voted in favor of Mr. Kaulukou for good reasons. But as the natives outvoted the foreigners Mr. Wilder was elected over Mr. Kaulukou. Therefore Mr. Mudthrower Wilder “ lets down easy” on the native Hawaiian candidates in hopes of getting some more votes. The native Hawaiians however are at present united and the mudthrowing campaign opened by the brother of Sam Wilder will more than likely result in adding new foreign votes to the solid native vote on the fifth of next February!
As election day draws nearer the government party grows still more fearful lest some of the national reform newspapers stir up race prejudices, to the detriment of the compromise ticket, which is virtually pledged to whisky, sugar and prayers. The party of promises has already forgotten that about two months ago the government newspaper was engaged in publishing articles which were purposely intended to stir up Hawaiian prejudice against the foreigners. But as the government party finds its strength weaker than it was expected it would be at this time, it is now violently in favor of not stirring up race prejudices! Quite lately this far of stirring up race prejudice has taken a prominent place in the minds of the leaders of the government party.
It is perhaps needless to remind people that if there was no foundation for the existence of race prejudice among native Hawaiians against foreigners, there probably would be little or none of it showing on the surface of our politics. The past history and nature of the Hawaiian people precludes even the possibility of race prejudices springing up without cause. We believe, moreover, that fear causes the leaders of the government party to exaggerate the meaning of the term “race prejudice.” That which the party of promises is pleased to call “race prejudice,” should be more properly called class prejudice. But here, as before, the past history and nature of the native Hawaiians precludes the possibility of class prejudices, without good and sufficient cause.
As to there being a strong class prejudice against a minority of foreigners resident here there can be no doubt; there is also no doubt that this same class of foreigners is to blame solely for the prejudice existing against it But this prejudice is not confined to native Hawaiians; the independent and more liberal-minded foreign elements, which make up a majority of our cosmopolitan community, have also arrayed themselves against this same class on the same general grounds causing the native Hawaiians to oppose it. The class against which the public prejudice has been justly raised by the financial record and political policies of its members and leaders is too well known to the electors of Hawaii to call forth definition or identification now. Suffice it to say that it is the class which includes the family compact, the financial ring and the ambitious political faction. The main object of these elements has been at all times to control the government without the interference or even the consent of the people, who represent the wealth-producing and industrial classes of the kingdom.
An iron-clad and unjust system of government under the constitutional form has been slowly but surely building about this social and political class in Hawaii, as the policy and actions of its members built up public prejudice against it amongst the outside public, known as the political and social unelect! So long as this class stands against the people’s interests so long will there be political prejudice against it expressed by all industrial races domiciled here, who have personal and national prosperity at heart. But this is prejudice against a political class of taskmasters and can not in justice be called race prejudice in any sense of the term.
‚ÄúThe only thing National I can see about it (the great National Reform ticket), is the bad reputation of some of its candidates.‚Äù – Speech of candidate, Hon, W.C. Wilder, Jan. 20, 1890.
So the only justification that the honorable (?) gentleman can find for the name of the National Reform party is the standing (correct or otherwise) which he dares attribute to their candidates. Mr. Wilder’s eyes are so choked by the mud he flings that he is only able to see men, not principles. Now the “Italian” gentleman he tells such gentlemanly (!) untruths about, Mr. Marques, happened to define his own party on the same night and at the same hour in the third ward meeting at the Armory as follows:
‚ÄúNow I want to explain in a few words, why the party that has mentioned me as one of their candidates, is called the National Reform Party. National it is because we do not want to sell away the country, or do away with its independence, as the backers of the present administration would have already done had they not been scared by the indignation of the natives, and as they would fain do again at any time they would feel able to do it without danger to themselves. Our party wants to respect and maintain the autonomy of the islands – that sacred inheritance of the natives – as long as there be any natives to gather under their independent flag; we respect, admire and like America and the Americans, and feel grateful for their constant protection, but we want the Islands to be protected not only by America, but also by all the other great powers, and the present ministers know it can be done. And we do not want to be Americans, to be ruled by some of the vile politicians who would gather here, as in a place of refuge and spoils, when San Francisco becomes to hot for them; we prefer to remain Hawaiians!
“Reform it is, because we wish true reform, for all, not to satisfy the factions and cliques only; because we wish good government of the people by the people, not of a few for the benefit of a family compact; because we want more liberties, and fuller rights for the people and especially more protection for the working classes, than the old reform party ever dreamed of giving the nation.
Last night, whilst the government party, - having mustered the full force of their minions, were holding their “general” mass meeting before the slimmest and coolest audience ever witnessed here in a “mass” meeting, the national reform party were holding a simple ward meeting in the old armory on Queen Street. Only the electors of the third ward had been notified of the invitation which had been extended by the ward committee to the national candidate for representative, Mr. A. Marques, requesting his presence at the meeting, to get introduced to his constituents. The committee themselves, in view of the other “general” mass meeting, expected to muster only a few friend. Great was their agreeable surprise, to see the old armory besieged, long before the appointed hour, and the crowd kept on increasing until the hall got crammed to the utmost of its capacity, the number of persons present being counted to considerably over 500, a great majority of whom were natives, with quite a number of Portuguese.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 sharp, and on arising Mr. Marques was enthusiastically cheered; he, however, waived his right to speak in favor of Messrs. Wilcox and Lucas, who having a previous engagement, could only remain a short time. Mr. Wilcox made one of his best