Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 9, 20 Ianuali 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A oorrespondcnt oC the government Mwspaper ō}aims thnt there 4t is no •Bimiiarity'' between the misappropnations of the old regime and those made or &ttempted by the present reg» Akl W£_thought tbere was & la» ient : &mo*sg all misappro priftt:ouD!

The electors ol the third eleotion distriot of Honolulu will meet to*night at ha)f'pnst seven o'eloek in the oid armoiy on Qaecn street. Mr. A. Mai||aes jcaudid#tb for representative for that district 011 the national reform tīcket will address the meeting. Several other candidates and popular speakei>: Are a noonr»ced to be present ' who tt:!! «\ af > p.ddre«s tbe elector« present Thk Advert«ser has just discovered that a must hold HUgar stock to represeut t4 sng?u;" and that as Slr.W. O. ha» sold or transferrecl his sagar stock he inust not be cal)ed a sngar man any more. The Advertiser 18 sorry it mt.de this discovery, becuuse it fears it wiil reduce the governnaent ti?kot to the politioal absurdity of whisky straight and prayers crooked! Thew need bo no fear, g»od Advertaser, the |>eople are pretty certain to *fciok to tho euphonioua title that iits in with the facts, viz.: that tho gov ernment paffy has put fortU a ticket representiug <4 whisky, sugar and prayers'' straight through! The National Herald did not evea mtimate that Messrs. Young, Halstead and Bchnman were "going to bolt be< o&aae t,hev were not nominated," as aaserted by the Advertiser. This is one of the places wbere the govern ment newspaper should have overcome it herediUry trait of misrepr:sentation and told the truth. The opinion we| ozpres»ed was that these three men| were shabbily treated by their party and that they would have been far betler nomineee than such men as Bmith. C??T»ha i»ud T>niiiL»gh»»n> tho«gh we hold a high opinion of I&&asr%. Toung, Halstead and Bcha* man as oitiaonB of HaWaii yet we are ainoerely glad tiiey reoeivod the pol« i&oal 4t go by" at the hands of their frlends, —they woold bf6 been hard m&ū to beat, beoaoee they are so aaoeh botter that the politioal prinoi* plee cir oandsdates of the preseht government liokei.