Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 9, 20 January 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ALI4EN & ROBINSUiN. •Nm Mea Hoota<ko > na sno Papa « p»i •i'Pco«, Aiia, R«»i f a m* o« l»uko kokiilu V*t* n *wo • ppn , maikai io» l>eparture baj. j mei -Iy i* I—T — I LOVEJOY&CO. • IAĪX)HAHAUOUMA.\ i Hfl« 15 41a6al flea«lala« i Sa waiho aku feei no ke kaai xaa ke kama< Wjl haahaa lua ho mau piha niii o na ato m«ikai loa o na ela, waina, bia, 1 A ME N4 ■ V ANO LAMA E A£. Oiai na koho ia mai uei e Measrs. Laoh* niao & Jaoobi o Kap.iiak;ko i mau Agdi:<i piha no lana uo ka Pa*s>iiHH linwAii, aa liiki ia makoa ke X»hi<la akn i ko Ukoa Waina kxnlaaa maikai loa imua ona ma&amaka ame ka lehulehu no ke kaaanknai hr.<> haa io>i. 2d Di3fr:ct, 2d Prccinct! MOSOLULU. Registration of Voters. . i Tbe Bo;irJ of Insf>ecfcors of Election for ihe 2d Freoinot, 2d District, Honoiaiu, will meet fur liegigteriug Votera Hiid correcting the Begister, at the Polling Piaee for said Frecinct (Hon. W. H. Kiee'a Barn, School street), on FRIDAY, Jan. 17th, from 7t09 p. m., ou SATUBDAY, Jan. 18th, irom 3, tcr6 d. m.;at £ngine Co. No. 4, on MONDAY and TUES« DAY, Jan. 20thand 21st, from 7 to 9 eaeh evening Meetings will be held at above plaōps on Batne days of the weeks and at same hours until fnrther noiiee. Voters will please bring their Tax Becēipts with them. JONATHAN SHAW, 14*tf. i ReglBtration of Uoters. 4th D!STRICT. Ist PRECINCT. HONOLULU, OAHU. - rpHEINSPECTOFS OF ELECTION for the First Precinct of District Four will meet at the office of M. D. I?'j!!dlrpj. M' SATURDAY, Jan. 18th, from 1 to9 p. M.; on MONDAY, Jan. 20th, from 4to9P. M. Notice of any further meetings will be given at the above meetings. Airvoters when registering are respectfully reque«ted to bring their Tax receipts. The First- Precinct of t.he Fonrth District pomprises all that portion of said District lying wcst of Nuuanu sti a eet. M. D. MONSARR.IT, Cliairman of Inspectors of Election, lst Precinct, 4th District. 13-td