Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 9, 20 January 1890 — DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES [ARTICLE]
Fof the guidsncf of| Uie c&nuidstc» presented and sabported at next eleeikm in th£ iaU&d of Qehu, H. I. t by the co*tibined poUtica! Assoclations, the Heehaniee* Union and the Hui Kalmaina. Onr candidaira are reduired to promote and «11 taeasaies for tb« «4v»nt*ce of tbe worki»g cU«se& ud to oppoM whaterer m\%ht be »ttDT«r6lve of thelr rte2ts «nd lnterwtB, *k>* fnrg+ttinjf &owever tbat all elaaae© ia lli« Dfttk>D bein& allke entitled to coesideraUota aad protecUoo, aay lefifdatiiHi raust be made for the of the people, oa the basls ol equality for «11 the rivilized racea here aettled, aad qo looger perverted to the desi£QS o« pnrpo»e» o( aiij cUqo«, &ctioo or colony; 3. Our candidate3 are eraphaticaiiy piedg?d to malQtaio the absolute independence and perfect antonomy of ihe kingdore atwl a£ree not to sopport any kind of treaties or measi)ree whieh iead to tlie j»ractical aunexatioQ or eheorptfon of «»ur country by aoj other power, bui, foi- "tiie pai-pow» oi n iita.ll lAwii foi;iual ;CwuXUiliDu cf o„'.r iudepeodeoce, with a detinite KU»ranttn; oi ueuuui rtghtB, lhey will favor a epeelal appeal, uot only to Amcrica,butaleoto alt theG»eat Powere who iiuve hitberto protected us and made treatles of friendsnip witit ihi» they wlll oleo eoanlenanei iue eouUuuauee of tho prescnt f?«»cipi«»c<ty Tw»y witb thc Uulted Btatc»» ot Atnrriea, urwlfr tuie rcser?at,iou bownv*r, that, lu tbec?t>nl of an tlon or aiUrfcticn ot ttit*ir j>r«»Bfui tarur* t liaa'Mii mnst be et- liberiy tx> adnpl uieabure« to meet lue contingency; 8. WhilBt d«prerjsOK aay ill-coQgidered tamperiug wlth the precent €on»titution. we think iiiat —from itVfchviug b<enframei very ue©t»ti»rtiy iui|jeritct. and tiiftt rtvi9ioc of it might bu obtaincd iu c»im eouneil *Ithoul undne outslde prt*esur«. feucb a i«viftiua—maUe iu a progrwsive and iiberal bpiiit ke*:ping iu"vlcw t'uc poiitical and aoeial ot i"u* c*>an4i y aud cārefnlly jrut»rdii!g the neople'a liberties,— woald be the most ellleaeioua and satibfactory met'uod ol eradicßting for ever all ideas of rttrt*jrez*itm, whieh at present no ii)teitipeut man, naīhe or foreigner, ean entertain witbout tear for our iuluie safety and independence; 4. Our cAndfd&teii v>*Ui «np*.ort * Mb<:r»l modiK>atiou of thc pnaeni iiiw ou tbo propcrty jnd itieenie now rer t utred "1 c!»l!k'v for aobles,'tn »rder t.o inciude iu. tbat votinjr pnv:lC£e a wortby ela&'i of uativcs, n'.ua)» ln«»J o * aād mi'ohaii'oe, are now nr >u4tiy <i« i b.<rrtd. It i «|ho l>e well ■to couāij.cr whfl.lier a morc '«a£iKiaktorv .B'hWs o! «.oan; v,- . <»- dividiiur it iniotwo senai'aie bodict>, in stead oi ' an aii< !£ialy uoL to br ♦ vn'.l in f*u> «>tln'r <•«•>»««♦;««!- (ioimliv irovenied couiitr>; 5. \V'i* ILal °^ r " r *'. ,r,,! bc 6.attafiM'.Vorily R'Vd bv eleeilon orth« poople <*nd u vhe 11>< wiu-.ii • » cration of the At any r«iic, we c.vpect that the appoinlineni» to'-ail t*»c puoiie in tlie future, ?ive to the pnblic t>etter satistacrion tban thcy uayv; ttone Uiilu r!«j, a«nl vc ,»u iu >av >i ot the adoptio.il of a civil ecrvicei aud equitabie pcnsioii law, to prot« ct ».>H' reaily ertieieul aud faithful pnbl ; c t-ftrvatit!< ««itl sc vara rlic:u from arbitrarv rem«>val vritb everT ».»oiitical 4*ba?i^e; 6. We decidedly tavor ti»e mo»t ri«;id *3Loaokuy in the expenditure of the public fund&; aud ono of the modt practiearproofs of tbat d*»«ire <an bc griven by the £:uppresBion ot *I1 uuuec«n»»ary oOieu», āow used for tbe purpose of favoritism aud by tne reduction of mauy cxoespive ealai iee, while ut'the *amc time, tbe humhie and indispensable puhiie &ervauts. v/ho, at prehent barelv exist. oh a »ta~vation SRlary, shouid reeeWea jU6t inciao^t;. 7 As the stren>jtb aud w.-ailh ot a narion are buiU on the j»artitiou i.f tliu soil Kito iiuncro ī smatl tarms rather than Ipio i few larsre estate«, our cdiididates will ciid.'rso ali practicable oUggcstions tor au£mcntinx the elficicncy of the Honie, stead Act, »nd con«ider tbe vy«ys and njeans of obtalning and devoting moi-e lands to the purpo&es ot tbat act. Coucerniug imaiiemiioii Kcnerally, U must be the duty oi tt»e govcni»ieui »o ucsolv «peeīal attention to tbe oi mp<tpa!ijUi/uj llie fcini?dom with people ar>d cf tactlitātmg their s«ttleraeut. 8. &ur caudidate§ wlll unponditioaalty c:idorse and furtht*r by ali imaiiS, thc ea: ae?t wi.-h ed by our Poliiieai AwoeiaMone. for imm«diate aul slrin t ,«'nt ««ain-M »hc A->i;\tic h<>rdcH who thre«ten ttiis couutrV,—»iipplaīiiing and st*rviug out thfc *vtttivea aud a\vay thc torei;;n. Woi kmen. Chinese laborers scem evi,lc*itly indispensable U> oar planting interests and planters m-U3t bave tbe proper faciiitics for prwuriug at the\r exfxnj* and obtaining ab mauy as they may nccd, but these miwt be strictlykept on the plaptations and niast be returned to their homes as soon as no iouger used for piantation labor. For that purpose v proper restrictive coustitution«d legisiation must bc enacted without delay» Moi'eover, in connexion with tbia a»iatic quc»tion, we insist on the«e points; AjH-iuat uoither thc govt nimtiit nor auy puolie officers or govern>nent « w Mitr«ct'»rv «hr»""!d bē eliowed to nse Asiatic labor on p«iblic works; B) —tbat no ncw-coiners oi'asiatic mces should be ailowed to engrg; in trade or meehanieal oeeuiiation.«( rhe pre«»»n 'lh-eniwn hHn?» arn»diiaiiv«'HncH«Ml iiawaiian and*forv ign, we favor thc following gestions. A)—-that no timshed materials that ean be nvade or procured licre on reasou«»ble terms be imported for goyernmeut uwj, so as to prote«'t loeal industries; B) —that, iu consideratioi« of ihe iu-avy paid to the Queen , s lloepitai froiu puhiie iunūn», tbc i;overnineut shoaid infci»t ou iis tru»ieea modiying their rcjfutstio:is, so rs to make or it a truiy cnarttable In>titution, more accessible to thc desti tude of ail natiouaiiiies; C>—that tbe present Buudny 'aw be liberally nu*tvt\v4. *o th»< thv Ih v aiiowed bt ait.lifui reēriffttion on that day; l>) —nuii a more e<jtuwble as£<'sgraent <»f pr<v?x'rty and a )ust rcvisioirofthe t*xla»TB tie obf:<iut a; 10. tiie "'iilH mi poiicy dcsirtd by oai AssociHt.i«-ins about publi<* inipr«»vemrnt« ii*t: for object the dvvelopmvnt of nationaī res»ources aud giving greater faciiities to tbe foreign ana domc»*tic eouuuwe", we bpecialiy recotuuieiid th< folio« iuj; me»mnree-: A) —the immediate improvemcnts of Houoluiu Harbor f to acconiodate vessels of the l&rg > est tonMge aod the increasiug commerce oi the port,
£MR» extanBtott of Uw rallyo«d imiiOili, w9l Dotoalv give occap»tton tp laMm bnt iOm «MlUUie ihe seltili« of tte ialaßd a&4 Cy2:!vstlr- f . C)-4fe6 adoptioQ of a twuor iuml u*v»« sy*iemAtic roM eyst«ia« aad tho oI aew roada ia Oke re«ra«e dtetricta wtiera the loeal road4azee »etaand where tb( ImkU are bow iiumwiUe to Betttoneßt; D)—the improvement of harbor an<! landjpg &ciiitles on aii i&e biandA, aod the coa»tmction ot ail neceasary wikarvee and lHidged: " *- • -«•»♦ ♦»»« 'menwe- ' \ ♦ ' ■■ r ' "■ 'f « r » 4 <» Ui ivi ia« - - * debt, a loan be n«oMj»sanr. we recomraend a proper otUlsation of tbe Post-Ofiace Baving Bank; 11. Due atteatloa mnst be given to the geoenl «lp«Hlon,—wUh liberal supportōf pubhc aehoola, —Ui« hb*Hh of thocountry at!awe torh« 6anitarv conditiotts of tho citj of Honol ulu. In ricw of preventing the receat exeeeses of goveriir ment. ccntraluiation, a eauiiou* study mn&t be cnade of tiie teasibility of loeai selfipvemmeitt; and llaaUy, we demand a stron? aad rijpd artmini*traUon of the iawe and a more impartial prosecntion of delinqnents, opium e»muggiers, illicit Liquorseliers aad vagrants. Hoping that theee brief viowb, —forninlhtcd iu no p*j tl*an spirit, bnt witb mo«?t earn«st desire of f»ervinjf liie interests 01 uio couutry a«, Urge a» wtll u» ui i(ttpiun Hut) uiuii. wi' ;.f th* «rorkin£ olasses, —wiil meei wno tne of tbe people in tbe samc way as they airrsdv have been endoreed by onr candidateft, we earu«!»tly eall dn tbe voters to manifest their adhebiou at thc pfiiB. ilonoluin, January 3, ■