Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 8, 18 January 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
|2d Dsstrlct, 2d Prec!nct! HONOLUHI. j i Reg?st.*ation of Voters. Tl|e Isoav«i oT l!ispeeHrs of Eiectioii j foi 2o l*i'iie]net, 2d District. Ho j noiuhi. v> \]\ icect fv»r lif*g ; stovtrg Tixtv > '< 1 -' c '• U K -at ! tho "*o!!;ng P«-uv for sii.l l*v« »'»ue< UHv«ii W. II 1! e;'s Har:i. Hehoo! on FiiIDA V. -J,n. 17th # from ]7to 9 p. ui., om SAT( i>DAY, Jau. | lsth. tiom 3, t> i\ m.; al 10 C » K> 1, MONDAY aud TUĒH> D\\ Tm. 20tli and 21st, from 7to 9 ' eaeli eveuuig • M >t-t '><*s wj)l l>e ho!d at above j plaee< ou sa«»iu d:i\ s of the \veek.s und i at .->;i.tie iiiiiii ti;riuer Uuliee. . A otei*H will pleuse brii)g thoir | Tax Jiecoipts with them. | JOKATHAN BHAW, I-I'tf. Chairman, | Re3lstratlon of Voters. I l | 4*h DISTRiCT. Ist PRECINCT. j 110> T OLULI\ OAIIU. fTHE INai-EeiOPii 0F ELECTIO>: ' -■*' tor tlie First Preeinct of I)ls>trici [ F<mr wi!! meet at the ofiiee of M. D. ? Monsarrat. Cartwright But!ding, Mer;e s Kint €treet, opposite Post ihee, on :SATUIIDAY. Ja'n. 18th, fron 1 to 9 ■r. M._; on MONI)AY~, 20th w from '4t09 r. M. Notieo of anv further iiieftings w !l bo givon at the above meeting>, Ali voters when r?gmteriug are respeetfuHy requened to briug their Tax īeeeipU. The Fiust PrwiHet of' the F»mrtli :Di?triet eo»npvis»v< nll that portiou of s{iid Distriet- lyiug west ot Kuuanu M D MONSARRAT. C iiii I i Iltil 11 v * ». n- jv vvv i o v i Lii.wCi.iOli, ] i lst Preeinet ? 4th Distriet. 13 td —.. Ina o*> « makoaiaki' aua i ktta a mo ka hookele I akahele, e te!ejn>tie no WALUCE JACKSON, Ma ke kahua o ka 111-l KAA i x io:Nr. 1 KE KAA HELU 84. Tekpone Mnluala 595——Tc!ej>one Bele 204. ianlS-lwk.