Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 7, 17 January 1890 — THAT AMERICAN COMPARISON. [ARTICLE]
Tlie » is very mueh ext i r o--CY ihe rr vi r cct cf thc govcraiīiont l>eii)g liāmloil ovtr to the i::.t:oual refoiDi partv. It assorts that cer - iain iioo«l; i (l roforiDB eau ouly be sai'e]y eiitnisū*l to tho j>j»vty wliieh first promisōd t!)om, If tlio AdvertiHer woio j>resBcd for an answer as io tlie proper of of powoi* ior ine refonu paity, probubly two hiiUilred yeurs wunul be fouud iuadoquate. Tbe reforms conlomplat€d by the reforoi purty aihl ilio refGrius deitiandod by ihe pepple are dilibreut atlairs, ■The jm-sent p,.riv has luul its kas<T of po\vur atul proved unwortLj of its trust. ■Tliat this party; would like to con« iiiiue ii'i poNsei is by nu uicuns slugultir. ronaoity of tenure of oiliee is chametoristie of every party t!jut gets t control of offiee. The refereucp of the Advertiscr to the two letiding politieal parties of the ruited States was vury apposite. But the Advortiser should have extendod its refereuee io the great people who eoutroraud deter- ? ?:'Y« ;»«*-« of theso parties. Eveu that obtuse jourual mighthave comprehended that four years after great interests were euirnsted to the Clevelaud adniiuistraiion, the people eoncluded the needed reforms cdu!d bdterbe effected by tlie old republic;in party. Ko sueh sickly, sButimeutāl ideasas
Htaw,l ?'»o it l tn*iv!i of t*wnts. ] Tl- \- x !h V\ the |mrly in |h>xv< r * » » « * » » * . i ifcs V < ■.» -- n-. » % 41,«*« \I»M U* »», I ilO'U' V* lt piV>pOī»Cvi t-0 uv . s Ju>t »-% i%«' lU>« j <! p Mt piU'h on : Hiin. \> tho ilouuvrat io ineuml»eaey j kM iH»t <U*ve!op i,iueli t?mt was hop*vi ful. or soenre tlio t % oiifidemv of the | m\j i % was n > wisdom in vlsk-j v • t *V* ,xt* f* %m* I* %% : |*i% ~% »\» • i * ;*v . i iU4 » uv'i. j, t*v- «*| * ; U = ! |li>n ot A-tvvrt : cvo.r ch:\r.go uf $pvfra:nettt is the i hy|H»erisA'. It wel! known thnt a j * * | uot e".*ustit.uto n revolntion. imless ei- j ieeUnl hy feivo of arms. as U\ !j *| v h, . . w;•) porīwt;V -• •!»» »n the o\īiit of ii ehAngo of iulmiuistra' tion. In faet it will ho snfer t!uiu at pr i . x v* ' ue/.ūmai atsd it\ - ih;str.;J rvoteotlois wil! be aeeor<led! who.e it groat»v neeileel! | R? v. Mr. Di mmi is honiiil tokeep! h?s :r -ne m pr ;, it ovc!\ thongh fco ifej foree»l [ * jtitaek the telephone ]>nsts! ! Brt t!» t Olesoii, why do you not mthor 'ī +, H'k tbe i:ie nnpotont goveru | lueia. v. hw h t!ic nnisuuees you | eomphi n ef to e\ist !