Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 7, 17 January 1890 — THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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The govenum»n* nowsp,-;por seoms to h be greatly >exereisod ovor tho li(tle outsido issues. wiiieli go to iiK*ke np the | iarger piirt of its daiiv issue. There :Mre, l»ovevei% two tsi?ngs wfiu-h U: >tiictlv avi>iAU, <ic.; i«>e ili<afTeetioii! in its own party uikl the real i?<ues t between tho aud the 4i existiiig as representatives of| the goverumeiit party. lt w a*>, opealy attaek the native Haw ius aml' rontinof( ifseK to <]•» giving' the lie in general to llio nat ve news-| papevs of the natmn i] ref« : m partyj without aitempting t » meoi their ar ! gam€nts. 11 is clauned th»t the argu-' ment of the nutive newspai«' vs is poor; ai*d could be easi!y met; h\ * the gov ernment newspaper does n i even at~! tempt to m*et it, V\'hy? B »nse the grvcr r dtuc: ; not yet ; - !r--j>eeially at this time } eome into opeu raptnro wiīh the nativo Hawaiians. Huw«Vcr, lue guvcrntfleut iee!s lhat st mnst a %ht «gītiust the native Euee iiikl sueh is bc ing mado. Do you how, native Havvaiians ? In this ar4y : The government has money ? urnished by its baekei*s. This money .s beuig used tohire a fou unpiineiplid native Hawaiians to run one or two i£.vspaper> again?t the iat£rtsls of !ieLr owa The who

- tvrt* liiring fow rencgado nāthos to botrdy thoir oom\trymoh k« A op m tho darli, hooniKO thoy too woll Unow th*»t tho V*"» vv\ii:UW hftfo \ thom on thcīr rccoril and wouldt {aiinu any pohiieal movomoiit or nowg* behin«l whioh they woro soen pallrng tho wiros. As tliese native newspapers, whioh aro fighting for tho h*i*Ji oaiw as roprosontod L>y tho pro • £oni govornmont, aro tho bonght tools ot your politH?al cnomies, it is yonr i )«iMivsi niul «!»««*.• f•'» Mvni«T MUHiwnni'! t ! ieir a(ivH*e or voti?:g !or t!ie governmoiiī tioket wliloh thoy reprosont, i <«•*« «1* n 1 t XuU puuue (iuu C\ faetion of tho govermuent part3' es pegialiy aro at prosont ongag<?ii in tho poiilioal p;īj<vimo of woiuloring wl 4 y throe such rūtn as Mossrs. Hiusioad ( Young iukl Eoluiinaiin woro poUtioally 4 S;;;t by ihe gavor:imcr»t party in oonve!ition assomblod! Tho samc electorsnro further vondoring why tho phioes of such nien as Mossrs. Ha)stet\d aud Behumann wore fi!kd by sneli poliliea) £elu»w>»usMos§rs€anha, | Sonth iind D»ilinghurn, wlio rt'presoiu |wUkkey, sugar aud prayeis, rather ' th.'«n ihe tndiistriMl ehi <££*»$ of thn i naiion. One of tho beanfios o£ tho j govemment tioket is that th*3 native }Hawaiians avo hare!y represonted b\ j ouo out of nine on tho govorninoiit j tioket for noblos: another beauty is j that the meohanieal and indn«trial jeiement|of the oountrv are not re- | nn iin» » k nti»e This is tlie mam point whioh ihe nailonal roform*partv h;ts ealVdfUid Hiiii for renl and sincere pt>liiieal jrefor:n in ihe namo ef tbe I