Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 7, 17 Ianuali 1890 — DEATH OF JUDGE PRESTON. [ARTICLE]
, Wo h •av just the sad of the of al.i. Jufrtlco Prestcn Beec»ml AssoeM»t* J;īstiee of the Ra waii iī C tn wrt. Mr. Pr*»«to!i died j V ♦« !! '>• :»* '.! imm > \ »v .-«i aboul twv> o'eloe 51 ; this aftornoon. Pr >.!« n w;.< būrn in liUiuloi; &nd \vn< *Uty nine yc?vr* of age at tht It i8 aslonUshii»£. is ii not, tUut wo heai 110 ;» >to TV;!*ou is a pn!.t\v»l }nviext--thc pmtforru < f t!<o >>.^yr ,\a<{ whi;>ke\party or thc:r t'.oi;e:c 00-ol» !*Jr. u s. y<;»i\ need not spend t ū k ir. : y vi are cot a fool: ehe ot!ior UUt uid that when he ea!ied you «>ne! liii' t i iiuH i'a J l'OilltvJ S©ciue fovtho what ir has for two years fi NI to <v thom: vl;!., f 5? , e «I . f . Ī; : . /. ».■/ 19llht>*IH (''' thi **pK!tKArs tho nun>t i* iying featurt 4 "' i»f tiio govornuii nt }»arty w uouiBiii\.'itio»s on tlrn ishMuV to the rcf<nm r n ty i t least, k the '' jrfgh eh>r:U iei" of the Huee wel!* i.ukliltes, ${JiO HOt iUHīi'in&k(i' Thr Bū!īrtm and A«;vertiser jmtst be carefn! aini not hurt eieh other Wllh that wmd "re-aotiOftj»n%"** The! word l:as sōveral one ofl — : leliieli k tn? weak way in whieh these! two are j>onime!mg eaeh otber ( | w!thout tooehing tho real |>oiitīeal; points at is>uo betwoen the and the goveftfmeut! I YESTRRm.Y the AdveitUer »".nmd out| the workiograen were to bhmie for! of t*vd><y if h;w! .. 1 U I ii . n ,j: t .. .r .. i UlKyiVlvvī %L*iYv %uv* UH* »eu»U tv ivuu j ticket represents theplanters* iuterest> j in thc klands To'inorrow morniitg: tli« iwtioiiāl reforin tk ket *ill lifcely * be eh*rged wīt!i represcntīng thej whhkev e!ement eontrol!ed bv the' , * «> s independent * b<nv "; and probably' by next Mond»y the nailuiial reform-j, will b* if nof eoiivietod ef c«pturing Fort-4rv»t ehurvh * }'
THK ro|H»i-t hl* i \ Oio imu ixktlu*irv \vas hv Ki in pol> iiknl rticlov, th< g< miont nkle' , .. — --t *t *■ 4«t . AV,*il ii i\i> t . I-lU* ("'i C«>li vlklak\i tl;c c.s;!v Huwaiian) on Uk» j»;»ri\V iiikoi fot m>Mos. was ene of tho throo uion who li\xemd forh voit s tho iughost (naiuhoi o*st. Tho othor two who ro ; o%#ivihl tho s'imo voti t!iat Mi\ Kaanj krti dkl »ro on tho g n ernmoni iiokoi ; fv»r ti;o s;s. T:;;vc ct!::;v: j ,j it?om\u»g i i\\er \oioN ilian Mr, Knau- j JkiUuro pīaoed on ihe iiokoi for iho | fonr yoars* torm, Mr, Kuankai boing '» ,i* n ii'iin ti .«mi (ln> i J . . . . "J o»' >t i»)«f *»ti (f>- i'w, i?i giwn a piaoo for the f>*v (jvars ttvm< althrugh ho v, \vcu !hc !n b lu M v " Mi\ Hnaukai woulei not havo Ikou on ilio tickot ai uli, Ii;ul noi thr gwvtra;uor.4 P'*rty \vij4hoil to l i'ili iho nnj tivo Ilawainui», iu ordor to outoh a ! few votc^. | Ax onthiis!<iBiio u reform S t«oeiliig was hold \e:;ing in F'iujoachnroh. Long t>»-k»ro t'ie honr of j openinw arnve«J tho hons** was crowd* | f oiL The raeoting oalioil to ora< rl I anel Mr. Bam Kaanouian>i oloet #, <l! to tho chair. Mr. Jvun Maua wus oloioil soorotaiT, Owirg to tho vuij avoi<lahle absonco of Mr. H. Curam« ings, canuidHto for n fur« GCCOnd \li3trict Oii thc national ? ivsioiui isvktfl, Mi IWh S|»uke f«»i | hlm and was hoailih ivouivcd brtlftfj j>euj>lo j;rosent jliia uitoiing n\,s iurthor addi*ossod r>v Messrs. Mar* j quos, Orabbo, % Crow!o\ , Vvilct»x, B(»w--j ior iuid Btono wlio roceivvd lond| jand re|»e;it"d appiaoae. Bcfore ad' ? jOui»u«jt'lii Mr. I> uiu»n I iLoso eleciors pivscni tho groat noj c**ssi ty of inim* diato'y socur;ng j»ropor I regn>trution.