Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 7, 17 Ianuali 1890 — DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES [ARTICLE]
Forthc guidance of the cahdidates presenCcd c*ud s«ippctrted at tL i next eleeiion in the island of Oahu, K. 1«, by t!ie combined political Ab3oci&tioifs the MeehanieE* Uniou and the Hui r 'a! *i&iria. ». Ou?* C3indidAtcs arc rt\{uired promutc de end »11 fer the advantmge of lbe woik- , i?ig and u» <'ppoj?v \. Uaievcr be siUiTcrs»ivc of atid inSv x*' t» t not «orgettiuj: liovvcTer tha ? nll ci»s. e«iu the uatit»u bei ig aake <.iuitled to e«ju?id<*ratiou &ud proleclion. auy , m\;*t l>e tnade Tor *he ma)orit v <if tU«; peop.e, o» the o! eq.wllt>* ?0t"all" eivi!itēd' i-Ww hcreaettied, and ro perverted to the dcsi«;ut. or pu'-po-, -o« anv eliqu»\ faetion or enloin; ! | Our eA«didaU"» are to uv.»iu;siu iuv i.ni» n 'iumeo i*ud pcrfeet iiu:onuiny of Uie ki..»:dom auu ag*ce uot to suppo t' a»v Kmd of treat:c!- • r mi asnres whieh migUt Uad rothe praet»'N»t nuvev*tiou *or ateorption of our fVjM«rrv !•; i»Hr •> -• py ; .., og , *• " • s *' .•* " : r*; m*. t»Ui iuuv,- u«.a, iw... .. »*v: i'n, fiuaiamce ol ueunui rit:ht!*. tu« v n iU t»vor a apj>eal, uoi onlv to Atnerica, lu:f a' \o ull the Great Powers who Uavc hftherto proteeted aud made ttxaties of friend- ; with tUi« kincdoni; tiiev will rlso eounteuauee the oontinui*uce <! »!»c present Ro iproeitv Treaiy wi»U the Staiea ot Ameriea, u'ider tliis re&«rv.tiou Uowever, th*t. in theevent of An :*Uro4ratM»u or «lter«t;ou of tUeir prese»U tarift\s Hawaii uuj!it t*e Ul»eri v to adopl uieagtires to meet tūe coutius*.*ney; &- WUilst depreeatin£ any ill-considered t«mwitU tbe prea4 s nt- Constitution, we lūiuk tUat —ifr m its havine bcsti framed very U.istily—it b . iO impcrtwt, £«d !U*t a UeattUful revis!on tit u be oU"*iacd it\ ealm eouneil US3.: :e outslde ptx>surr. * rcvi-<iuQ —made iu h ayd l t ber»l spirit, keephig iu view tbc | pslitk*«l and vi;»l ad\&iKemea! of lUe ountry : niid carefal!y guardhig tlie people's libertk w(iuld be the most cffieaeious aud $&tia£a,etory nnet'tod of emdiefttins: for ever all ideas of ' .i>k .rMeb at prectnt no :r;telligent maa, native or ' ean entertaln wilLoul fear for our future 1 ssjfety and indepeadenee;
\\iU ii'puil ii nWr*J fe>odlfi?*ttot> »>ftbv piīniii »uw un thc IpmiH»iy auU 1dUUH ui eiutor#fur 'n n t«Wi" t«> hu'luH« i»» »t.»i »?«-tlr^ * »*t'ltil\ l-l li(HlVi n, >>iMfin 1111111 linlli •» >I)4s mechftQK , f, %vho *re now uujnt*tly tK*bailt *aieht also L<e, well to wUv-tUcr '* more «aiiBliCtorv »tātu»of thc 1 could l* obt&imd by <ilvi4Uig Jt lnto i«u L. Uh », in nf««fl of «nttng togetlH >\ &s *t j»ref>"r.t, uhiel» it .xn *m>nily oot to ot* fouu<l iu aay oiīiii cou»tllu< (aoUKil? jyfoveroed eouni»y; 5. W* beti©vethat « crtfciu public olHeea ruigbt tiō ft4kH*fat'torUY plivo 1»Y im« < m.iii «,f »»utl t»X.- \. k .v «. ,»• .. emiiuu ol the lcj,t*l tu e „\t uu, nvcxpect tb,j appoln'uieule to »11 l!it* j»ubl.ic t»U»c*j» will, lii tb« futttre f to the b">b i hi.'.^uelion tb»tu thvy haN'i 1 Jooe lvitbvi ti, auū we un tu Imvor t>{ aiiop'iiou ul » ju,'.ici'«\i« und peueiou Uw.'lo pr> :e>.t Uie rt..i:/ vie«t aiiid f»ithfulpablic >ex vf.uta iiui »evu:c lliein from Rrbttrft.ry rcmoval wlih cv»-ry |H>l]".cal cUunge; 6. We dccldedlj fa*v» r t'..«. luoil rijcU ct om<iuj tn shv cTpcuuitnrc of the i>=. i»**e oue of ihe most jiroots t t it»*« df«.rf «v>n b# tiven ī>y the suppresBion at ali aune< ca.-.Hrj oiiice« t «iūw «scd for tbe purpose o; f..v .ritĪ!?m atiJ bv the r\%iuctiou of nuiny ex ,'?-iye •sJtl ric&, whiie at tbe tlwe, tUe humMe «in<i iuJi: pcn.sa,bic public ser*aau, who v at pre£.en , . > baix>ly tsW; uua .-uw?" n»«on €«lftry, *hou]<i recvive a ju:-t i«h iease. 7. Ai» the«tl»'nt;'»> H.m w» HM«. iii m iiMiion iU4 t.«ui!t on th« p >rtitk)u v ' tho into ni,mcroui -mull ratber tna'i n>t •> hf• ■ w iarge e£latcb» »u; t*andsuates will eud.»r>e p.actieuble BUgs{es» iioim tor augittcuttt»;; thc t OiA ion y of ihe iiotuc # ftf!Kl Act, •ndx'on"!t!cr m' » - iiU ttf obiainiup »tud devot nu iuo*i. »,) tl «• i-ur.it t'» * of *līßt tu*t. iiu ui. n»;ioii «jtnu-aiiy, it Hiuil be the du«y ot tbv ir"veiuu,»t ut to <h vote ■>j»cci»l ultt-Uti.»!i to Liu v<U ' »»•* n t 'a^the witli suitnb!'' iv»; le fntl o)'*t:t« ili'?ting thclr &ettknieQt. 8. Our eaudidßtes »\KI ftiHhcr bv all uien l '». Hi» c;»inc.-t wUh t i.pn s«i--«U by our Polaieīil As»t»t iH.i. .i>, u,r iuuuedb*c uud fciiii*itt.*at tue; tnrvs ;»..*< liie A iatt« il^rdeft • ht> tbrcdteu U»ie> eoiiutn«. r atui i»lnrviu< out ll»e Native6 auil 'Uiv ; n:j; a« »y th W »>rkmen, Chiues« 1; bou»rt> *eeu evkH ntiy indito our iuier s k ,ī an*l planlcrt u«u»k Uavj tbe. proj.cr f * pro<* u ri;;g at *rpcnse arid a- i: i> iy aē th*y may uei'd, but fhesc must'bv ic::vKc 1 ».*0.i thc r Lnt»wd must be rt t-iriK\f !•; īluir ik,-w» as <oon •« no louger uscd ?\»r t»n !ub >r. For th*t pur|)ose, *>rop?r j'cst-netiv v c«.n«>itutioiial si«tUou uiust be eui«eted lhout u* h»y. Morvover. in e'»nnvxion with thl< a»iat.ie <iue&uon, ivt insis{ oi» iiieee poinlei: A i—t;«at ne.liMei" thc f iUovnt nor nny puoHe cfl;cera or ko.eiuuou; o iiu'wi »;. .>!.«>uUl *oe a.l- - to use As:atie :ab<»r on pul.ie \vork?; Hj—tl'at n n» v-»'«>nicr- » I».<i »tic n»c.'sslit»uld l>e .i.lt»\ etl to t*i »«:»!< na«'cb "»i »1 i«vnu|. tio«tv, tla> 1 { »»".« s »rnu , t'Mlly c:itieefed o'» tu» r!itural e■. ! the v- *w.\t % .v msl6j *.\ īn ti»e €yeviut Ititefv.-' «• of th" fabo» it auj foixiLLr t> \\ t: u(M;r ilw £ali<jttiug ?>agge*rion«. A i—t'i-u no ti iishv'd n»st«M'iai> I'iui tn> bc m.»de vU ptuei»rtu bcir« on iatpOi,«i fo. u«». *=<> .*> :<» ;"i"t»twiloeal inuu^nea; jij—iual, 'm coiis>iūe:';»T :ou t»t ihv. uc"tvy pub?idies paUĪ to the 11. f>ī.m .puMie funds, th. i;ov*rrnniint *hoaid i''sis! <»a h$ tru>tevs modl?;i>£ th»»!r rcjul.«ti >:»* -»«« i» to mak:* e' ;t a trulj ehr..-:taMv T is.!tutio«, tnor<. aeei syiUc ' .> fUc da»tf tndc of ali uatlbnalit:cf, jit ihe ;>iew*ut !®andfly. iaw be libon4lj m«»-oht d, so thiit ilu* [ eoj»le be a!io\ved heahhiul ic«M cati«>n on tl»at t',a;; I))- t tUat a inf ,-e e.ju s t;«Me ai?.scasmcnt cf propcrty atut a rcvJsion w>f *Ue tax law? Ik t)buiiut d; 10. Kegardh;ig the 'abo...' p->t*,cy dcsircd by our \,«soehti />ns abv»ut puKu' iiiiproven.e;its havitig for o'\iec{ the dcvelo|uiH »«t of uat i .r. ! < esouree.s i>ud giv,ug £reater f;īcintiv. U> the furebninnd •louiē. lie c«»miiicrce", we «peeially rceonmv d thy l\)llowinf me*t<me« --'he imtoicdlaic iiwpvovcm<Mv.j« of lloiu lula Ha:i»or, io atconiJd.ne \csselB wftbj lā>*g jst 1011»o4 the Ui£reasia«; eouiiaei'ee e! thc purt; B> —Tbe < xlention of . lie raili 'ul arouud Oaliu, whieh H.a «ot only giv»> Ation t»> lahopei*, but aks© lacilitatc tbo ?>eiir.ug of tbe ihlaud aua promole tbu cultlv*tiou t>f itt lieh land<i Ci—tbc auopt ! oii of a bcttc. ui»u tuo»c systeiuatic road iiysīem, and the or«*nit!si of i ew .road* ia the rcdiotc distric»s wbere lue !m al iv»ad-laxt> aie iutinfiicu'Ot and wīsert* c*«,»>- mirntly the lauds are t v to scttU mcnt; D}—tbe inimovunenL >i h:irlor :uul lau«tiug fhc*ti'Je? on ull thc !-<nv v ! »rd the const«ucllou of aU uccc&&4*o wbai Ycs an*l briii^; If, tō earTV oui thc nbt-vc eo .1« m] lat<st improvemcnt6, or īor the »efi>ndi,ig t»fthe prcsent n;>vional del>t, » loan he heeoss:try. \vt re'ct»mincijd & proper u.ilisation of the Poal-ŌPiee Hank; tt. Duc attcution mu:>t be s iveu to thc geuerid edueat an, — \vith li'>e»*al £upy «>rt v>f pnhlie «pchools, —to health of the emrftry at lar|re a»'d to the :»aniti\ry couditioiis? of the ei\y of Konoiulu. Ia vicw of p""event'in»; tlie receut t\ k - of s;v»vcrnment etMS?raŪ2su"ou, a eauli \ i tlv am.*t be made of the fe4isibility oi 10.-al .m . «< trumeiit; *ua finntly, we demand a st; on-; and ru;td adm;nidtration of thc !aws aud y moie iu t % i t ».t»s v t uiion of d" r uiqne its, opiuiii «•->>«lb|Uorēeller« and vagrsnts. Hopiuj£ that Uie;* !>ri A f viw ■% —form; tatcd iu uo piutisan s?pirit, but wiih the most earn >t de.-ire of •ierviny tt»e, intftrefit-« < i Mie eo . »try at e as well - tbi*. « T !Uv v v f -e a» \.f •Ue *\v»tiyu|4 < ; ia»bca|, —V* m *uvtv »i«l» ltu ouauuū of tbe |>coplc iu the $»uit way as tbty u uv U&ve b< en cudon»ed lfy oav caudiuatcs % \\\ ca;ncjstly eall o i thc votcrs to inauifesi lUeh adUc>lo'u at ije pol)s. ilouolulu; Jauuary "j, 1390. #