Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 7, 17 January 1890 — Page 2

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Ma ke Kauoha.


Hoolaha Hoopaa Inoa.

E NOHO MAI ANA KA PAPA NANA KOHO o ka Mahele Ekahi, Apana Ekolu, no ka hoopaa ana i na inoa o ka poe koho, ma ka Halepaikau Raipela, ma Manamana, ma ke ahiahi Poakahi. Ianuali 14 mai ka hola 7 a 2 P.M., ma ka Poakolu, Ianuari 13, mai ka hora 7a 9P.M., ma ke ahiahi Poalima, Ianuari 17, mai ka hora 7 a 9 P.M. a ma ka auina la Poaono, Ianuari 18, mai ka hora 4 a 6 P.M. O keia mau halawai no ke kakau inoa ana e hoomau ia aku ana ma ia wahi a ma na manawa like no ua pule mahope mai a hiki i ka hoopanee loa ana.

            F. WUNDENBERG.

            Lunahoomalu o ka Mahele Ekahi, Apana Ekolu.


The National Herald.


Honolulu, Jan. 17, 1890.




            We have just received the sad news of the death of Mr. Justice Preston, Second Associate Justice of the Hawaiian Supreme Court. Mr. Preston died suddenly and unexpectedly at about two o’clock this afternoon. Judge Preston was born in London and was fifty nine years of age at the time of his death.


It is astonishing, is it not, that we hear no more of stolen platforms?


            WHICH is a political pretext—the platform of the sugar and whiskey party or their ticket?


            GOOD MR. Marques, you need not spend time in proving you are not a fool: the other fellow did that when he called you one!


            THE government party promises to secure for the people what it has for two years failed to give them! Viz., “ honest, economic and efficient administration in all departments of the Government.”


            “PERHAPS the most gratifying features” of the government party “nominations on this island,” to the national reform party at least, is the “high character” of the three well-known candidates, who were not nominated!


            THE Bulletin and Advertiser must be careful and not hurt each other with that word “re-actionary.” The word has several meanings; one of which is the weak way in which these two papers are pommeling each other, without touching the real political points at issue between the people and the government!


            YESTERDAY the Advertiser found out the workingmen were to blame for the revolution of 1887: today it has discovered that the national reform ticket represents the planters’ interests in the islands. Tomorrow morning the national reform ticket will likely be charged with representing the whiskey element controlled by the independent “boys” and probably by next Monday thte national reformers will be accused if not convicted of capturing Fort-street church.’


            THE report was yesterday that the iron industry was looking down on political circles, on the government side.’


            MR. S.M. Kaaukai, one of the candidates (and the only Hawaiian) on the government party’s ticket for nobles, was one of the three men who received forty votes—the highest number east. The other two who received the same vote that Mr. Kaaukai did are on the government ticket for the six years’ term. Three others receiving lower votes than Mr. Kaaukai are placed on the ticket for the four years’ term. Mr. Kaaukai being mostly a name Hawaiian, and the only on on the ticket, is given a place for the two years’ term ,   although he received the highest vote cast! Mr. Kaaukai would not have been on the ticket at all, had not the government party wished to hoomalimali the native Hawaiians, in order to catch a few votes.


            AN enthusiastic national reform meeting was held last evening in Pauoa Church. Long before the hour of opening arrived the house was crowded. The meeting was called to order and Mr. Sam Kaaumoana was elected to the chair. Mr. John Mana was elected secretary. Owing to the unavoidable absence of Mr. H. Cummings, candidate for representative for the second district on the national reform ticket, Mr. Bush spoke for him and was heartily received by the people present. The meeting was further addressed by Messrs. Marques, Crabbe, Crowley, Wilcox, Bowler and Stone who received loud and repeated applause . Before adjournment Mr. Bush impressed upon those electors present the great necessity of immediately securing proper registration.




            The government newspaper seems to be greatly exercised over the little outside issues, which go to make up the larger part of its daily issue. There are, however, two things whih it strictly avoids, viz: the disaffection in its own party and the real issues between the people and the “existing administration,” as representatives of the government party. It is hard to openly attack the native Hawaiians and hence confines itself to daily giving the lie in general to the native newspapers of the national reform party, without attempting to meet their arguments. It is claimed that the arguments of the native newspapers is poor and could be easily met; but the governmentnewspaper does not even attempt to meet it. Why? Excuse the government dares not as yet, especially at this time, come into open rupture with the native Hawaiians.


            HOWEVER, the government feels that it must make a fight against the native race and such is being made. Do you ask how, native Hawaiians” In this way: The government has money furnished by its backers. This money is being used to hire a few unprincipled native Hawaiians to run one or two newspapers against the interests of their own peole. The haoles who are hiring these few renegade natives to betray their countrymen keep in the dark, because they too well know that the native Hawaiians already hate them on their past record and would shun any political movement or newspaper behind which they were seen pulling the wires. As these native newspapers, which are fighting for the haole cause as represented by the present government, are the bought tools of your political enemies, it is your interest and duty to avoid following their advice or voting for the government ticket which they represent.


            The public geneerally and a large faction of the government party especially are at present engaged in the political pasttime of wondering why three suh men as Messrs. Halstead, Young and Schumann were politically “ sat upon” by the government party in convention assembled! The same eletors are further wondering why the places of such men as Messrs. Young, Halstead and Schumann were filled by such political fellows as Messrs. Cunha, Smith and Dillingham, who represent whiskey, sugar and prayers, rather than the industrial classes of the nation . One of the neauties of the government ticket is that the native Hawaiians are barely represented by one out of nine on the government ticket for nobles: another beauty is that the mechanical and industrial elements of the country are not represented on the entire ticket. This is the main point upon whch the national reform party has called and still calls for real and sincere political reform in the name of the people!




                        We publish to day, for the benefit of both native Hawaiian and foreign electors, the last platform put forth by the government party. We wish all who read it to immediately compare it section by section, as far as it goes, with the declaration of principles of the national reform party printed on our fourth page. We especially call the attention of native Hawaiians, to the first clause of the government platform referring to the independence of Hawaii. We shall take pains in a few days to analyze this latest government platform and compare it with the national reform document, of which it is a weak imitation; we therefore wish our readers to be posted in advance on the form and substance of the two documents.




1.      We pledge ourselves to maintain, inviolate, the autonomy and independence of this Kingdom, while securing, at the same time, the amplest commercial benefits in our treaty relations with the United States .

2.      To secure adequate legislation, by constitutional amendment or otherwise, whereby Asiatic immigration shall be restricted to the agricultural necessities of the country, and Chinese, not now @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ shall be prohibited from hereafter engaging therein.

3.      To favor wise and liveral appropriations for internal improvements, and to sustain a progressive policy in the development of our national resources.

4.      To secure suh an extension of the present Homestead Act as will facilitate the settlement of small landholders throughout the Kingdom.

5.      To procure for the people an honest, economic and efficient administration in all departments of the Government.


THERE seems to be a great deal of talk lately about “principles, not men,” “measures, not men,” old. It is noteworthy that the party which advocates the separation of principles and measures form the men who officially represent them and are responsible for carrying them out, is the party with a bad, a very bad, political record. This party objects to any new party without a political record trying to establish and enforce political principles and measures, whih the people endorse and propose to have carried out as speedily as possible. Having violated faith itself, the government pary wishes to separate its unreliable officials from abstract political principles, so it can insist that principles and not men are to be voted for. This it has done and is doing. This is has done and is doing. The people on the other hand insist that political principles and the men representing them cannot be separated and either be depended upon! The people demand principles and men shall not be separated, as practised by the government party during its two years’ disgraceful and perfidious career! For this reason the people of this kingdom, represented by the national reform party, have bound both their politial priniples and their candidates together—making the latter responsible for the former—and we betide the candidate, when elected, who dates separate his official action from the political principles upon which he was placed in office. The demand now is— both principles and men!




            The Advertiser is very much exer-cised over the prospect of the government being handed over to the national reform party.    It asserts that certain needed reforms can only be safely entrusted to the party which first promised them. If the Advertiser were pressed for an answer as to the proper---- of lease of power for the reform party, probably two hundred years would be found inadequate. The reforms contemplated by the reform party and the reforms demanded by the people are different affairs. The present party has had its lease of power and proved unworthy of its trust.


            That this party would like to continue in power is by no means singular. Tenacity of tenure of office is characteristic of every party that gets control of office. The reference of the Advertiser to the two leading political parties of the United States was very opposite. But the Advertiser should have extended its reference to the great people who control and determine the respective leases of power of these parties. Even that obtuse journal might have comprehended that four years after great interests were entrusted to the Cleveland administration, the people concluded the needed reforms could better be effected by the old republican party .


            No such sickly, sentimental ideas as