Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 6, 16 Ianuali 1890 — A VOICE FROM THE MINORITY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


; A mectiug of ilie Houolulu !rou Works Oomw&s called to order &t tlie īonnĀrv bjr Mr, Gi!f!lUu at 12-30 p, m. today, Mr. W. c. Roe w«s chOB6D ehainuan end tlie following |aper w*s passed around and nuiiierousl> signeu: , lnasmūch as a ruiuor to thc coutraiy it? ia cir4wl#tjon, we, tbe Tin<\*?r<\gVi*<i t etm>loyee* of thē Honolalo Iron Works Compftnj t herel>j wish to that in the e?ent of Mr. Alex Jmng hn?ing %eea put forward kS & efc&di<t&t« for Kob!e for the of Q*hn t he wouM h*v« reoeive4 our! ewj[>port voW, !

Wrtv illel Mr, Wnn(lcnborg flnd it y\oc?mHrv io Mr, W"C. Ach! # rt (jom'nm<'nt pa)iy ain<fi(tote> m odo of the clerkHof tho boaixl of inspectors iB tbe first distrlet ? The roorning organ l>een unal>lo, t'M ««■> .*t •» *U il t', lo Oulī f» triiths, etc. No ono ewr imagino<t snch a thitig. Tt has nover boon iii thal Iiuo of busnu ss. 4 T"/YPVi.»*i j ī. triB » ' . 1 | ia Iavor ct tho iidtionai i-ctorm parly iare rcspectful]y asked to rcad llio j slurri«g eomj>arison of the g<>verij!iieiit jorgau in whieli it likeus them to tho Tweed Gang in Now York City. Bneli a ēonciliator) , sueh a winning remark1 A katīokat, reform meeting for DIs*. triet No. 1, wan held at the Brigltoa B<itbs, Waikiki, !ast n»ght, Tijere W!*« a lH?g6 and ent iH!«īa?t!e atteidanee. Stirring f:peeehes by Messrs. Wileos, Moi\» and Mebrteus serit every bodv homo in a hnp])y fvame of miud determined for uh»k»nal refurm. Let en?ry Vot'cr «eo tlmt !ie j>roi»crly J by the proper pait«es. Don't delay thib mattor loo long. Change of seene and oeeasionaI foreigu travel will probably euaMe Messrs. Young and Halstead to forget the poignant angni8h eonseqnent uj)OH tho politieal deal yesterday. Būi what shall console poor Sehumaua who hab Luriured this go\enui,tut plant with suoh wild eyed tendci in» terest and who has eoneentrated every energ}' npon seeuring a nominatioa for liia »e|*viee» t whieh have been in* de«ā very Vttiuable. Oonsole your&elf, old boy, it.is b< tter to be a di$ap|>omt« ed aspirant thHU a defeāted cand]da(e, £ invitt> alieuiiou to au edik>iial appeariug in th*s moruing , s Advyrtiser uuder the head of National Weapons. As an insbince c>f uudlc« pated foolishness, overweening b!got~ ry and deliberate mistatement it is fully wprthy of the family eompaei sheet. Unable and unwilling to eom. bat the arguments and array ef fucts presented by the Heraijd and ēlele, the Advertiser assumes iis usual sucer* ing style. But the p;«blic is now pretty well acqu tinted with the Advertiser sueer, Its choler is oniy a subject of mirth to thoso ivho sro lumiliai with ibs idiosyncrasies. Ifc «tnrts out in ihe abuve named urticle wit|i the a&$ertiou that the nat?onaI reforui eause depends for success on | whoIesiile vitui>eration aud abuso— |&ud in consequence must be weak. "V\ell, thip come§, pretty_ well from. the Advertiser, whieh is at ull times the inost yindietion and abusive sheet prink-J on tliese islands. Who ever read anything like a well digested. candid ed;torial in the papfeaj! &rguments are the vicious rattle and ' ?f t!\e rntf?--arfiVa' n 71 " ālo cr path'.