Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 6, 16 Ianuali 1890 — THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Ymfac&*y wtsa bn|\\ <Ifu» political ty. for tho gowmmon ; uly; an l it i> tho futurv w\\\ prov* it to hn\A» boon u fatvil duy\> work for the partv of prot»ues a«d compromisrs. j C v.t l \ Jii*t -!i tn;ut, ai.u aa 10|H3ii | ol*ttcrtl oppon<|»!it, tho n«tioivil Irhfortn mrtv, to a mnn, U&\* fntlv jsatuftu.nl with tlio w mK <lono m oou- ! vcntk*B by tht? goTornuiout lom!erft unvl \wt**iil \ "ftv rnoon. Wc , IliiN V tot HUU Ittri Jtunnl> , ur,MM i of no cornplainfs, fron) the gov« |eramont si<lo ; sorao of thoso. as we aro | ii;ianaed, eomo f?x»ni the tiok< t īfsolf; j while eome from aspiring poh I itieiaiis» who ilo not boliove tho pol»ti* eal comproinisē, m.i<lo by whisky, roligvon and gold, !.as be"ui fairly pro {H>rtionod'

Ar» anatvsts ei th<|? trork dcnc yesterday by the government party in conveution hSv>embled to pnl>ltsh the *eut-itnd-drīud, M wlll porhi.ps show wuv ibe national r**fori»ers aie satistied with the work dqne, We espocial lv eall tlie atlention 6f native Hawai ians to the fimt elanse of this I<ist plat- | fonn of the gnveriiixient party issn<. d yesterd«y, whieh leavos the indepen denee of Hawaii an open qnestion, tt> be determined and even abrogated, if sodoeided, nnder the thiu pret< xt of, *the atiiplvSt eoaunereial benef?%s itf o«r tie,4ty relations with the UnUed JStates." Tliis is nKivly a restatemer.t of the ininisterial potiey set forth in pu!Uatiou of the ministers* politieal pertidy against onr national puiepen«ieuoo made in answer to the demands of the people some three months ago. Every nattve Hawaiian and every tore»gner, who favors Hawaiian iiulependenee, will shtm like a politieal cursc tbe platform eonbuning sneh poliiieal doctrine formnlated by the uion who attempted to destrey onr iudepēndenee in last 1880!

! As for the vest of tliis latest platieonn, auel we hope the !ast befoiv eleotu n, there Is little to St*y. The' !four remaiuing pluuks are vagueyet! | verbal eoudeusiitions of the deelaration I jof upon whieh the J dates of the rtatioual refor?>' [»arty of the people are pledged a iul w !uiuated. |We hope to hear uo more f stoleu lplatforrns from the govern ieut $ide* sinee that partv has at last relegated former alleged p!atform aud now |puts forth, after politieal kiouī a newdoenment that > politieally weak, ou aeeount of omi<s?on:>, and is verbally etTeminate and |uirposelyj \ague, as far it< ndidate§ j to auy |K)litieal poliey in th of tho people is eoaeerued' lt is iu j l*ct a eomproiuise p!atfoim whieh! to ivc«»»ieile Ihe aiita£om,stle» of whiskey, sugar and re>

jligioa, while it l©nves tho indepeii j ilouee of Hawaii au opeu qtiestioa iu I iiie hduds of the proseut ministry (or ja siinikr one% who attemptod to iict the &utouomy |of ilie gover&m«ut a litt!e over three f ago' Ib fact the entire governmeiit party

the Adwrtmef hm immā pnliticul bomor>uuiH. Thc wonkncss of j>olilioal %ht w virtually ackuowleilgtHi aiul &n entirc ohacgo of j poliiieal base is mmlf\ Thcse aro 110 1 idio words. The govornmont orgtvn i tliis morning coolly accnses 'Mhe mejc£amcs &nd iniluntriai ciasses of iho couutry" wilh l>ringing abont aml i;aiTying out tho bloo<ltqss rovolutlon. of ISST! Aftor tho goveinroent pfirty has fur two yoars aeknow!edged t'hc l i'nilinnsshlli t>f »*»'» 11 »«*>■ ā « u*l jUa3 gicncd :n tne-iact, turougu ihe lcolmnnsof ihe Ailvertlser, from the jpulpit aml wiihin the fragrant pre« cmcts of our various saloons—nay, after the who.e tr>anner and sty]e of coiicocting and cai*rying out ihe revo luiion of 1887, has been written and published >y the mau most eapablo of knowiiig anel telling the inside trnth of thnt whok* dīsgruoeail -uow | ui liuS ]ate uay ihe jM»yB'Cn 1 COWu»d > of the family eom* act» who let braver uien face the danger, accase <4 the mechauics and ind«striul classes cf the couatry" of hatching that devi]ish revoiution, in whieh the pvesent m* v< ister of the interior was a leadiL rt spirit aud woukl have been a spirited leader had he not been an arrant eow ard! The personel of the men put» forward to earry the shadowy p]atform of the government party will not be eom« iueuted 011 at preseut, Tl;e poor feb k>v> s are in bad enough politiool bo-s ■hs, it is, ropresentiug as they uo, factions, aud social elcments* whieh are naturally and justly at swoard's pcints, both from principle and profession! There is bat one thing left as a resnlt of yesterday's j po!itical work and that is the assertiou j ofthe Advert!ser, under its last chai:ge |of politieal base, that no charge has j li been brought heme tothe party now J controlling the government. ,, But general and spociflc charges liave 4< been brought home," as both native Hawaiians and foreigners well know; the public also knows that ihe gov« ernment party dai*es not answer these | charges in detail, beCause the absolute | proōf is back of tht>m and will in any | case be produced at the proper time. | And if ihe governmentparty will keep its eye open it will likely see some :aoru clrarges ,t bro«gh? f hl^me ,, before the sth of next February. I>suing a new platform, accusing the wurking«. paeu of the kingdom of the politlcal' crime of revolution of 1887 and assert.' |iug a elean poliiieal record for the government party in the face of hi>£iorieal facts, may be. a pol!tical pastime for the verbal hypocrites of the family eompael, buisuch a course will convinoo noither intolligen?; fore3gners nor native Hawaiians of the patr.vt:stu or integrity of the present ticket issued by the govemmeul arty!