Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 6, 16 Ianuali 1890 — MR. LYONS SAD AFFLICTION. [ARTICLE]
Artx r a :ncnth el deep afHJet\ou aud »om « 0:0 noI»Ie lrie,ul ab!e man i:t*r lur. D;»iviel Lvon.?, »ias retonii <] io i datv m tK:sofiiee. Haivr;y wiihln CTir Tc«ōiory, do we know ssr:oh fell tlisaster faliing npon oae lr.nuy oafc?ide of sohsoiis of ©|>itliī'u.e vlise."«. Datiug iuo last clays of ttie ohl ycar Mr* Lyons' voongest ohilu Zer?pha, »god m an l 3 n:onths, w«s •trick*u v.\h cliphiherift*n l d*ed npon the 9§*h <«t* TWf"nbor, ISS9. The aext«\ v y, Dveomher3oth, l:ttle Lizzie, aged 1- y-3,irs Aiul 1 moi«th siekened aiul du vl v;:th the si»tne .liw-ul disease. Btill liie dcitro\er staycvl r.ot his liaiuL Upon 1, IS9O, Dankl Lythe dov teJ raother and w:fe, sneeanihed to the :«*•! a\vay in the bloom oll!er i; n> f»t *he nge of 34 vears and 6 naont!.-, Le»t tne dibease sho :M beeome epideoaie llte reiuainder of tl»e strieken f*ttti!y ikow went lnto tpLiarant:no:dur- j ing whtch Mr, Lyons* steoad sonJ jonng Bay, was taken sVk and was _ removed to the Qneen*s ho<pital inHotto!n!u where he liDgered for a ft>w[ days befōrt? denth reliēTed him of hisj suflerings on Jannarv f»th. His d:- ,% < — 1 -ft!!ily|
4 ' W «.>>»»¥> <M»V» SS, 11«.*» IV» »JV of hi?i mother, | Mx, Lyons 1$ »ow left w;tli on!y two; to hnā >often hi>: iOtrow, Thes«, Httle PatK nge<! 10j ye,«\rs and 6 yoars, nr6 uow £pec*!ii!g s fcw at Wai* i kiki wifh th*ir fAth«?r The family | liave the b~&rftfeH &ncl ?ym' patLy of the $ntire cominunity. !