Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 5, 15 Ianuali 1890 — A Challenge. [ARTICLE]
A Challenge.
T<J Mr. M. A. Cun(h'Jafc for t\e Third Di*trict o/ I/onolulu -. Diur Sm:—l and%rstanfl tliat jou li&Te K>ta nomiuaUni bj the miHsion»ry refonn p»i tj n* a ciiA<-lidnte for rei)r<?setitatiT<? in tbe (h?rd districL ©? this town, the sentim#uti you «•♦il former!j to ōiiU;riftia ihis reform party aud their prorHjiaese po!ioy are weH'knawu, v<»ur aeeeplano#of tbe ««id riommation h«8 Iwn viewo3 with som« sarpria«. But, sis I belieT6 y<>u mus f haTe some very good re«isorts for consenting 10 run for the moueye(! naen's ticket, againgt the peop!e*« ticket, I herehj open)j challeng6 you to a puhlie meeting iu tli* third ward, in wfctsli yon will eipohe the niutivcs that make jou stand Tith the old reforii partj against the of jour owu country&Ma, wiiiltit I «hail sf»te why I «m on the bu!« of th* poor workiiigmrtn of a!1 naiionalilka, *nd proTe that I am the earnest adTOc.ite of the Portug«e;,e eol >uj. I offer j«»u the ehoiee and *>eh*ction of ilio pUee, day &cd honr of the me«ting, pravided it bc prop_ ®rly advertised beforehand, and I leave it to you to «peak first or la»t. Alao, after the dh»cussioa u elos«d in EnglUh, you ar# weleoin* k) »ttrt it in Portngtiesē. A» answer thrcfugh tTTv »atn« paper will ohlige # I \*onrs tāinccrft\j f I A. MARQUES, Candi(iaf* of the KnHonal Eeform Partj for th«> | Third Ward, Honolula. I "O ka pilikia o pīli ana ika poai okana^ 3«e U. soV. ia !\e noai o l:cku!,; ohana j Mahalo, e lioa kalakolai, no nei aq |okoa aim mai gu no kekahi 4< poai oh#na." jO "kekahi ohana aku" oia wale no kekahi jo ka» mau moenhane ino. E pono e aka- : hele koa m*u hoaloha ika ae ana mai »a oe e ,hfle kuulala kaokoa Hoko oka pa. j I kaln* iīiko o k« nele i kalil mea j ote e hoike ai I kou manao, t hiki ana no i ka boi ia oe ke holke ae i ka oiaio.