Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 5, 15 January 1890 — MEETING. [ARTICLE]

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The F.v out'vf Commiit6e ot ihe Hu,i ihe ofi\ct ivt 19 o'oiook- M. to-morrow, (Thur>d*\ V Ēv*>ry momhe? cf the <K>miriittē A Trqn>rtfully invitedtobe pre9ent ,;s impcrtant b\isiness will OOOIHB tho moeting. Lex t\civ vc*Uu- iliai hU name goes ci» tlio grc?:t rcgi*ter during thls monih! . ».,m m i,« ;i JU_._JL.S2 TeR sujx ;r it>ai»>try k said to be looking ap in \h)lulcal cm*les, on iht» gOvernmon f ! Bveky L«>tly hh <t wou!d drop ou tW govcruwent sule ai !ast, bnt bt liev. il m Ceeil: now wc believe in every body else! Oh, y<*s, iu\ son, thcro will be great pr©mhos iiinelo to duy. Tho govern. uieiit \ >aiiy ā vory promising om<\ No —*t doos i;ot koop promises Y6ty wi-11, bnt it keopa mi\khig thōiu all fcbo simo : H lus so far onlv loarti~ ed half of Us poliiioHl <?uty! <€ Thf, d'o>o\ilty aboiit ilie f,nmilv eoinpa. i <v?eir»s U) be that it i>? iot a eompaei of ihe uthor family." Thai>ks. r.t :g'jbor. for this frank ®doaissioii o:i yonr pai t of a "fawī»y eompaot/ T Tho '\>thor fami!y lis eoly ono *;f yoor nigbtr»aro*. Tonr frietids shotild bo carofu! about g*viog you saoh a froo aso of tho pen. Son;o--limest iu donrth of anything el>o yon at« apt to tell tho truth. That corcesponJent of the gov« rn meut uowsj>aper. wlio has not yot foaud oot that the " w knm-k»ouf of Hnnamn |vibtioF somo tiō£C gre3tty agi»ip< f 'tm ; r w k \ & has do\ibtless boon reading tho gov erumoiit nowspaper It is irue that papei is try!ng to koop tlu« O niijsfciouary" cry in po!ltics to gain &yttpathy; bnt th;s should liave boon dono diiriug tho anii nnssīonary light. li k toa late uotv, fl Missnouary M iOrianatē!y politically dead for the Etsī liuie lia ihe hlstory of Hawaii*

TIU JsV' ait* u gr\ul muiiN "ovor \iUmV* jn?ople whu ntv tnking tbo Adurttser o)«t\ for :i M halra^l«ss ,, politte&l cratik, snu i o ho hns displayot! #uch jxirsistcnt perso!ial haiml in dis« turlung the grave of a dc;\d enemy to i* to * l Hg !ont M tho oonccntratsd spito of tho I"*farailv comp°.vt." ī | wmm »»■ | T»*oiikikumes* wdl rcn % ember thnt to i* „ igr.utiog i>f a property ;qn&liftcaticm on i ilawaiiaii politics. This politicr«l v.*:i g*uy, like othors of the nforesaid p»rty, jhas b©on &nd is bciug relegated to !obliyionby evory €«ilightened natiou |om tho j*lobo. The principlo that the ! goverm»ēnt is a stock corporation and |oach voter a sharoholder orlginuted | witU tyrants and ]an,]gmhbers. j Tue usual ta% abo\?t "good govern- . ment" "w 111 be ladlod o«t at the meet--1 . e governmei>fc clnb thiB «fter< ? nnnn. V e!!, if :» gcTerhment devoid of | al! stato .mansliip, deyotcd s;mp!y tu |the performanee of a few > fanctious be good—then wo have lu)d | * pass&ble īf a gov-! j ernment whieh by its iniqnitons par( | | norship withthe wealthy few degrades| ;tue rank aud fi'e cf 'thepeople, be| ; good—then we uiay admit the presont| | govemment to be a snccoss. If aj whieh bestows protectlon] ! whcre it m not needed and bcgrudges' I aī!brding it where it is needed b© a j ! wise one s then this idrtiinistration raay; ! elaim great prnire. Tet bear in mind..; and bnsiness men, tbat this government has had no particular naed of your sorviccs cxoept in tim\?s of danger, It waūis your votes this tiroe and then yon may retire for two! years to meditate on yoar own folh\