Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 4, 14 Ianuali 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

* % I.nadv4 rt<»ntiy'of a mn>taken implleHlion," is tlie wav the Adver« mill 1 ;/ it w tlie a pol o«rv litora uy fotv*4 from it this iuornjr»g in favor of Mr, Wulemann. Tliē tionaiy put« it ditfeiviit!y, to l>e soiv: tW dictioiiiin* «pelln it ivith tUive loftoi>. and dofitios it witli twi> words; n # 4, «iu untruill^,! liFT it> seo!-r~tbat 4< oil ond wat.7r rt mau, O, we roDi<?rabor now; it comcs b iek !»ke a bad poliiieal dro;;:i-! It w&&eaily ui t!ie caāipuiga,wat Uuut? wlien ib « !"">■ >v pronaM d s* »riu iiMng a«d %-" «• tnto'tiio govoni»i»« i»t party to bo'oonsistont- in brenkiī g I;is pioiiiiM?! aii! wo ifiiiciubt r ii ; he j»roiu s ; \i to mix govorument waur wilL pouiieal oii and political t>ll refnsed to water"! A lauoe ?uid intoiv<tuig moetbg of Portuj»uese electorB w?is lield iu tlie iiie thnxl d ; striet last evenin<r. M»' O * A, Marques addiVbfced Uie meetiiig «td w;uj irēonenth eheered. <others, t!jēiv weie at lea<t one Lnn* drod kuJ tifty Portuguese pitv»enL Six Forttignese only weie eountvd ut tbe g<»\vruuient party e!ub meeiii*g held at the same time in the s.une dis* triet. P<>iitieal straws &how whieh wav the wind is blowing! is a f?ivorite uieknann of tlu : Advertiser wlu u HpCiikihg ol ihe iiciiton;d ivfor;n p rt This »neoring apjxdlatiou is not bestowed on the prineipies of tUc partv ; bnt imtlier on the of them. It m claimed Jliat the ehoiee of members of the old regime makes the old regimo un po«?:ble. In view of tho noininalion of W, C Aehi as representative in the tifth distriel natnr &0y the tit!e re aet!oualK. M?t- ::ct Ao!ii<vvr boe:: v| t tlio government reform parh f Was he not a bitter oppo§ition eandidate last eleetion 1 Whenee tbis flop? Or has| tfcoiv been aoy fiop? Has brother Aehi ■ lK«d«? sue!i strideB in rigbi€*>usness as to īnake hīm tlie most iivaiiabie ean- ; «lidate to ropresent the Mih dis»trict| I<et ns snp|*&se anything ratHer ihan * ti»s ref«r«ii party ns gttilty of bting re-!

weiiouim, l«<t v\s tVU ft|v|mitiit| tlo|> a |H>!itie«l comiu*owi>o. And if m>t a ]ot n*. us>timo thail i*i t \f Ih, fovnwiv | - «St't"\v<l Mr Aoln! * < Weome g*.HKI onfi;:gh for the! gv»vernmont [uuty, Whrn hs<! n«jr.hi!f, g«vvj nien mu*t . t*rt a«1 »ii«or i»«no»i U* i£nored, nH imd fActi. r.iil W oa>t ihk»»», nmt tbe c«ns* of rvfv>rin au«t th« w|»rtttw ohxct — Ol conrsc tbc hypecrite. \ftīio »>«v.inuC übcNo u.d < Lm~ was stātii>g tho verv polilieai faots existmg ngain?t thc governraent party lio repreeeiit?. «*«ejb tm«=> T!vo ! {k badincu J * of the <£ fau*ny co<npact ? eoiahineil and seixcd the govern | m ent—still good mon d'ul not imHo. Next the "hail TOon ,, octishnu?d to rvii\ tho illegally seizo<l govormnier.t 5n Ihih ewn inl ? rc -ts vt'll the goml mcn. for patriotic fort>oro to UDito! At ie»st tho "bad niou" eom bined to abridge aiid possibiy dfc>troy the indt?ptti»o€:nce of t|ie kingdom— | then the guod men ot ail racēs m liawaiiiiii saw they "n">n*t ana | they did uniie! The result s good Auvertiscr, is the national rsform i j.Aity of the peoplo whioh proposos U\ its platforni und on prineiple to make 'tho cause of reform and good government the snpreme ©bjeef !