Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 4, 14 Ianuali 1890 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Ths f«aerA] o» €a#*s G. Hs*«>nmva> pl.ei lkiī> ftPUivftNK*tt *t i trotn liU UU fwfcten*e t 98 Be«>Uuik sttwt, Aileuiuon i? o„'Im1 *o Oie notke Ct r TegistTatiou o{ vott:ar« of (•;€■ 2ml 2ud Fi>?ciiiot, sppeaniii: iu bu<nh<r o v«wn, Th« bo<lr o? the gaieitle uear K iaknko b<x n jK»it*Vdlr identi'ied tl\«t o£ vbn>, Haa-n)ar.u, «iDtteUin.isit ni the ec«;''<n* of the Honohihi lrou Work*. B*i»cī> tbe ! bcroftvcii><xnt wbieb twi in ih* )o**s of Li- on tue st«amor laokolii, Mr, boen to fUs of dcpx**sicn aud gl»ui wliieli UrarTuftU 3ra his 4seAth bv Hs o"wa bw i. Owing to tb« f;»ct ihal aome of tli*? jurvrs imjvm6le»S w v re re<jrāreil to l># in 6Ktcud.\uc6 at tbe Bupvt ine Court, tb« in<pu»t whieh was set for 10 oVlocfe lbis incvrning, w*s agaia postpone<l. The Qna» t- r!y lUport of thc of Fimauoe to? th<» qaartrT eudin£ 31, tfv*9, &how«i iu l«ricf : B*lftac* t OvtoWr t, tsso, ■ -f 12,795 77 ToUl ieoe!ptt. 585,512 11 Tot*l. ,|umio7 ss Exi*ENnmß^: Li«t,2S>s7l 6S #«dI«iRKX Ifc*g*rtiai?»t........... 20,469 73 I&t«rior 130,63* 76 D«p*rto<ē ;t 95,202 35 Attaracj Gvnt-rars Pen4rtmcn? ..... 35,19$ 23 Bo«rd of lkbieation.lS,4Sl 31 TkporU, «le 13,669 77 Ex.Coufte,.... 1,523 10 6»Btlrr Exp#iidit\ir«® 52,027 15 ©eeeEul*? 1 31 f t559,....., 202,009 S5 Totol.,,fMMJo7 KomiuaUon» for w «re miule m bj iht Kcfonu r«ttv U*-i ftight: Waml Oa#—C«cil Browii. ; \Varxi Two K. Kuio. ! Wat\l Thrcc—M, A. G>n?alvifrd, W«ua K —*-,»». i". siv-igiiu, Waru Fitc -W. C. Aehi, | to oonvvntiou for nomiuAtion of NohK to b<ehl nt Hoiiolwlu Ariou Ilali, ou th« ISOi Wari Tlbw <1, Kiug, A, Browo. S. B. le*. S. K, K,*m.tka, S. Mahelopa, W, G. As-hkj, fc I>. Cttßha, Kobl. Cli4S. F. Wilder, and 0«o, P. Ciastk. W*tkl Two K. J. Opeēii,, H 5 Vou Holi, H#nrj Wit«tk*iase« W. O. A, M, Osaiio, W. H. M >lsln«ruj", Jyo. Ciisiviy, Kaulia aml W K, AwikL Wai\i Thr^e—4. F. Mctv*.u. luliu? A>che, E G. W. F; AUee» „. X, N*lu*, T. Wngb\ J W, J*t*. W, £, 1 B«>fTick m*s J. F, Evkh&r\U
• r | W»rd Fonr —D. W»iwaiol*, Geo. W. Smiih, J. IH. Fish«r, W. A, Kiuu«j, L. C\ Abla*, T, C, » Porter, S. M. Kh:)U>ai ai,<l L. A.t!or. ; Wanl Fiv«—'W. 15, (Ua J. Emmdonth A. | F«tu«ude», 4, >V. ,vUp? ī»a \ hi*s. Uauiiiiei.