Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 January 1890 — IS IT TRUE! [ARTICLE]

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T'ie followir»g Hi#» kxi o( * \Tasb: j tl«sp*teh io il;e B<n Fr«pcisco ! EvcnLig Post. If ttue it t/» 11 he tō n»os.t jf onr reul<v<;; anil evt*u Jf exaggtrated, tbcrc is still probabllity, in viev\ ol late politic.il eveuts herc ? t]\o Po:st is nnont right in iug tlud iss a politicul "nigg«ir i» tbe feuce", eitlier iu Honolulu or Oniiiula [Sptei>l to tlit llTeuiag Post,] Waslting.nn Pee, 24.- It ho«n l'-Rruerl tlv<t 11. 'A. P. C'art«r, the Kuw ū:au Miuister to th* UniUNi Stat\?-, is &V:»ut to Tewow\, S. B. T)ole of lī. iiolulu, vbo for §ome La» bL'tu on tli3 suprtiao bturL of Hawhū, is tc. >h? Cw: ter*s Tiiti ciiaiig« WiU< uot f.t all aaiioipiikel, &nd no V-; m-dc. Jad b 4 Do!e wiuts to d \ ,iJiJcr *t • <]■< *, wIiUo it ita tUat :lie icinībtry Hju jlul . i-- desiroue t!:at :t uo; ccr r uulil rit«.-r tlie #lccūous iii ti>Ht <oouuUy. ilad tlit mi]ii4ry*fc vci ,a<» bcoa I oljb«4"Vtid no oue wouloi Luv*e tLnt Buca u j v,o" ever mml ar:er tha rei sulī uf iL«- tipoti >u» was» knuwa. The groutitl for eompk.int agai;i*» «.iaiiter Catter autl iho kadiug einue o£ hw mno**! is tlui hfe U thoroughly Americau iu hts svujpnihie?. Not loiig ;igo th<? pariL'u!&r» of & pouū«?&ei\ iu Wi.i-'L he p«U"tivjipateu juid warailv ; ©siK>u>sed tho caus« of AuicricKUs iu llu\ Yi iii, Lu.K.ed out, to the 4iscomJiture of tho.*se whi^e views w«nt* thut i?i-;dr«rteutlj msdy t'ftrkr wwoae of tLe foiemost of tho«<« duilared for aun#xation to thc UuiteJ Statek, and i i .leaou c*ufccd x gix-at row iu Houolulu ' »li# fcr.tiv* nnti-«unfiXHtioniKtj*. who(u» orfhey op«uty aecu3*d Carter of hol>uobbiug with Blaiue to briug &bout a political uuiou, wuieh is hoUy oj'poisod by a s»ai«ll but obstrt|H?rouk auuor> itv in th? islands. The tatt,sok ou Carter bcconi« so violeuk that Pwmiei Green re«dked tluit the miuister uiight be sal4y r*;iuoved if it could be qui<;tiy doa». Hsffiself au Eiiglishuiau, Mr. Gpe€n aalkd i» th« assiitanw of two Can.\diau>, aitoruey-generai AsMord! an l his brother aud took th«*r eouugvl. They wtrt? iu favor oI kttiug C*rkr out *ud *»• Aihford Teluuteered to £u to Csuak-

ila mkl ik« !»u^j t xui uf Uuiumum pftf«»r»nirm it wUWiīhiLp tuu»ercU! uui«i willk eAuaila, anj by al ltui aud c»tubUj*biug himm ooiatouuictttK u with VttUcoum, poUUwa \kmou willi the Uu:U'.l StatM iGipOsjaible. Abliford is now ia Qttawa for liiul Oreen*s ca\»tion iu pGB-tpoiuiig thc annouue# »»**t sJ fart«r'a "tn!»Tal w*» |>rm«npnll| vtkultiug RUil»iuoa for iliu iitlc. Tbe elieol \}l thib uew uiuvu will l>y eouaiUeiahle tL« eU.?'.!