Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 January 1890 — THE LAST CHANCE. [ARTICLE]

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li i* importiint a\ Wi\ oarly puiul h iho pre»eut i tlio t\( twntioi\ of the > of: all rac€s <\omieiUnl hore U> hO\eril politica! faot* s lviug just beueatli tlio surfaee» aml j

«roppie£ wVicli avd lir.Wo iu ihe uear fu(ure, if unhiult rc\l, to fatally affoct llie polUioal Jc-Uny of Hawuii. PolUieul events LKve bocß puiibed toward this eud for raly pa&i bv th« meu an*l ILe v >»•» • * "i »»»** j, gi>ver«iuent pūity. TLo politieal dosigus of tliese men Lave as skillfuilv hiekhm uuder au oulwArd sbow cf upbaikliug Hawaiiau as cir cumstanees allowed. But tLe outward form whieh thelr political policy lias lately taken { eoupled wilh the kistoiy of the past two y^ai^ f on!y too eleaih Bnows the patriol \ «/t/*ou that the pōliiieal dv>ign uf \lu } n cu.t iuiiu' try hvs been aiul is to abndu:e ihe ind« pendenee >f Hawaii under th« foruLi and of a new treaty.

It is c!our to eveiy i\3a£oiihig hii tbat the Ministry !iave tried to now anJ questiouable lireaty ro!ations wiih tue UuUokl SUtes iatvly; th.it tlicy aro plodgod to oiieot suoli now rolatious if ihoy aro retāinod :n oilioe, auu Uiul ia tbo intorests c£ aUvl tlieir baokers they w\ll £train evory nerve to cominit tlio oountry iu a foreign po!icy of ' ( closor eommeieial ro]ations/' if tliA gover*ui?ent }nirty wins t!ie olootion 111 jb\brnary nexi. A]t!iongh new troaty rolations m<ght ?f th i direct aud ooutrol them. yet tlie»e arp fow patnotie >u . wlio. with open eyes onght t-o be wi!ling lo trast saeli iaiportaat ncgot:ations io the men whe Lave alroady shown, if perhaps iinintentionaiiy, au uiulohu'able tende:icy towurd niw treaty rehvtions, whieh were mideniubly of ihe << pix»fectorato ,i kind— if nol worse! Are we far wrong Ihen. ia the light of pa?t and preseut pol:tical events, in deelaring upon the facts tliat all Ui»tive Hawaiians and other pro- independence votei-s in the k:ngdom are t4ikvng tfieir last ehauee in thecoming election for securing and firmly anehoring undēr populai* control the aa ?onomy of the Hawaiiaii -igaoiu: There is--there ean be no «abt that our nalional indepenueuet \ tl besafo mulei* the oontrol of tīu people'» party; tiu re is iitt īe or nu u übl tliat the autonoim of tho Kingdom— nay, oven the verv form of governmeut — under the present ininistr; and their party. wouhl be eonstantly i ireatened with political shoals. oveu : the ship of State was not purposo wr#cked for nalional salvage. To kee p the publio mind fi-om this r r *\ iuovenivut of iuo guV«urtiiiiviit puiM" and leaders, every effort is being uiade to marshal in daily review the few good deeds done in the long i period of two years. It were indeed a uionstrous political birth F wliieli should attompt to do alltliings wrong! The fo\v good deeds of the preseut govoriifVient stand like accidental siars m a foal poliiieal night' But their

*kxu> o f ouiivN>ion uud aUompted euiumiKHion in nihl otlier uiatU rs fi!l ihe nntional hon&ou wilL llio ilaiup au<l of j>olitical dibtempei' Two yobr'« politioal n?cord ol ilia goveriimeut party hm ealloel iulo exist<?iiee īhe peoplo f s nuliouul rcforui mov6ment, Tlie dangei> threateniug Uie iuJop rt ndo!ieo o( lh* lUgdoi4, <*• well hs llio itulivulmal iutvrt*t»la ol workiugiuon aiul natife lla^āiiaii», i !irt*o <ilt itifr» elunO (luorottgu uiiiou ai iasi uiuuieui, t\ save the governuient aud the induī>trial resourees of the eountry to ihe wholo people of the kingdom. Tht meu put forth as eandidates 011 th< national reforui tleket ure eaeh and every ono pledged to the peopl# tt carrv ont the political views and prin oipies Ui.kl down iu the j.)iut eo:nentioa of the Meehiinics 1 Union } repreaentijtg tho arth<anfl, an<l the Hui Ka j laiaiuu, rwprehenthīg tli( | uutive |>eople cf Ilawaii. lf the najtioual refoT*m e!mdidate§ uv< jnot BU-t;;inedat tbcba!?otbcz in Fel> !r~arv r»c\t. the 1- si prlkiea! ehauee v,-ill have eomo and go:n f'?rever' L-it every ni'iu who goey io iht bn»)ot lio\ to vof,e Miluk; ««t but oiu tiving: rh., I mnst here and now dc uvv whole duty as a patriotie eitizen by RUtitaining eandidates, wliom I hr.ve every reason to boliovc will preserve to a man the indepeii denee of the kingdoni and rest rvt | Hawau ;ic> a nenliigc iw ūui j euuunuu CMUiui.uuuy.!