Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 Ianuali 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Thk A<lvortiser k witli hoU jov over ''a mistakeii eritieism'* of the thoo: \ of appointtng goveritmont employees as Inspeet«»rs of eleelion aiul of course, the crifcics do not kiiow whut thev are t ijkhig übout aiul āre totāllv ignorant of the provisions of tbe eWctlon htw. The objocts of the pmisior,s in t!iis law ave to keep the oflicers oat of poHiics, and to prevent uinlae aseendency 011 the p trt of the gOvemmcni at eleetions, 0f courso by all the r;iles of ded iction whieh oharaetortze tho Advertiser's ar~ gwment?n the best way to koop the:>e men ont of poitties is to throw them r%ht in the taulst of it-. And, of oouioo, ollieiak placed in positiv>iis as insp3ctoi*s to earry out the Lnw. Is it not r.nfortnnat j that outside of the maigīn of an offiee holuing c!iqoe there are not enoi>gh honest men 11 the kingdom for inspec ioi'» of electkii? The A*lnrtifter depiores howliDg at ihe presont goverinnenUis pitiful und moaii iu the extr«mie. It alleges that is not & governmeut of spoils aud that ii eo n poii\t to its reeoixl wilh pride. It goes ou 10 siiy.t]iat a certain spoils elemeut in the ieforni party go< left «nd a howl in all the keys majoi wid tuinor whieh cancoiivey the oiHee sefking wrath, was the resiiit. Thou A*hf says, **vre do not ueed to rely o« phrases and fair promises. " But these wcre just what the spoik ©leaieni i!id rely upon. We dispate nelthcr iho line promlses nor the subaequeui howL They arc matters ol bistory» Th ero are many whoconsidei an woi\l shoald be kept eveL in t!ie maltev ol appointmentto oiiiee, Bui the P, C, A* does aot estimato ver> highly aud values thc of them stillldss. It eeuteuvh tlie pr*ne*pal w to h»\o a oon ception higher tliau the average eom muutty. whieh hasold fashioned vkw> o® the sisbject of keepiug one's word. Veri]y. we are li i\ ii g new uioral idea> £rom the »Īi'mlately, aud t!»i. s "liigb eoneeptton scheme. whieh it mbovo the "*Āveriige eonsekuce of thc 'eoinfiiGJiUy/' is the iichest political |oke of all *