Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 January 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I Registration of Voters. 4th DISTRICT. Ist"PRECII»CT. HONOLULU, OAIIU. TH)E INSPECTOPSOF ELECTION -*■ for the Fii-st Pi*ecinct of Dihtrict Fo«r will meet at the offico of M, D, chaiit 1 oivpoSite Pōst 'flS^ce r on SATIRI>AY V fhm. 18th, fron 1 to 9 r. *J: on MONDAT, Jan. 20th, from 4t09 p. \r. Noiieo of any furtlier meeiings \rill be given at tlie above mee^liig*. All voters when r?gisiering are respectf«lly rcque<tod tobringtheir Tax reeeipts. The First Preeinct of the Fonrtli Distiict comprises all tliat portion of sh:il Distnct lying wcst of Naiuinu *lrc«i. M. D. MONSARRAT, €h%i vmhn of lnsj>ectors of Election, jlst Precinct, 4th District. 13«t4 i