Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 January 1890 — Personals. [ARTICLE]

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B. F, ī)ilHngham and Farkerj guosts at the Ooeulaiilal aro to rolurnj 011 iiie Alameda. Mr. Bobert J. Croighton» fonnerly of AfTkirs l>ro\,o his lcg ea Harkct St., San Pnioekeu, D«oembdr 21 st. I. Q. Tewksbuiy thegeuial #x-store; k<vnor >f tho cUi.cO«n bouse new 11 »urisat;si in ii*ir, £at fortit»Kirt al ths occldental. Mr, T. Las decided that Ban Fr \ncisco is the on]y eity waieh does; not make too hcavy urafts on his perspiration. J. W. Lunning for*nerly of Honoluln, is at present proprietor of fonr lodging ho«ses inSoattk . He is known in San Francisco as "j- W. Luuni!ig,j C&pitallst, ,, Receutly he was ādinitfced a meraber of the*Boheniiaii Clūb and participated in Christiuas High Jinks. P. L. l>avriiigk>n, according to his own showing ex provost martial of the Hawaiian kiugdom, is now en gagml in the more peacefal avoeation of repcrter for the l>aily Exaininōi\ The borroi*s nari*%ted by I> whieh wero enneted duririg the" prevalenee of martial law are simply too excinciuting lo reproduce.