Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 Ianuali 1890 — Page 1

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Ka Ahailono a ka Lahui


Vol. I. Honolulu, January 13, 1890. No. 3.




Is printed and Published for the Proprietors every afternoon (Sundays, excepted), by the
Elele Publishing Co.


Office No. 63 King St., Honolulu, H.I.


The National Herald: 25cts. A month.
All advertisements must be handed in by 12 M if inserted the same day.


By order of the proprietors of




            Band concert at Emma Square this evening at 7:30 o’clock.


            A copious shower of rain fell continually on Saturday from 4 to 7 o’clock.


            La Grippe still holds its own, with monarchs, nobles, courtiers and vassals alike.


            The Royal Hawaiian Band played as usual on the departure of the Mariposa.


            The Kahuku Plantation Company is about to be incorporated.


            Lots of exclusionists are expected from San Francisco in February.


            The Hawaiian Board is richer by $5000, owing to the benevolence of Mr. P.C. Jones, Jr.


            More or less married couples on the Australia. One couple ws exceedingly Young.


            The Yamashiro Maru cleared for Yokohama Japan to-day at noon.


            Boston Specialty Company to-night at the Opera House.


            W.C. Abrams, a steerage passenger for Australia now lies at the Queen’s Hospital in a very critical condition.


            The Frank M. Clarke Specialty Company gave a fair performance at the Opera House Saturday evening.


            Two sailors have been having solitary mediation over the possession of one tin of opium since yesterday.


            The Mariposa arrived from Auckland and Sydney Friday night with fourteen passengers for Honolulu and seventy-two in transit for San Francisco. She pulled out at 2 p.m. Saturday.


W.J. Monsarratt V.S. has succeeded Dr. Rowart as executive inspector ofanimals for the island of Oahu and government Veterinary Surgeon for the kingdom.


Some mischievious person utilized the telephones on Saturday to support the intelligence @@@@@@@@@@@@ though the agents by virtue of the power in them vested shortened the time about two hours.


The whaling bark Jacob A. Howland was wrecked at Johnsons Island December 26 th . The crew with the exception of one man succeeded in escaping death. The survivors were brought to Honolulu on another whaling bark which they were fortunate enough to sight December 29.


The regular monthly meeting of the Mechanics Political Protective Union was held at the Knights of Pythias Hall on Friday evening January 10 th . Phillips was in the chair. After reading and approval of minutes of preceding meeting, several topics of interest were ably discussed by T.A. Mortensen, B. Cayford, J.J. Sullivan, D.M. Crowly and others . Several of the Candidates being present, entertained the meeting at some length. About 50 members were present.




Pai ia a Hoolaha ia no na Ona ma na ahiahi a pau (koe na Sabati) e ka


Helu 63 Alanui Moi, Honolulu, H.I.




KA AHAILONO A KA LAHUI, 25 keneta o ka mahina.


E hookomo mai i na Hoolaha mamua ae o ka hora 12 awakea ina e hoopuka ia ma ia ahiahi.


Me ke kauoha a na Ona o

Kela a me Keia.


Puhi ohe ma Ema Kuea i keia po, hora 7:30.


E hoohui ia aku ana ka Hui Mahiko o Kahuku.


Hana lealea ma ka Hale Opera Hawaii i keia po.


Makawalu ka hanini o na poi wai a Kulanihakoi i ke ahiahi Poaono.


Eia ke waiho nei i ke kapilikii loa kekahi ohua i pae mai ma ka “Auseteralia.”


I ke awakea nei i holo aku ai ka mokumahu Iapana “Yamashiro Maru” no Iokohama.


Maikai no na hana hoolealea a ka hui keaka hou e ka po Poaono i hala ma ka Hale Opera Hawaii.


Ua pehu ae nei ka waiwai o ka Papa Hawaii ma o ka manawalea o $5,000 mai ia Mr. P.C. Jones.


Lehulehu na poe makaikai e kipa mai ana i o kakou nei mai Kapalakiko mai iloko ae nei o keia mahina ae.


He mau paa mare lehulehu ka i hoea mai nei ma ka mokuahi Auseteralia. He hookahi nae paa i opiopio (young) loa.


Ua hoolilo ia ke telepona i mea na kekahi poe e hoopunipuni ai i ka Poaono nei no ka wa holo o ka “Mariposa,” oia hoi, i ka hora 4. Aka nae, mamuli o ka mana o na Agena na hoopokole ia mai i elua hora.


Aumoe Poalima nei i ku mai ai ka Mariposa mai na Panalaau Beritania mai me 14 ohua no onei, a he 72 no Kapalakiko. Ua mau hou aku oia i ka hora 2 o ka auwina la Poaono i hala, ma o ke kipaku ia ana e ka Bana.


Ua hookohu ia ae nei o W.T. Monsarrat (Maunakea, ma kahi o Kauka Rowatt ma ke ano Luna Nana Hooko no na Holoholona no ka Mokupuni o Oahu a i Kauka Lio no ke Aupuni. Mai ka la 1 mai kona hookohu ia ana. O ka pono ia —Hawaii no ka Hawaii.


Iloko no o ka ukele a me ke kawa-u o ka po Poaono nei, ua mahuahua na poe i akoakoa mai i ka halawai a na moho o ka Apana Eha o ka aoao Lahui ma ka Hale Paikau, alanui Moiwahine. Ua oi aku i ka 200 na poe i eleu ae iloko o ke ohohia nui, a ma ia anaina i haiolelo ae ai o Tome Luka. R.W. Wilikoki, C.J. Makale a me D.M. Crowley. Nui ke ohohia. Ua hoomalu ia ka halawai e R. More.


Ua malamaia ka halawai mahina mau o ka Hui Pili Aupuni Mekanika ma ko lakou wahi mau i ke ahiahi Poalima, Ianuari 10, o Peresidena John Phillips ma ka noho. Mahope o ka heluhelu a me ka apono ia’na o ka moolelo o ka halawai i hala, ua kukai oleloia mai kekahi mau manao waiwai o J.A. Mehmens, R. Cayford, J.J. Sullivan, D.W. Crowley a me kahi poe e ae. Ua hoolaulea ia ka halawai mamuli o ka hiki kino   ana’ku o kekahi o na moho. He 50 paha na hoa akoakoa ae.


He lehulehu na poe kamaaina o ka kakou alo alii nei i huli hoi mai nei, mai Kapalakiko mai, maluna mai o ka mokuahi “Auseteralia.” He mai! Eia no o Hawaii, nona ka olelo ia o “Hawaii no ka oi!”


Ua ili ke kiapa okohola “Jacob A. Howland” (Haulani) ma mokupuni Johnson, Dek. 25, 1889. Ua pakele mai ka hapanui o na ola o ka moku, he hookahi i make mamuli o ke poholo ana i ka palahuli ana o ka waapa. E ole ke kiapa okohola Abram Barker, ka hoa o ka holo pu ana mi Kapalakiko mai i ka la hookahi, i kaalo ae mawaho o ia mokupuni pau ai na ola i ka hoopakele ia, a nana hoi i lawe mai a who ae o Waianae i ka Poalima i hala, a na Kaala i hoihoi mai laila a i Kou nei. Ua hala aku kahi poe ma ka “Mariposa” a na ka “Auseteralia” ana hoi e lawe aku i ka hapanui o lakou i koe mai i hope mai.




B.F. Dillingham and Sam Parker guests at the Occidental are to return on the Alameda.


Mr. Robert J. Creighton, formerly minister of Foreign Affairs broke his leg on Market St., San Franciso, December 21 st .


I.Q. Tewksbury the genial ex-store keeper of the custom house new flourishes in fair, fat fertitude at the occidental. Mr. T. has decided that San Francisco as “J.W. Lunning, Capitalist.” Recently he was admitted a member of   the Bohemian Club and partiipated in Christmas High Jinks.


P.L. Barrington, according to his own showing ex-prvost martial of the Hawaiian kingdom, is now engaged in the more peaceful avocation of reporter for the Daily Examiner. The horrors narrated by Mr. B. which were enacted during the prevalence of martial law are simply too excurciating to reproduce.


Registration of Voters.




THE INSPECTORS OF ELECTION for the First Precinct of District Four will meet at the office of M.D. Monsarratt, Cartwright, Burburg, Merchant street, opposite Post-office, on SATURDAY. Jan. 20 th , from 4 to 9 P.M. Notice of any further meetings will be given at the above meetings.

All voters when registering are respectfully requested to bring their Tax receipts.

The First Precinct of the Fourth District comprises all that portion of said District lying west of Nuuanu street .

Chairman of Inspectors of Election,
1 st Precinct, 4 th District. 13-td


Olelo Hoolaha.


            E ike auanei na kanaka a pau owau o ka mea nona ka inoa malalo nei, ke hoihoi nei au i ka aina o D.W. Pua, Mele Pua, Emma Christian, C. Christian a me John Spencer, oia ka aina e waiho la ma Aiananu, Waikiki-waena, mokupuni Oahu, a’u i hoolimalima ana ka la 30 o Novemaba 1887, nolaila, ke haalele nei au a hoihoi i keia aina me ka pono a me ka poino ole i ka poe no lakou na inoa i hoike ia malama. No ka oiaio o keia ke kakau nei au i ko’u inoa i keia la 31 o Dekemaba 1889.

                                                            YOU MAU (Pake.)

            O makou o ka poe nona na inoa malalo nei he ae nei makou e lawe i ko makou aina, no ka mea, aole i hookaa ia mai ka uku hoolimalima, a ke hoopau nei makou i keia hoolimalima a You Mau a ke hoolimalima nei makou me ka poe makemake mai i keia aina i hoike ia maluna.

D.W. PUA,                              MELE PUA,
EMMA CHRISTIAN,                        C.CHRISTIAN,



Ke hoike ia aku nei ka lohe imua o na kanaka a pau, ma keia ua malama ia ma ka la 30 o Dekemaba 1889 he halawai a na poe mea kuleana o ka Hui Pakipika Hawaii Hoomoe Uwea Olelo, ma ke keena o E.O. Hall & Son, kaupalena ia, Honolulu, a ma ia halawai ana au ua koho ia e na poe mea kuleana la e apono e lawe mai i ka palapala hoohui i haawi ia mai ia lakou malalo o ka inoa hui, “Ka Hui Hawaii Pakipika, Hoomoe Uwea Olelo,” ma ka la 15 o Novemaba 1889, a malalo o na palapala hoohui la na hoohui ia ae la ka hui a koho ia hoi na luna nui:

J. Sherman Bartholomew o Honolulu, Peresidena.
Hon. Edgar Crow Baker, M.P. o Victoria, B.C., Hope Peresidena.
E.O. White o Honolulu, Kakauolelo.
Frank Dudley o Niagara Falls, N.Y., Puuku.
Wm. W. Hall o Honolulu, Luna Hooia.

Ke hoike hou ia aku nei ka lohe mamuli o na olelo a ua palapala hoohui la,
“Aole ke ili ponoi maluna o kekahi mea kuleana na aie o ka Hui, no ka huina i oi aku mamua o ka mea e kau ia ana maluna o ka mahele a mau mahele paha i kuleana ia e ia.

Jan4—1m                                             Kakauolelo.



Helu 15 Alanui Nuuanu, Honolulu.

            Ke waiho aku nei no ke kuai ma ke kumukuai haahaa loa he mau huina piha nuina ano maikai loa o na

---A ME NA---

            Oiai ua koho ia mai nei e Messrs. Lachman & Jacobi o Kapalakiko i mau Agena piha no laua no ka Paeaina Hawaii, ua hiki ia makou ke pahola aku i ko lakou Waina kaulana maikai loa imua o na makamaka a me ka lehulehu no ke kumukuai haahaa loa.


Public Notice!


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, according to the Constitution, By-Laws and a Resolution passed by the HUI LAND OF WAIMEA, (owners of the Ahupuaa of Waimea) Waialua, Island of Oahu, that its Constitution and By-laws should take effect on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY A.D. 1890.

All persons are hereby requested that have no interests in the HUI LANDS OF WAIMEA to take their animals now running on said land—from the said land within thirty days from the date hereof. And all animals that are trespassing on said Ahupuaa of Waimea after thirty days notice, it will be understood that they are stray animals, and each animal will be charged at the rate of $1 per head, or else be impounded. And, all animals running on said land, not branded are the Hui’s own property.

                                                P. MAHAULU.

President and Manager of the Hui Land of Waimea, Waialua, Dec. 20, 1889. Dec-1m*