Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 2, 10 January 1890 — READY FOR REFORM. [ARTICLE]
Xhc jw['v arc v!?l!ag mrd for tts>ru ']>w tr * uioe ni Wie ki»\£rtoin wIK» i* eol 111 faror of w>m« polit!c«! o? gov t -m - wuMii h*\* been tn eikls x«tb«: th*r. for tlw |»®%lk puWie li** to r fact„ sltho«gb a f®»nt ] «titt rai&e<l ia<^ividr l &! |»«#s of ttse parf\ Thf gpr«nia*&t **« Utd£ to ' fcv» e*C(oStk*t kt *iGi!o '«n partr &ii bs "bws * t*ns?e. Tts
|\tiuv 4Sv\vvl »i--rM i* h?iknih *r\" *41ht n» tu lv**» &\\s\ UihH» iMiv niiu uuoi iMnnUm |*4iuciiJ !U *ih. i« >»unu*lt u ha> oulv «mnl u» *ii-tnrb t' ■ >vHiuwnt jvirty au4 **Ti*uviv puhlie aU*'X.»um ujH«n tlw "lixHtKt*r a |K'hu>\-il *ptrtt. Vkh<v.h, liko ih* 11 p»trii>I*o Mi. F4t\nu!uth, h&s l»e*it for finte 4'£!v!a*»>iHng J»»s vi> j " _ I it ih uusvūU «.' "itAto, «ihibil<Hl by tlu* t *iut sj*»k» <wcm of tlu- govenutifn{ p .vt \, j whieh htvs tV>t«nuiu«*l *;onmliy favov f jiohtiCiil r»'f.»rui Th*> i**s»ph- hnro km»U. J m>m ! n ye*r pīist, that lūrjj*' of ō«r I »wx<i»xl« ww ,-«t .%-if of #***vTnjn»*ntM renr»>Nrntaliou. Thts «ieuiHiKl evuwM.pieiūjy »r itt poiincs for » reprei*eniātioti i« govevnr.>ciit thnt will inoluue ftll olrtsses of out « v itizt*ns, T]»is ve amsit hav<» lx fore we eau d«< ni oun*ehes repjvseut<Ml as a ufttion in onr natū>ual or king'y gwveruiu<uit. I>nt how shal! wt all classei» of our oiti/A«ss these eili/ouK tnke « part iu our poUtie«l i«ovt»tno{tts* Of conr*e all classos eanuoi l>e $pokett poHtte:»lly withont th(»r const>nt,--ntHk'- ottr priwnt }H»liiicMl inM - v.t tV.? is novgible. But lxfotf! —O, t*efcre stU classeß have Wh'U *poke« for by th«* fc\v pohtic »lh Thr> now i»Tsnw»«"> to ft<ft tho»e to 1m? jv»litic«lly s*>t («>rwunl Xuv <*re rcav»y fv i leu'nu bt3C4ir.se iofonr. ! lns faile liu the haiuls of the g »Tfcrament n irtv the people are mtdT for refonit there is I linanoiHl \ised thereof, the i*ople arc rea4y for [ reionu be<»nse the home repntatiou of thepresent goveruuu»ut i> brv>kcu; the j>eople »re rer.dy for reforut s thty want it—-aiiil wliat i> ntore iut«ud to lihtc it! Th# governmont pany has expres*?e l stirpnse as to the "make up" of the ualioniil reform ticket. The people express -nrprise th*t *neh a ticket was uot loug before put forwarvl as repreicntaīioii of all classes in the politic«ī tna<U ttp of tlu kingdoia. The £overnment party has pcr<Uteiitly been » party of eltss represwntalion ānd «ou.nl i6»ttes It ia qnito time thM thc of the kiugdont f who have toO long alr<r{\«ly hviu politnmily stiU, should to o* coutrollaig unvl directiug th«'polUieal ir;ie# of Hawaii! Our ticket in thte light is iiot to l»e eomlueuelo' by the government pr»rty, bui it ujust be i eommended \rhenever the people of līawaii kto | S deemed wortky of t»ing the a<lvocAtieß of politicI al reform. j